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nikomatsakis committed May 12, 2015
1 parent f2e1a1b commit 393a37e
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 52 deletions.
203 changes: 151 additions & 52 deletions src/doc/
Expand Up @@ -426,12 +426,12 @@ x;

Path components are usually [identifiers](#identifiers), but the trailing
component of a path may be an angle-bracket-enclosed list of type arguments. In
[expression](#expressions) context, the type argument list is given after a
final (`::`) namespace qualifier in order to disambiguate it from a relational
expression involving the less-than symbol (`<`). In type expression context,
the final namespace qualifier is omitted.
Path components are usually [identifiers](#identifiers), but they may
also include angle-bracket-enclosed lists of type arguments. In
[expression](#expressions) context, the type argument list is given
after a `::` namespace qualifier in order to disambiguate it from a
relational expression involving the less-than symbol (`<`). In type
expression context, the final namespace qualifier is omitted.

Two examples of paths with type arguments:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,8 +497,9 @@ names, and invoked through a consistent syntax: `some_extension!(...)`.

Users of `rustc` can define new syntax extensions in two ways:

* [Compiler plugins][plugin] can include arbitrary
Rust code that manipulates syntax trees at compile time.
* [Compiler plugins][plugin] can include arbitrary Rust code that
manipulates syntax trees at compile time. Note that the interface
for compiler plugins is considered highly unstable.

* [Macros](book/macros.html) define new syntax in a higher-level,
declarative way.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,14 +561,18 @@ Nested repetitions are allowed.
The parser used by the macro system is reasonably powerful, but the parsing of
Rust syntax is restricted in two ways:

1. The parser will always parse as much as possible. If it attempts to match
`$i:expr [ , ]` against `8 [ , ]`, it will attempt to parse `i` as an array
index operation and fail. Adding a separator can solve this problem.
1. Macro definitions are required to include suitable separators after parsing
expressions and other bits of the Rust grammar. This implies that
a macro definition like `$i:expr [ , ]` is not legal, because `[` could be part
of an expression. A macro definition like `$i:expr,` or `$i:expr;` would be legal,
however, because `,` and `;` are legal separators. See [RFC 550] for more information.
2. The parser must have eliminated all ambiguity by the time it reaches a `$`
_name_ `:` _designator_. This requirement most often affects name-designator
pairs when they occur at the beginning of, or immediately after, a `$(...)*`;
requiring a distinctive token in front can solve the problem.

[RFC 550]:

# Crates and source files

Although Rust, like any other language, can be implemented by an interpreter as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -686,7 +691,8 @@ type arguments as a list of comma-separated types enclosed within angle
brackets, in order to refer to the type-parameterized item. In practice, the
type-inference system can usually infer such argument types from context. There
are no general type-parametric types, only type-parametric items. That is, Rust
has no notion of type abstraction: there are no first-class "forall" types.
has no notion of type abstraction: there are no higher-ranked (or "forall") types
abstracted over other types, though higher-ranked types do exist for lifetimes.

### Modules

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,6 +738,7 @@ mod vec;
mod thread {
// Load the `local_data` module from `thread/`
// or `thread/local_data/`.
mod local_data;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1004,7 +1011,8 @@ the guarantee that these issues are never caused by safe code.
* `&mut` and `&` follow LLVM’s scoped [noalias] model, except if the `&T`
contains an `UnsafeCell<U>`. Unsafe code must not violate these aliasing
* Mutating an immutable value/reference without `UnsafeCell<U>`
* Mutating non-mutable data (that is, data reached through a shared reference or
data owned by a `let` binding), unless that data is contained within an `UnsafeCell<U>`.
* Invoking undefined behavior via compiler intrinsics:
* Indexing outside of the bounds of an object with `std::ptr::offset`
(`offset` intrinsic), with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1034,9 +1042,13 @@ be undesired.
* Exiting without calling destructors
* Sending signals
* Accessing/modifying the file system
* Unsigned integer overflow (well-defined as wrapping)
* Signed integer overflow (well-defined as two’s complement representation
* Integer overflow
- Overflow is considered "unexpected" behavior and is always user-error,
unless the `wrapping` primitives are used. In non-optimized builds, the compiler
will insert debug checks that panic on overflow, but in optimized builds overflow
instead results in wrapped values. See [RFC 560] for the rationale and more details.

[RFC 560]:

#### Diverging functions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1310,11 +1322,26 @@ type of the value is not required to ascribe to `Sync`.

### Traits

A _trait_ describes a set of method types.
A _trait_ describes an abstract interface that types can
implement. This interface consists of associated items, which come in
three varieties:

- functions
- constants
- types

Associated functions whose first parameter is named `self` are called
methods and may be invoked using `.` notation (e.g., ``).

All traits define an implicit type parameter `Self` that refers to
"the type that is implementing this interface". Traits may also
contain additional type parameters. These type parameters (including
`Self`) may be constrained by other traits and so forth as usual.

