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Refactor away some functions from hir::pat_util
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petrochenkov committed May 28, 2016
1 parent 216f5fb commit cf46820
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Showing 17 changed files with 168 additions and 255 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/librustc/cfg/
Expand Up @@ -456,8 +456,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> CFGBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
// Visit the guard expression
let guard_exit = self.expr(&guard, guard_start);

let this_has_bindings = pat_util::pat_contains_bindings_or_wild(
&self.tcx.def_map.borrow(), &pat);
let this_has_bindings = pat_util::pat_contains_bindings_or_wild(&pat);

// If both this pattern and the previous pattern
// were free of bindings, they must consist only
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15 changes: 3 additions & 12 deletions src/librustc/hir/
Expand Up @@ -524,14 +524,7 @@ pub enum PatKind {
/// Represents a wildcard pattern (`_`)

/// A `PatKind::Ident` may either be a new bound variable,
/// or a unit struct/variant pattern, or a const pattern (in the last two cases
/// the third field must be `None`).
/// In the unit or const pattern case, the parser can't determine
/// which it is. The resolver determines this, and
/// records this pattern's `NodeId` in an auxiliary
/// set (of "PatIdents that refer to unit patterns or constants").
/// A fresh binding `ref mut binding @ OPT_SUBPATTERN`.
Binding(BindingMode, Spanned<Name>, Option<P<Pat>>),

/// A struct or struct variant pattern, e.g. `Variant {x, y, ..}`.
Expand All @@ -547,10 +540,8 @@ pub enum PatKind {
/// Such pattern can be resolved to a unit struct/variant or a constant.

/// An associated const named using the qualified path `<T>::CONST` or
/// `<T as Trait>::CONST`. Associated consts from inherent impls can be
/// referred to as simply `T::CONST`, in which case they will end up as
/// PatKind::Path, and the resolver will have to sort that out.
/// A path pattern written in qualified form, i.e. `<T as Trait>::CONST` or `<T>::CONST`.
/// Such patterns can only refer to associated constants at the moment.
QPath(QSelf, Path),

/// A tuple pattern `(a, b)`.
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75 changes: 27 additions & 48 deletions src/librustc/hir/
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,12 @@

use hir::def::*;
use hir::def_id::DefId;
use hir::{self, PatKind};
use ty::TyCtxt;
use util::nodemap::FnvHashMap;

use syntax::ast;
use hir::{self, PatKind};
use syntax::codemap::{respan, Span, Spanned, DUMMY_SP};
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned, DUMMY_SP};

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::iter::{Enumerate, ExactSizeIterator};

pub type PatIdMap = FnvHashMap<ast::Name, ast::NodeId>;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,9 +55,9 @@ impl<T: ExactSizeIterator> EnumerateAndAdjustIterator for T {

// This is used because same-named variables in alternative patterns need to
// use the NodeId of their namesake in the first pattern.
pub fn pat_id_map(dm: &RefCell<DefMap>, pat: &hir::Pat) -> PatIdMap {
pub fn pat_id_map(pat: &hir::Pat) -> PatIdMap {
let mut map = FnvHashMap();
pat_bindings(dm, pat, |_bm, p_id, _s, path1| {
pat_bindings(pat, |_bm, p_id, _s, path1| {
map.insert(path1.node, p_id);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,42 +121,25 @@ pub fn pat_is_resolved_const(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {

pub fn pat_is_binding(_: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(..) => true,
_ => false

pub fn pat_is_binding_or_wild(_: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(..) | PatKind::Wild => true,
_ => false

/// Call `it` on every "binding" in a pattern, e.g., on `a` in
/// Call `f` on every "binding" in a pattern, e.g., on `a` in
/// `match foo() { Some(a) => (), None => () }`
pub fn pat_bindings<I>(_: &RefCell<DefMap>, pat: &hir::Pat, mut it: I) where
I: FnMut(hir::BindingMode, ast::NodeId, Span, &Spanned<ast::Name>),
pub fn pat_bindings<F>(pat: &hir::Pat, mut f: F)
where F: FnMut(hir::BindingMode, ast::NodeId, Span, &Spanned<ast::Name>),
pat.walk(|p| {
match p.node {
PatKind::Binding(binding_mode, ref pth, _) => {
it(binding_mode,, p.span, &respan(pth.span, pth.node));
_ => {}
if let PatKind::Binding(binding_mode, ref pth, _) = p.node {
f(binding_mode,, p.span, pth);

