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NLL: Broad rewrite of check_access_perimssions.
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Tried to unify various common code paths and also vaguely approximate
the AST-borrowck diagnostics.

The change in (subjective) quality of diagnostics is not a universal
improvement. But I think this is a better code base to work from
for future fixes.
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pnkfelix committed Jun 19, 2018
1 parent 6dfed7e commit 7fd4b52
Showing 1 changed file with 205 additions and 100 deletions.
305 changes: 205 additions & 100 deletions src/librustc_mir/borrow_check/
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use rustc::infer::InferCtxt;
use rustc::ty::{self, ParamEnv, TyCtxt};
use rustc::ty::query::Providers;
use rustc::lint::builtin::UNUSED_MUT;
use rustc::mir::{AggregateKind, BasicBlock, BorrowCheckResult, BorrowKind};
use rustc::mir::{self, AggregateKind, BasicBlock, BorrowCheckResult, BorrowKind};
use rustc::mir::{ClearCrossCrate, Local, Location, Place, Mir, Mutability, Operand};
use rustc::mir::{Projection, ProjectionElem, Rvalue, Field, Statement, StatementKind};
use rustc::mir::{Terminator, TerminatorKind};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1658,36 +1658,6 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {

fn specialized_description(&self, place:&Place<'tcx>) -> Option<String>{
if let Some(_name) = self.describe_place(place) {
Some(format!("data in a `&` reference"))
} else {

fn get_default_err_msg(&self, place:&Place<'tcx>) -> String{
match self.describe_place(place) {
Some(name) => format!("immutable item `{}`", name),
None => "immutable item".to_owned(),

fn get_secondary_err_msg(&self, place:&Place<'tcx>) -> String{
match self.specialized_description(place) {
Some(_) => format!("data in a `&` reference"),
None => self.get_default_err_msg(place)

fn get_primary_err_msg(&self, place:&Place<'tcx>) -> String{
if let Some(name) = self.describe_place(place) {
format!("`{}` is a `&` reference, so the data it refers to cannot be written", name)
} else {
format!("cannot assign through `&`-reference")

/// Check the permissions for the given place and read or write kind
/// Returns true if an error is reported, false otherwise.
Expand All @@ -1703,6 +1673,14 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
place, kind, is_local_mutation_allowed

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum AccessKind {
let error_access;
let the_place_err;

match kind {
Reservation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow_kind @ BorrowKind::Unique))
| Reservation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow_kind @ BorrowKind::Mut { .. }))
Expand All @@ -1720,20 +1698,8 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
return false;
Err(place_err) => {
let item_msg = self.get_default_err_msg(place);
let mut err = self.tcx
.cannot_borrow_path_as_mutable(span, &item_msg, Origin::Mir);
err.span_label(span, "cannot borrow as mutable");

if place != place_err {
if let Some(name) = self.describe_place(place_err) {
err.note(&format!("the value which is causing this path not to be \
mutable is...: `{}`", name));

return true;
error_access = AccessKind::MutableBorrow;
the_place_err = place_err;
Expand All @@ -1744,64 +1710,12 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
return false;
Err(place_err) => {
let err_info = if let Place::Projection(
box Projection {
base: Place::Local(local),
elem: ProjectionElem::Deref
) = *place_err {
let locations = self.mir.find_assignments(local);
if locations.len() > 0 {
let item_msg = self.get_secondary_err_msg(&Place::Local(local));
let sp = self.mir.source_info(locations[0]).span;
let mut to_suggest_span = String::new();
if let Ok(src) =
self.tcx.sess.codemap().span_to_snippet(sp) {
to_suggest_span = src[1..].to_string();
"consider changing this to be a \
mutable reference",
} else {
} else {

if let Some((err_help_span,
sec_span)) = err_info {
let mut err = self.tcx.cannot_assign(span, &item_msg, Origin::Mir);
format!("&mut {}", to_suggest_span));
if place != place_err {
err.span_label(span, sec_span);
} else {
let item_msg = self.get_default_err_msg(place);
let mut err = self.tcx.cannot_assign(span, &item_msg, Origin::Mir);
err.span_label(span, "cannot mutate");
if place != place_err {
if let Some(name) = self.describe_place(place_err) {
err.note(&format!("the value which is causing this path not \
to be mutable is...: `{}`", name));

return true;
error_access = AccessKind::Mutate;
the_place_err = place_err;

| Write(WriteKind::Move)
| Reservation(WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1831,6 +1745,197 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
return false;

// at this point, we have set up the error reporting state.

let mut err;
let item_msg = match self.describe_place(place) {
Some(name) => format!("immutable item `{}`", name),
None => "immutable item".to_owned(),

// `act` and `acted_on` are strings that let us abstract over
// the verbs used in some diagnostic messages.
let act; let acted_on;

match error_access {
AccessKind::Mutate => {
let item_msg = match the_place_err {
Place::Projection(box Projection {
base: _,
elem: ProjectionElem::Deref }
) => match self.describe_place(place) {
Some(description) =>
format!("`{}` which is behind a `&` reference", description),
None => format!("data in a `&` reference"),
_ => item_msg,
err = self.tcx.cannot_assign(span, &item_msg, Origin::Mir);
act = "assign"; acted_on = "written";
AccessKind::MutableBorrow => {
err = self.tcx
.cannot_borrow_path_as_mutable(span, &item_msg, Origin::Mir);
act = "borrow as mutable"; acted_on = "borrowed as mutable";

match the_place_err {
// We want to suggest users use `let mut` for local (user
// variable) mutations...
Place::Local(local) if local_can_be_made_mutable(self.mir, *local) => {
// ... but it doesn't make sense to suggest it on
// variables that are `ref x`, `ref mut x`, `&self`,
// or `&mut self` (such variables are simply not
// mutable)..
let local_decl = &self.mir.local_decls[*local];
assert_eq!(local_decl.mutability, Mutability::Not);

err.span_label(span, format!("cannot {ACT}", ACT=act));
"consider changing this to be mutable",
format!("mut {}",;