Traits can include default implementations of methods, written in terms of some
unknown [`self` type](#self-types); the `self` type may either be completely
unspecified, or constrained by some other trait.
Trait bounds on `Self` are considered "supertraits". These are
required to be acyclic. Supertraits are somewhat different from other
constraints in that they affect what methods are available in the
vtable when the trait is used as a [trait object](#trait-objects).

Traits are implemented for specific types through separate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1359,15 +1386,18 @@ fn draw_twice<T: Shape>(surface: Surface, sh: T) {

Traits also define an [trait object](#trait-objects) with the same name as the
trait. Values of this type are created by [casting](#type-cast-expressions)
pointer values (pointing to a type for which an implementation of the given
trait is in scope) to pointers to the trait name, used as a type.
Traits also define an [trait object](#trait-objects) with the same
name as the trait. Values of this type are created by coercing from a
pointer of some specific type to a pointer of trait type. For example,
`&T` could be coerced to `&Shape` if `T: Shape` holds (and similarly
for `Box<T>`). This coercion can either be implicit or
[explicit](#type-cast-expressions). Here is an example of an explicit

# trait Shape { fn dummy(&self) { } }
# impl Shape for i32 { }
# let mycircle = 0i32;
trait Shape { }
impl Shape for i32 { }
let mycircle = 0i32;
let myshape: Box<Shape> = Box::new(mycircle) as Box<Shape>;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2041,7 +2071,8 @@ The name `str_eq` has a special meaning to the Rust compiler, and the presence
of this definition means that it will use this definition when generating calls
to the string equality function.

A complete list of the built-in language items will be added in the future.
The set of language items is currently considered unstable. A complete
list of the built-in language items will be added in the future.

### Inline attributes

Expand All @@ -2053,11 +2084,6 @@ The compiler automatically inlines functions based on internal heuristics.
Incorrectly inlining functions can actually make the program slower, so it
should be used with care.

Immutable statics are always considered inlineable unless marked with
`#[inline(never)]`. It is undefined whether two different inlineable statics
have the same memory address. In other words, the compiler is free to collapse
duplicate inlineable statics together.

`#[inline]` and `#[inline(always)]` always cause the function to be serialized
into the crate metadata to allow cross-crate inlining.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2259,10 +2285,6 @@ The currently implemented features of the reference compiler are:
* `unboxed_closures` - Rust's new closure design, which is currently a work in
progress feature with many known bugs.

* `unsafe_destructor` - Allows use of the `#[unsafe_destructor]` attribute,
which is considered wildly unsafe and will be
obsoleted by language improvements.

* `unsafe_no_drop_flag` - Allows use of the `#[unsafe_no_drop_flag]` attribute,
which removes hidden flag added to a type that
implements the `Drop` trait. The design for the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2382,18 +2404,54 @@ expressions](#index-expressions) (`expr[expr]`), and [field
references](#field-expressions) (`expr.f`). All other expressions are rvalues.

The left operand of an [assignment](#assignment-expressions) or
[compound-assignment](#compound-assignment-expressions) expression is an lvalue
context, as is the single operand of a unary
[borrow](#unary-operator-expressions). All other expression contexts are
rvalue contexts.
[compound-assignment](#compound-assignment-expressions) expression is
an lvalue context, as is the single operand of a unary
[borrow](#unary-operator-expressions). The discriminant or subject of
a [match expression](#match-expressions) may be an lvalue context, if
ref bindings are made, but is otherwise an rvalue context. All other
expression contexts are rvalue contexts.

When an lvalue is evaluated in an _lvalue context_, it denotes a memory
location; when evaluated in an _rvalue context_, it denotes the value held _in_
that memory location.

When an rvalue is used in an lvalue context, a temporary un-named lvalue is
created and used instead. A temporary's lifetime equals the largest lifetime
of any reference that points to it.
##### Temporary lifetimes

When an rvalue is used in an lvalue context, a temporary un-named
lvalue is created and used instead. The lifetime of temporary values
is typically the innermost enclosing statement; the tail expression of
a block is considered part of the statement that encloses the block.

When a temporary rvalue is being created that is assigned into a `let`
declaration, however, the temporary is created with the lifetime of
the enclosing block instead, as using the enclosing statement (the
`let` declaration) would be a guaranteed error (since a pointer to the
temporary would be stored into a variable, but the temporary would be
freed before the variable could be used). The compiler uses simple
syntactic rules to decide which values are being assigned into a `let`
binding, and therefore deserve a longer temporary lifetime.