/// Checks if the pattern contains any patterns that bind something to
/// an ident, e.g. `foo`, or `Foo(foo)` or `foo @ Bar(..)`.
pub fn pat_contains_bindings(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
pub fn pat_contains_bindings(pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
let mut contains_bindings = false;
pat.walk(|p| {
if pat_is_binding(dm, p) {
if let PatKind::Binding(..) = p.node {
contains_bindings = true;
false // there's at least one binding, can short circuit now.
} else {
Expand All @@ -170,28 +151,25 @@ pub fn pat_contains_bindings(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {

/// Checks if the pattern contains any `ref` or `ref mut` bindings,
/// and if yes whether its containing mutable ones or just immutables ones.
pub fn pat_contains_ref_binding(dm: &RefCell<DefMap>, pat: &hir::Pat) -> Option<hir::Mutability> {
pub fn pat_contains_ref_binding(pat: &hir::Pat) -> Option<hir::Mutability> {
let mut result = None;
pat_bindings(dm, pat, |mode, _, _, _| {
match mode {
hir::BindingMode::BindByRef(m) => {
// Pick Mutable as maximum
match result {
None | Some(hir::MutImmutable) => result = Some(m),
_ => (),
pat_bindings(pat, |mode, _, _, _| {
if let hir::BindingMode::BindByRef(m) = mode {
// Pick Mutable as maximum
match result {
None | Some(hir::MutImmutable) => result = Some(m),
_ => (),
hir::BindingMode::BindByValue(_) => { }

/// Checks if the patterns for this arm contain any `ref` or `ref mut`
/// bindings, and if yes whether its containing mutable ones or just immutables ones.
pub fn arm_contains_ref_binding(dm: &RefCell<DefMap>, arm: &hir::Arm) -> Option<hir::Mutability> {
pub fn arm_contains_ref_binding(arm: &hir::Arm) -> Option<hir::Mutability> {
.filter_map(|pat| pat_contains_ref_binding(dm, pat))
.filter_map(|pat| pat_contains_ref_binding(pat))
.max_by_key(|m| match *m {
hir::MutMutable => 1,
hir::MutImmutable => 0,
Expand All @@ -200,14 +178,15 @@ pub fn arm_contains_ref_binding(dm: &RefCell<DefMap>, arm: &hir::Arm) -> Option<

/// Checks if the pattern contains any patterns that bind something to
/// an ident or wildcard, e.g. `foo`, or `Foo(_)`, `foo @ Bar(..)`,
pub fn pat_contains_bindings_or_wild(dm: &DefMap, pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
pub fn pat_contains_bindings_or_wild(pat: &hir::Pat) -> bool {
let mut contains_bindings = false;
pat.walk(|p| {
if pat_is_binding_or_wild(dm, p) {
contains_bindings = true;
false // there's at least one binding/wildcard, can short circuit now.
} else {
match p.node {
PatKind::Binding(..) | PatKind::Wild => {
contains_bindings = true;
false // there's at least one binding/wildcard, can short circuit now.
_ => true
Expand Down
157 changes: 70 additions & 87 deletions src/librustc/middle/
Expand Up @@ -612,8 +612,7 @@ impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
match local.init {
None => {
let delegate = &mut self.delegate;
pat_util::pat_bindings(&, &local.pat,
|_, id, span, _| {
pat_util::pat_bindings(&local.pat, |_, id, span, _| {
delegate.decl_without_init(id, span);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -932,23 +931,16 @@ impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
debug!("determine_pat_move_mode cmt_discr={:?} pat={:?}", cmt_discr,
return_if_err!(, pat, |_mc, cmt_pat, pat| {
let def_map = &self.tcx().def_map;
if pat_util::pat_is_binding(&def_map.borrow(), pat) {
match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) =>
PatKind::Binding(hir::BindByValue(_), _, _) => {
match copy_or_move(, &cmt_pat, PatBindingMove) {
Copy => mode.lub(CopyingMatch),
Move(_) => mode.lub(MovingMatch),
_ => {
"binding pattern not an identifier");
match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(hir::BindByRef(..), _, _) =>
PatKind::Binding(hir::BindByValue(..), _, _) => {
match copy_or_move(, &cmt_pat, PatBindingMove) {
Copy => mode.lub(CopyingMatch),
Move(..) => mode.lub(MovingMatch),
_ => {}
Expand All @@ -968,83 +960,74 @@ impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> ExprUseVisitor<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
let def_map = &self.tcx().def_map;
let delegate = &mut self.delegate;
return_if_err!(mc.cat_pattern(cmt_discr.clone(), pat, |mc, cmt_pat, pat| {
if pat_util::pat_is_binding(&def_map.borrow(), pat) {
debug!("binding cmt_pat={:?} pat={:?} match_mode={:?}",