// complete hack to approximate old AST-borrowck
// diagnostic: if the span starts with a mutable borrow of
// a local variable, then just suggest the user remove it.
Place::Local(_) if {
if let Ok(snippet) = self.tcx.sess.codemap().span_to_snippet(span) {
snippet.starts_with("&mut ")
} else {
} => {
err.span_label(span, format!("cannot {ACT}", ACT=act));
err.span_label(span, "try removing `&mut` here");

// We want to point out when a `&` can be readily replaced
// with an `&mut`.
// FIXME: can this case be generalized to work for an
// arbitrary base for the projection?
Place::Projection(box Projection { base: Place::Local(local),
elem: ProjectionElem::Deref })
if local_is_nonref_binding(self.mir, *local) =>
let (err_help_span, suggested_code) =
find_place_to_suggest_ampmut(self.tcx, self.mir, *local);
"consider changing this to be a mutable reference",

let local_decl = &self.mir.local_decls[*local];
if let Some(name) = {
span, format!("`{NAME}` is a `&` reference, \
so the data it refers to cannot be {ACTED_ON}",
NAME=name, ACTED_ON=acted_on));
} else {
err.span_label(span, format!("cannot {ACT} through `&`-reference", ACT=act));

_ => {
err.span_label(span, format!("cannot {ACT}", ACT=act));

return true;

// Returns true if local is a binding that can itself be made
// mutable via the addition of the `mut` keyword, namely
// something like:
// - `fn foo(x: Type) { ... }`,
// - `let x = ...`,
// - or `match ... { C(x) => ... }`
fn local_can_be_made_mutable(mir: &Mir, local: mir::Local) -> bool
let local = &mir.local_decls[local];
match local.is_user_variable {
Some(ClearCrossCrate::Set(mir::BindingForm::Var(mir::VarBindingForm {
binding_mode: ty::BindingMode::BindByValue(_),
opt_ty_info: _,
}))) => true,

_ => false,

// Returns true if local is definitely not a `ref ident` or
// `ref mut ident` binding. (Such bindings cannot be made into
// mutable bindings.)
fn local_is_nonref_binding(mir: &Mir, local: mir::Local) -> bool
let local = &mir.local_decls[local];
match local.is_user_variable {
Some(ClearCrossCrate::Set(mir::BindingForm::Var(mir::VarBindingForm {
binding_mode: ty::BindingMode::BindByValue(_),
opt_ty_info: _,
}))) => true,

Some(ClearCrossCrate::Set(mir::BindingForm::ImplicitSelf)) => true,

_ => false,

// Returns the span to highlight and the associated text to
// present when suggesting that the user use an `&mut`.
// When we want to suggest a user change a local variable to be a `&mut`, there
// are three potential "obvious" things to highlight:
// let ident [: Type] [= RightHandSideExresssion];
// ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// (1.) (2.) (3.)
// We can always fallback on highlighting the first. But chances are good that
// the user experience will be better if we highlight one of the others if possible;
// for example, if the RHS is present and the Type is not, then the type is going to
// be inferred *from* the RHS, which means we should highlight that (and suggest
// that they borrow the RHS mutably).
fn find_place_to_suggest_ampmut<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
mir: &Mir<'tcx>,
local: Local) -> (Span, String)
// This implementation attempts to emulate AST-borrowck prioritization
// by trying (3.), then (2.) and finally falling back on (1.).
let locations = mir.find_assignments(local);
if locations.len() > 0 {
let assignment_rhs_span = mir.source_info(locations[0]).span;
let snippet = tcx.sess.codemap().span_to_snippet(assignment_rhs_span);
if let Ok(src) = snippet {
// pnkfelix inherited code; believes intention is
// highlighted text will always be `&<expr>` and
// thus can transform to `&mut` by slicing off
// first ASCII character and prepending "&mut ".
let borrowed_expr = src[1..].to_string();
return (assignment_rhs_span, format!("&mut {}", borrowed_expr));

let local_decl = &mir.local_decls[local];
let highlight_span = match local_decl.is_user_variable {
// if this is a variable binding with an explicit type,
// try to highlight that for the suggestion.
Some(ClearCrossCrate::Set(mir::BindingForm::Var(mir::VarBindingForm {
opt_ty_info: Some(ty_span), .. }))) => ty_span,

Some(ClearCrossCrate::Clear) => bug!("saw cleared local state"),

// otherwise, just highlight the span associated with
// the (MIR) LocalDecl.
_ => local_decl.source_info.span,

let ty_mut = local_decl.ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(ty_mut.mutbl, hir::MutImmutable);
return (highlight_span, format!("&mut {}", ty_mut.ty));

/// Adds the place into the used mutable variables set
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