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Make the special "missing patterns" constructor real
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Nadrieril committed Dec 22, 2020
1 parent 2a541ce commit 53e03fb
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Showing 2 changed files with 57 additions and 64 deletions.
108 changes: 46 additions & 62 deletions compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/thir/pattern/
Expand Up @@ -607,6 +607,9 @@ pub(super) enum Constructor<'tcx> {
/// Fake extra constructor for enums that aren't allowed to be matched exhaustively. Also used
/// for those types for which we cannot list constructors explicitly, like `f64` and `str`.
/// Stands for constructors that are not seen in the matrix, as explained in the documentation
/// for [`SplitWildcard`].
/// Wildcard pattern.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -758,8 +761,8 @@ impl<'tcx> Constructor<'tcx> {
match (self, other) {
// Wildcards cover anything
(_, Wildcard) => true,
// Wildcards are only covered by wildcards
(Wildcard, _) => false,
// The missing ctors are not covered by anything in the matrix except wildcards.
(Missing | Wildcard, _) => false,

(Single, Single) => true,
(Variant(self_id), Variant(other_id)) => self_id == other_id,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -832,7 +835,7 @@ impl<'tcx> Constructor<'tcx> {
.any(|other| slice.is_covered_by(other)),
// This constructor is never covered by anything else
NonExhaustive => false,
Str(..) | FloatRange(..) | Opaque | Wildcard => {
Str(..) | FloatRange(..) | Opaque | Missing | Wildcard => {
span_bug!(pcx.span, "found unexpected ctor in all_ctors: {:?}", self)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1002,7 +1005,7 @@ impl<'tcx> SplitWildcard<'tcx> {

/// Iterate over the constructors for this type that are not present in the matrix.
fn iter_missing<'a, 'p>(
pub(super) fn iter_missing<'a, 'p>(
&'a self,
pcx: PatCtxt<'a, 'p, 'tcx>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Constructor<'tcx>> + Captures<'p> {
Expand All @@ -1013,64 +1016,45 @@ impl<'tcx> SplitWildcard<'tcx> {
/// top of the file, if any constructors are missing we can ignore the present ones.
fn into_ctors(self, pcx: PatCtxt<'_, '_, 'tcx>) -> SmallVec<[Constructor<'tcx>; 1]> {
if self.any_missing(pcx) {
// Some constructors are missing, thus we can specialize with the wildcard constructor,
// which will stand for those constructors that are missing, and matches the same rows
// as any of them (namely the wildcard rows).
return smallvec![Wildcard];
// Some constructors are missing, thus we can specialize with the special `Missing`
// constructor, which stands for those constructors that are not seen in the matrix,
// and matches the same rows as any of them (namely the wildcard rows). See the top of
// the file for details.
// However, when all constructors are missing we can also specialize with the full
// `Wildcard` constructor. The difference will depend on what we want in diagnostics.

// If some constructors are missing, we typically want to report those constructors,
// e.g.:
// ```
// enum Direction { N, S, E, W }
// let Direction::N = ...;
// ```
// we can report 3 witnesses: `S`, `E`, and `W`.
// However, if the user didn't actually specify a constructor
// in this arm, e.g., in
// ```
// let x: (Direction, Direction, bool) = ...;
// let (_, _, false) = x;
// ```
// we don't want to show all 16 possible witnesses `(<direction-1>, <direction-2>,
// true)` - we are satisfied with `(_, _, true)`. So if all constructors are missing we
// prefer to report just a wildcard `_`.
// The exception is: if we are at the top-level, for example in an empty match, we
// sometimes prefer reporting the list of constructors instead of just `_`.
let report_when_all_missing = pcx.is_top_level && !IntRange::is_integral(pcx.ty);
let ctor = if !self.matrix_ctors.is_empty() || report_when_all_missing {
} else {
return smallvec![ctor];

// All the constructors are present in the matrix, so we just go through them all.