// pat_ty: the type of the binding being produced.
let pat_ty = return_if_err!(infcx.node_ty(;

// Each match binding is effectively an assignment to the
// binding being produced.
let def = def_map.borrow().get(&;
match mc.cat_def(, pat.span, pat_ty, def) {
Ok(binding_cmt) => {
match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(bmode, _, _) => {
debug!("binding cmt_pat={:?} pat={:?} match_mode={:?}",

// pat_ty: the type of the binding being produced.
let pat_ty = return_if_err!(infcx.node_ty(;

// Each match binding is effectively an assignment to the
// binding being produced.
let def = def_map.borrow().get(&;
if let Ok(binding_cmt) = mc.cat_def(, pat.span, pat_ty, def) {
delegate.mutate(, pat.span, binding_cmt, MutateMode::Init);
Err(_) => { }

// It is also a borrow or copy/move of the value being matched.
match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(hir::BindByRef(m), _, _) => {
if let ty::TyRef(&r, _) = pat_ty.sty {
let bk = ty::BorrowKind::from_mutbl(m);
delegate.borrow(, pat.span, cmt_pat,
r, bk, RefBinding);
// It is also a borrow or copy/move of the value being matched.
match bmode {
hir::BindByRef(m) => {
if let ty::TyRef(&r, _) = pat_ty.sty {
let bk = ty::BorrowKind::from_mutbl(m);
delegate.borrow(, pat.span, cmt_pat,
r, bk, RefBinding);
hir::BindByValue(..) => {
let mode = copy_or_move(infcx, &cmt_pat, PatBindingMove);
debug!("walk_pat binding consuming pat");
delegate.consume_pat(pat, cmt_pat, mode);
PatKind::Binding(hir::BindByValue(_), _, _) => {
let mode = copy_or_move(infcx, &cmt_pat, PatBindingMove);
debug!("walk_pat binding consuming pat");
delegate.consume_pat(pat, cmt_pat, mode);
_ => {
"binding pattern not an identifier");
} else {
match pat.node {
PatKind::Vec(_, Some(ref slice_pat), _) => {
// The `slice_pat` here creates a slice into
// the original vector. This is effectively a
// borrow of the elements of the vector being
// matched.

let (slice_cmt, slice_mutbl, slice_r) =
return_if_err!(mc.cat_slice_pattern(cmt_pat, &slice_pat));

// Note: We declare here that the borrow
// occurs upon entering the `[...]`
// pattern. This implies that something like
// `[a; b]` where `a` is a move is illegal,
// because the borrow is already in effect.
// In fact such a move would be safe-ish, but
// it effectively *requires* that we use the
// nulling out semantics to indicate when a
// value has been moved, which we are trying
// to move away from. Otherwise, how can we
// indicate that the first element in the
// vector has been moved? Eventually, we
// could perhaps modify this rule to permit
// `[..a, b]` where `b` is a move, because in
// that case we can adjust the length of the
// original vec accordingly, but we'd have to
// make trans do the right thing, and it would
// only work for `Box<[T]>`s. It seems simpler
// to just require that people call
// `vec.pop()` or `vec.unshift()`.
let slice_bk = ty::BorrowKind::from_mutbl(slice_mutbl);
delegate.borrow(, pat.span,
slice_cmt, slice_r,
slice_bk, RefBinding);
_ => { }
PatKind::Vec(_, Some(ref slice_pat), _) => {
// The `slice_pat` here creates a slice into
// the original vector. This is effectively a
// borrow of the elements of the vector being
// matched.

let (slice_cmt, slice_mutbl, slice_r) =
return_if_err!(mc.cat_slice_pattern(cmt_pat, &slice_pat));

// Note: We declare here that the borrow
// occurs upon entering the `[...]`
// pattern. This implies that something like
// `[a; b]` where `a` is a move is illegal,
// because the borrow is already in effect.
// In fact such a move would be safe-ish, but
// it effectively *requires* that we use the
// nulling out semantics to indicate when a
// value has been moved, which we are trying
// to move away from. Otherwise, how can we
// indicate that the first element in the
// vector has been moved? Eventually, we
// could perhaps modify this rule to permit
// `[..a, b]` where `b` is a move, because in
// that case we can adjust the length of the
// original vec accordingly, but we'd have to
// make trans do the right thing, and it would
// only work for `Box<[T]>`s. It seems simpler
// to just require that people call
// `vec.pop()` or `vec.unshift()`.
let slice_bk = ty::BorrowKind::from_mutbl(slice_mutbl);
delegate.borrow(, pat.span,
slice_cmt, slice_r,
slice_bk, RefBinding);
_ => {}

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