Here are some examples:

- `let x = foo(&temp())`. The expression `temp()` is an rvalue. As it
is being borrowed, a temporary is created which will be freed after
the innermost enclosing statement (the `let` declaration, in this case).
- `let x = temp().foo()`. This is the same as the previous example,
except that the value of `temp()` is being borrowed via autoref on a
method-call. Here we are assuming that `foo()` is an `&self` method
defined in some trait, say `Foo`. In other words, the expression
`temp().foo()` is equivalent to `Foo::foo(&temp())`.
- `let x = &temp()`. Here, the same temporary is being assigned into
`x`, rather than being passed as a parameter, and hence the
temporary's lifetime is considered to be the enclosing block.
- `let x = SomeStruct { foo: &temp() }`. As in the previous case, the
temporary is assigned into a struct which is then assigned into a
binding, and hence it is given the lifetime of the enclosing block.
- `let x = [ &temp() ]`. As in the previous case, the
temporary is assigned into an array which is then assigned into a
binding, and hence it is given the lifetime of the enclosing block.
- `let ref x = temp()`. In this case, the temporary is created using a ref binding,
but the result is the same: the lifetime is extended to the enclosing block.

#### Moved and copied types

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2535,8 +2593,10 @@ A field access is an [lvalue](#lvalues,-rvalues-and-temporaries) referring to
the value of that field. When the type providing the field inherits mutability,
it can be [assigned](#assignment-expressions) to.

Also, if the type of the expression to the left of the dot is a pointer, it is
automatically dereferenced to make the field access possible.
Also, if the type of the expression to the left of the dot is a
pointer, it is automatically dereferenced as many times as necessary
to make the field access possible. In cases of ambiguity, we prefer
fewer autoderefs to more.

### Array expressions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2577,6 +2637,11 @@ let arr = ["a", "b"];
arr[10]; // panics

Also, if the type of the expression to the left of the brackets is a
pointer, it is automatically dereferenced as many times as necessary
to make the indexing possible. In cases of ambiguity, we prefer fewer
autoderefs to more.

### Range expressions

The `..` operator will construct an object of one of the `std::ops::Range` variants.
Expand All @@ -2599,7 +2664,7 @@ assert_eq!(x,y);

### Unary operator expressions

Rust defines three unary operators. They are all written as prefix operators,
Rust defines the following unary operators. They are all written as prefix operators,
before the expression they apply to.

* `-`
Expand All @@ -2613,11 +2678,20 @@ before the expression they apply to.
implemented by the type and required for an outer expression that will or
could mutate the dereference), and produces the result of dereferencing the
`&` or `&mut` borrowed pointer returned from the overload method.

* `!`
: Logical negation. On the boolean type, this flips between `true` and
`false`. On integer types, this inverts the individual bits in the
two's complement representation of the value.
* `&` and `&mut`
: Borrowing. When applied to an lvalue, these operators produce a
reference (pointer) to the lvalue. The lvalue is also placed into
a borrowed state for the duration of the reference. For a shared
borrow (`&`), this implies that the lvalue may not be mutated, but
it may be read or shared again. For a mutable borrow (`&mut`), the
lvalue may not be accessed in any way until the borrow expires.
If the `&` or `&mut` operators are applied to an rvalue, a
temporary value is created; the lifetime of this temporary value
is defined by [syntactic rules](#temporary-lifetimes).

### Binary operator expressions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2727,6 +2801,13 @@ fn avg(v: &[f64]) -> f64 {

Some of the conversions which can be done through the `as` operator
can also be done implicitly at various points in the program, such as
argument passing and assignment to a `let` binding with an explicit
type. Implicit conversions are limited to "harmless" conversions that
do not lose information and which have minimal or no risk of
surprising side-effects on the dynamic execution semantics.

#### Assignment expressions

An _assignment expression_ consists of an
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3348,6 +3429,22 @@ let bo: Binop = add;
x = bo(5,7);

#### Function types for specific items

Internally to the compiler, there are also function types that are specific to a particular
function item. In the following snippet, for example, the internal types of the functions
`foo` and `bar` are different, despite the fact that they have the same signature:

fn foo() { }
fn bar() { }

The types of `foo` and `bar` can both be implicitly coerced to the fn
pointer type `fn()`. There is currently no syntax for unique fn types,
though the compiler will emit a type like `fn() {foo}` in error
messages to indicate "the unique fn type for the function `foo`".

### Closure types

A [lambda expression](#lambda-expressions) produces a closure value with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3432,8 +3529,9 @@ has type `Vec<A>`, a vector with element type `A`.

### Self types

The special type `self` has a meaning within methods inside an impl item. It
refers to the type of the implicit `self` argument. For example, in:
The special type `Self` has a meaning within traits and impls. In a trait definition, it refers
to an implicit type parameter representing the "implementing" type. In an impl,
it is an alias for the implementing type. For example, in:

trait Printable {
Expand All @@ -3447,8 +3545,9 @@ impl Printable for String {

`self` refers to the value of type `String` that is the receiver for a call to
the method `make_string`.
The notation `&self` is a shorthand for `self: &Self`. In this case,
in the impl, `Self` refers to the value of type `String` that is the
receiver for a call to the method `make_string`.

# Special traits

Expand Down

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