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Remove the Option in TokenStream.
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It means an allocation is required to create an empty `TokenStream`, but
all other operations are simpler and marginally faster due to not having
to check for `None`. Overall it simplifies the code for a negligible
performance effect.

The commit also removes `TokenStream::empty` by implementing `Default`,
which is now possible.
  • Loading branch information
nnethercote committed Oct 13, 2019
1 parent 20cc752 commit 5c93492
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Showing 9 changed files with 101 additions and 145 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/libsyntax/attr/
Expand Up @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ impl MetaItem {
impl MetaItemKind {
pub fn tokens(&self, span: Span) -> TokenStream {
match *self {
MetaItemKind::Word => TokenStream::empty(),
MetaItemKind::Word => TokenStream::default(),
MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref lit) => {
let mut vec = vec![TokenTree::token(token::Eq, span).into()];
lit.tokens().append_to_tree_and_joint_vec(&mut vec);
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/libsyntax/ext/
Expand Up @@ -671,12 +671,12 @@ impl<'a, 'b> MacroExpander<'a, 'b> {
Some(TokenTree::Token(..)) => {}
None => return TokenStream::empty(),
None => return TokenStream::default(),
}, "custom attribute invocations must be \
of the form `#[foo]` or `#[foo(..)]`, the macro name must only be \
followed by a delimiter token");

fn gate_proc_macro_attr_item(&self, span: Span, item: &Annotatable) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/libsyntax/ext/mbe/
Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ pub(super) fn transcribe(
) -> TokenStream {
// Nothing for us to transcribe...
if src.is_empty() {
return TokenStream::empty();
return TokenStream::default();

// We descend into the RHS (`src`), expanding things as we go. This stack contains the things
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/libsyntax/ext/
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ pub fn placeholder(kind: AstFragmentKind, id: ast::NodeId) -> AstFragment {
fn mac_placeholder() -> ast::Mac {
ast::Mac {
path: ast::Path { span: DUMMY_SP, segments: Vec::new() },
tts: TokenStream::empty().into(),
tts: TokenStream::default().into(),
delim: ast::MacDelimiter::Brace,
span: DUMMY_SP,
prior_type_ascription: None,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/libsyntax/ext/
Expand Up @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ impl server::Types for Rustc<'_> {

impl server::TokenStream for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self) -> Self::TokenStream {
fn is_empty(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> bool {
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/libsyntax/
Expand Up @@ -610,10 +610,8 @@ pub fn noop_visit_tt<T: MutVisitor>(tt: &mut TokenTree, vis: &mut T) {

pub fn noop_visit_tts<T: MutVisitor>(TokenStream(tts): &mut TokenStream, vis: &mut T) {
visit_opt(tts, |tts| {
let tts = Lrc::make_mut(tts);
visit_vec(tts, |(tree, _is_joint)| vis.visit_tt(tree));
let tts = Lrc::make_mut(tts);
visit_vec(tts, |(tree, _is_joint)| vis.visit_tt(tree));

// Applies ident visitor if it's an ident; applies other visits to interpolated nodes.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/libsyntax/parse/
Expand Up @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
TokenStream::from_streams(smallvec![eq.into(), tokens])
} else {
ast::AttrItem { path, tokens }
Expand Down
224 changes: 91 additions & 133 deletions src/libsyntax/
Expand Up @@ -137,13 +137,8 @@ impl TokenTree {
/// The goal is for procedural macros to work with `TokenStream`s and `TokenTree`s
/// instead of a representation of the abstract syntax tree.
/// Today's `TokenTree`s can still contain AST via `token::Interpolated` for back-compat.
/// The use of `Option` is an optimization that avoids the need for an
/// allocation when the stream is empty. However, it is not guaranteed that an
/// empty stream is represented with `None`; it may be represented as a `Some`
/// around an empty `Vec`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TokenStream(pub Option<Lrc<Vec<TreeAndJoint>>>);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct TokenStream(pub Lrc<Vec<TreeAndJoint>>);

pub type TreeAndJoint = (TokenTree, IsJoint);

