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Be - Behaviorial Expectations

"Oh, Behave!"

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Be is a versitle, light-weight and BRASS compliant assertions framework for Ruby. It utilizes an assertor design (known as matchers in RSpec terminology) which meshes well with BDD nomenclature.


First you need to load the Be library into your test scope. There are two ways to do this. The first is the simplest and just entails loading be.

require 'be'

This loads the enitre library and includes Be::World into all scopes. The second approach provides more control over where the Be methods are added. To do this either require be/should or be/expect or both, and then include the Be::World module into the scope where the methods are to be available.

require 'be/expect'

module Cucumber::World
  include Be::World

After that it is simply a matter is using using #should or #expect with a target object, and passing it the reuslt of calling #be or #have with testable critera.

object = "string"

object.should be.instance_of?(String)
object.should have(6).size

expect(object).to be.instance_of?(String)
expect(object).to have(6).size

The only difference between #be and #have is the default criteria method that is implied if none is given. In the base of #be it is #==, for #have it is #include?.

"abc".should be("abc")

[:a,:b,:c].should have(:b)

Be works on the principle of assertors, a type of functor, or higher-order message. In RSpec these are know as matchers. Be provides the methods #should and #expect that handle any object that converts to an assertor via a #to_assertor method. The #be and #have method returns just that, a Be::Delegator which orgnaizes all calls made against it to use as expectations in the Be::Assertor.


Be is copyrighted open source software.

Copyright (c) 2012 Rubyworks

Be is distributable in accordance with the BSD-2-Clause license.

See License.txt for details.