/// List the patterns corresponding to the missing constructors. In some cases, instead of
/// listing all constructors of a given type, we prefer to simply report a wildcard.
pub(super) fn report_missing_patterns<'p>(
pcx: PatCtxt<'_, 'p, 'tcx>,
) -> SmallVec<[Pat<'tcx>; 1]> {
// There are 2 ways we can report a witness here.
// Commonly, we can report all the "free"
// constructors as witnesses, e.g., if we have:
// ```
// enum Direction { N, S, E, W }
// let Direction::N = ...;
// ```
// we can report 3 witnesses: `S`, `E`, and `W`.
// However, there is a case where we don't want
// to do this and instead report a single `_` witness:
// if the user didn't actually specify a constructor
// in this arm, e.g., in
// ```
// let x: (Direction, Direction, bool) = ...;
// let (_, _, false) = x;
// ```
// we don't want to show all 16 possible witnesses
// `(<direction-1>, <direction-2>, true)` - we are
// satisfied with `(_, _, true)`. In this case,
// `used_ctors` is empty.
// The exception is: if we are at the top-level, for example in an empty match, we
// sometimes prefer reporting the list of constructors instead of just `_`.
let report_when_all_missing = pcx.is_top_level && !IntRange::is_integral(pcx.ty);
if self.matrix_ctors.is_empty() && !report_when_all_missing {
// All constructors are unused. Report only a wildcard
// rather than each individual constructor.
} else {
// Construct for each missing constructor a "wild" version of this
// constructor, that matches everything that can be built with
// it. For example, if `ctor` is a `Constructor::Variant` for
// `Option::Some`, we get the pattern `Some(_)`.
.map(|missing_ctor| Fields::wildcards(pcx, &missing_ctor).apply(pcx, missing_ctor))

/// Some fields need to be explicitly hidden away in certain cases; see the comment above the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1211,9 +1195,8 @@ impl<'p, 'tcx> Fields<'p, 'tcx> {
_ => bug!("bad slice pattern {:?} {:?}", constructor, ty),
Str(..) | FloatRange(..) | IntRange(..) | NonExhaustive | Opaque | Wildcard => {
Str(..) | FloatRange(..) | IntRange(..) | NonExhaustive | Opaque | Missing
| Wildcard => Fields::empty(),
debug!("Fields::wildcards({:?}, {:?}) = {:#?}", constructor, ty, ret);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1297,9 +1280,10 @@ impl<'p, 'tcx> Fields<'p, 'tcx> {
&FloatRange(lo, hi, end) => PatKind::Range(PatRange { lo, hi, end }),
IntRange(range) => return range.to_pat(, pcx.ty),
NonExhaustive => PatKind::Wild,
Wildcard => return Pat::wildcard_from_ty(pcx.ty),
Opaque => bug!("we should not try to apply an opaque constructor"),
Wildcard => bug!(
"trying to apply a wildcard constructor; this should have been done in `apply_constructors`"
Missing => bug!(
"trying to apply the `Missing` constructor; this should have been done in `apply_constructors`"

Expand Down
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/thir/pattern/
Expand Up @@ -784,10 +784,19 @@ impl<'tcx> Usefulness<'tcx> {
) -> Self {
match self {
UsefulWithWitness(witnesses) => {
let new_witnesses = if ctor.is_wildcard() {
let new_witnesses = if matches!(ctor, Constructor::Missing) {
let mut split_wildcard = SplitWildcard::new(pcx);
split_wildcard.split(pcx, matrix.head_ctors(;
let new_patterns = split_wildcard.report_missing_patterns(pcx);
// Construct for each missing constructor a "wild" version of this
// constructor, that matches everything that can be built with
// it. For example, if `ctor` is a `Constructor::Variant` for
// `Option::Some`, we get the pattern `Some(_)`.
let new_patterns: Vec<_> = split_wildcard
.map(|missing_ctor| {
Fields::wildcards(pcx, missing_ctor).apply(pcx, missing_ctor)
.flat_map(|witness| {
Expand Down

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