Expand All @@ -164,36 +159,34 @@ impl TokenStream {
/// separating the two arguments with a comma for diagnostic suggestions.
pub(crate) fn add_comma(&self) -> Option<(TokenStream, Span)> {
// Used to suggest if a user writes `foo!(a b);`
if let Some(ref stream) = self.0 {
let mut suggestion = None;
let mut iter = stream.iter().enumerate().peekable();
while let Some((pos, ts)) = {
if let Some((_, next)) = iter.peek() {
let sp = match (&ts, &next) {
(_, (TokenTree::Token(Token { kind: token::Comma, .. }), _)) => continue,
((TokenTree::Token(token_left), NonJoint),
(TokenTree::Token(token_right), _))
if ((token_left.is_ident() && !token_left.is_reserved_ident())
|| token_left.is_lit()) &&
((token_right.is_ident() && !token_right.is_reserved_ident())
|| token_right.is_lit()) => token_left.span,
((TokenTree::Delimited(sp, ..), NonJoint), _) => sp.entire(),
_ => continue,
let sp = sp.shrink_to_hi();
let comma = (TokenTree::token(token::Comma, sp), NonJoint);
suggestion = Some((pos, comma, sp));
if let Some((pos, comma, sp)) = suggestion {
let mut new_stream = vec![];
let parts = stream.split_at(pos + 1);
return Some((TokenStream::new(new_stream), sp));
let mut suggestion = None;
let mut iter = self.0.iter().enumerate().peekable();
while let Some((pos, ts)) = {
if let Some((_, next)) = iter.peek() {
let sp = match (&ts, &next) {
(_, (TokenTree::Token(Token { kind: token::Comma, .. }), _)) => continue,
((TokenTree::Token(token_left), NonJoint),
(TokenTree::Token(token_right), _))
if ((token_left.is_ident() && !token_left.is_reserved_ident())
|| token_left.is_lit()) &&
((token_right.is_ident() && !token_right.is_reserved_ident())
|| token_right.is_lit()) => token_left.span,
((TokenTree::Delimited(sp, ..), NonJoint), _) => sp.entire(),
_ => continue,
let sp = sp.shrink_to_hi();
let comma = (TokenTree::token(token::Comma, sp), NonJoint);
suggestion = Some((pos, comma, sp));
if let Some((pos, comma, sp)) = suggestion {
let mut new_stream = vec![];
let parts = self.0.split_at(pos + 1);
return Some((TokenStream::new(new_stream), sp));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,28 +218,21 @@ impl PartialEq<TokenStream> for TokenStream {

impl TokenStream {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(ref slice) = self.0 {
} else {
pub fn new(streams: Vec<TreeAndJoint>) -> TokenStream {

pub fn empty() -> TokenStream {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match self.0 {
None => true,
Some(ref stream) => stream.is_empty(),
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

pub(crate) fn from_streams(mut streams: SmallVec<[TokenStream; 2]>) -> TokenStream {
match streams.len() {
0 => TokenStream::empty(),
0 => TokenStream::default(),
1 => streams.pop().unwrap(),
_ => {
// We are going to extend the first stream in `streams` with
Expand All @@ -270,41 +256,24 @@ impl TokenStream {
// Get the first stream. If it's `None`, create an empty
// stream.
let mut iter = streams.drain();
let mut first_stream_lrc = match {
Some(first_stream_lrc) => first_stream_lrc,
None => Lrc::new(vec![]),
let mut first_stream_lrc =;

// Append the elements to the first stream, after reserving
// space for them.
let first_vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(&mut first_stream_lrc);
for stream in iter {
if let Some(stream) = stream.0 {

// Create the final `TokenStream`.
match first_vec_mut.len() {
0 => TokenStream(None),
_ => TokenStream(Some(first_stream_lrc)),

pub fn new(streams: Vec<TreeAndJoint>) -> TokenStream {
match streams.len() {
0 => TokenStream(None),
_ => TokenStream(Some(Lrc::new(streams))),

pub fn append_to_tree_and_joint_vec(self, vec: &mut Vec<TreeAndJoint>) {
if let Some(stream) = self.0 {

pub fn trees(&self) -> Cursor {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,24 +340,22 @@ impl TokenStream {

pub fn map_enumerated<F: FnMut(usize, TokenTree) -> TokenTree>(self, mut f: F) -> TokenStream {
TokenStream(|stream| {
.map(|(i, (tree, is_joint))| (f(i, tree.clone()), *is_joint))
.map(|(i, (tree, is_joint))| (f(i, tree.clone()), *is_joint))

pub fn map<F: FnMut(TokenTree) -> TokenTree>(self, mut f: F) -> TokenStream {
TokenStream(|stream| {
.map(|(tree, is_joint)| (f(tree.clone()), *is_joint))
.map(|(tree, is_joint)| (f(tree.clone()), *is_joint))

