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debuginfo: Bring back some GDB pretty printing autotests that are not…
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michaelwoerister committed Aug 3, 2015
1 parent 76ba3f0 commit 354cf4b
Showing 1 changed file with 188 additions and 0 deletions.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions src/test/debuginfo/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

// ignore-windows failing on win32 bot
// ignore-freebsd: output doesn't match
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// ignore-lldb
// ignore-android: FIXME(#10381)
// compile-flags:-g

// This test uses some GDB Python API features (e.g. accessing anonymous fields)
// which are only available in newer GDB version. The following directive will
// case the test runner to ignore this test if an older GDB version is used:
// min-gdb-version 7.7

// gdb-command: run

// gdb-command: print regular_struct
// gdb-check:$1 = RegularStruct = {the_first_field = 101, the_second_field = 102.5, the_third_field = false, the_fourth_field = "I'm so pretty, oh so pretty..."}

// gdb-command: print tuple
// gdb-check:$2 = {true, 103, "blub"}

// gdb-command: print tuple_struct
// gdb-check:$3 = TupleStruct = {-104.5, 105}

// gdb-command: print empty_struct
// gdb-check:$4 = EmptyStruct

// gdb-command: print c_style_enum1
// gdb-check:$5 = CStyleEnumVar1

// gdb-command: print c_style_enum2
// gdb-check:$6 = CStyleEnumVar2

// gdb-command: print c_style_enum3
// gdb-check:$7 = CStyleEnumVar3

// gdb-command: print mixed_enum_c_style_var
// gdb-check:$8 = MixedEnumCStyleVar

// gdb-command: print mixed_enum_tuple_var
// gdb-check:$9 = MixedEnumTupleVar = {106, 107, false}

// gdb-command: print mixed_enum_struct_var
// gdb-check:$10 = MixedEnumStructVar = {field1 = 108.5, field2 = 109}

// gdb-command: print some
// gdb-check:$11 = Some = {110}

// gdb-command: print none
// gdb-check:$12 = None

// gdb-command: print some_fat
// gdb-check:$13 = Some = {"abc"}

// gdb-command: print none_fat
// gdb-check:$14 = None

// gdb-command: print nested_variant1
// gdb-check:$15 = NestedVariant1 = {NestedStruct = {regular_struct = RegularStruct = {the_first_field = 111, the_second_field = 112.5, the_third_field = true, the_fourth_field = "NestedStructString1"}, tuple_struct = TupleStruct = {113.5, 114}, empty_struct = EmptyStruct, c_style_enum = CStyleEnumVar2, mixed_enum = MixedEnumTupleVar = {115, 116, false}}}

// gdb-command: print nested_variant2
// gdb-check:$16 = NestedVariant2 = {abc = NestedStruct = {regular_struct = RegularStruct = {the_first_field = 117, the_second_field = 118.5, the_third_field = false, the_fourth_field = "NestedStructString10"}, tuple_struct = TupleStruct = {119.5, 120}, empty_struct = EmptyStruct, c_style_enum = CStyleEnumVar3, mixed_enum = MixedEnumStructVar = {field1 = 121.5, field2 = -122}}}

// gdb-command: print none_check1
// gdb-check:$17 = None

// gdb-command: print none_check2
// gdb-check:$18 = None

#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]

use self::CStyleEnum::{CStyleEnumVar1, CStyleEnumVar2, CStyleEnumVar3};
use self::MixedEnum::{MixedEnumCStyleVar, MixedEnumTupleVar, MixedEnumStructVar};
use self::NestedEnum::{NestedVariant1, NestedVariant2};

struct RegularStruct {
the_first_field: isize,
the_second_field: f64,
the_third_field: bool,
the_fourth_field: &'static str,

struct TupleStruct(f64, i16);

struct EmptyStruct;

enum CStyleEnum {

enum MixedEnum {
MixedEnumTupleVar(u32, u16, bool),
MixedEnumStructVar { field1: f64, field2: i32 }

struct NestedStruct {
regular_struct: RegularStruct,
tuple_struct: TupleStruct,
empty_struct: EmptyStruct,
c_style_enum: CStyleEnum,
mixed_enum: MixedEnum,

enum NestedEnum {
NestedVariant2 { abc: NestedStruct }

fn main() {

let regular_struct = RegularStruct {
the_first_field: 101,
the_second_field: 102.5,
the_third_field: false,
the_fourth_field: "I'm so pretty, oh so pretty..."

let tuple = ( true, 103u32, "blub" );

let tuple_struct = TupleStruct(-104.5, 105);

let empty_struct = EmptyStruct;

let c_style_enum1 = CStyleEnumVar1;
let c_style_enum2 = CStyleEnumVar2;
let c_style_enum3 = CStyleEnumVar3;

let mixed_enum_c_style_var = MixedEnumCStyleVar;
let mixed_enum_tuple_var = MixedEnumTupleVar(106, 107, false);
let mixed_enum_struct_var = MixedEnumStructVar { field1: 108.5, field2: 109 };

let some = Some(110_usize);
let none: Option<isize> = None;
let some_fat = Some("abc");
let none_fat: Option<&'static str> = None;

let nested_variant1 = NestedVariant1(
NestedStruct {
regular_struct: RegularStruct {
the_first_field: 111,
the_second_field: 112.5,
the_third_field: true,
the_fourth_field: "NestedStructString1",
tuple_struct: TupleStruct(113.5, 114),
empty_struct: EmptyStruct,
c_style_enum: CStyleEnumVar2,
mixed_enum: MixedEnumTupleVar(115, 116, false)

let nested_variant2 = NestedVariant2 {
abc: NestedStruct {
regular_struct: RegularStruct {
the_first_field: 117,
the_second_field: 118.5,
the_third_field: false,
the_fourth_field: "NestedStructString10",
tuple_struct: TupleStruct(119.5, 120),
empty_struct: EmptyStruct,
c_style_enum: CStyleEnumVar3,
mixed_enum: MixedEnumStructVar {
field1: 121.5,
field2: -122

let none_check1: Option<(usize, Vec<usize>)> = None;
let none_check2: Option<String> = None;

zzz(); // #break

fn zzz() { () }

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