Expand All @@ -406,44 +373,43 @@ impl TokenStreamBuilder {

// If `self` is not empty and the last tree within the last stream is a
// token tree marked with `Joint`...
if let Some(TokenStream(Some(ref mut last_stream_lrc))) = self.0.last_mut() {
if let Some(TokenStream(ref mut last_stream_lrc)) = self.0.last_mut() {
if let Some((TokenTree::Token(last_token), Joint)) = last_stream_lrc.last() {

// ...and `stream` is not empty and the first tree within it is
// a token tree...
if let TokenStream(Some(ref mut stream_lrc)) = stream {
if let Some((TokenTree::Token(token), is_joint)) = stream_lrc.first() {

// ...and the two tokens can be glued together...
if let Some(glued_tok) = last_token.glue(&token) {

// ...then do so, by overwriting the last token
// tree in `self` and removing the first token tree
// from `stream`. This requires using `make_mut()`
// on the last stream in `self` and on `stream`,
// and in practice this doesn't cause cloning 99.9%
// of the time.

// Overwrite the last token tree with the merged
// token.
let last_vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(last_stream_lrc);
*last_vec_mut.last_mut().unwrap() =
(TokenTree::Token(glued_tok), *is_joint);

// Remove the first token tree from `stream`. (This
// is almost always the only tree in `stream`.)
let stream_vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(stream_lrc);

// Don't push `stream` if it's empty -- that could
// block subsequent token gluing, by getting
// between two token trees that should be glued
// together.
if !stream.is_empty() {
let TokenStream(ref mut stream_lrc) = stream;
if let Some((TokenTree::Token(token), is_joint)) = stream_lrc.first() {

// ...and the two tokens can be glued together...
if let Some(glued_tok) = last_token.glue(&token) {

// ...then do so, by overwriting the last token
// tree in `self` and removing the first token tree
// from `stream`. This requires using `make_mut()`
// on the last stream in `self` and on `stream`,
// and in practice this doesn't cause cloning 99.9%
// of the time.

// Overwrite the last token tree with the merged
// token.
let last_vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(last_stream_lrc);
*last_vec_mut.last_mut().unwrap() =
(TokenTree::Token(glued_tok), *is_joint);

// Remove the first token tree from `stream`. (This
// is almost always the only tree in `stream`.)
let stream_vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(stream_lrc);

// Don't push `stream` if it's empty -- that could
// block subsequent token gluing, by getting
// between two token trees that should be glued
// together.
if !stream.is_empty() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,16 +442,11 @@ impl Cursor {

pub fn next_with_joint(&mut self) -> Option<TreeAndJoint> {
match {
None => None,
Some(ref stream) => {
if self.index < stream.len() {
self.index += 1;
Some(stream[self.index - 1].clone())
} else {
if self.index < {
self.index += 1;
Some([self.index - 1].clone())
} else {

Expand All @@ -494,16 +455,13 @@ impl Cursor {
let index = self.index;
let stream = mem::replace(&mut, TokenStream(None));
let stream = mem::take(&mut;
*self = TokenStream::from_streams(smallvec![stream, new_stream]).into_trees();
self.index = index;

pub fn look_ahead(&self, n: usize) -> Option<TokenTree> {
match {
None => None,
Some(ref stream) => stream[self.index ..].get(n).map(|(tree, _)| tree.clone()),
}[self.index ..].get(n).map(|(tree, _)| tree.clone())

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/libsyntax_ext/
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ fn plugin_macro_def(name: Name, span: Span) -> P<Item> {
attr::mk_word_item(Ident::new(sym::rustc_builtin_macro, span)));

let parens: TreeAndJoint = TokenTree::Delimited(
DelimSpan::from_single(span), token::Paren, TokenStream::empty()
DelimSpan::from_single(span), token::Paren, TokenStream::default()
let trees = vec![parens.clone(), TokenTree::token(token::FatArrow, span).into(), parens];

Expand Down

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