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FreeType Based Font Texture Generator



Development Environment

Microsoft Visual Studio Code or Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019

.NET Core 3.1 SDK


git clone --recursive

Build using dotnet


dotnet build --framework netcoreapp3.1 --configuration Release

macOS or Linux

Because you cannot build a WPF project in a Linux environment, select and build only the console project.

dotnet build ./JSSoft.Fonts/JSSoft.Fonts.ConsoleHost --framework netcoreapp3.1 --configuration Release


Application(Windows Only)

dotnet run --project ./JSSoft.Fonts/JSSoft.Fonts.ApplicationHost --framework netcoreapp3.1 --configuration Release


dotnet ./JSSoft.Fonts/JSSoft.Fonts.ApplicationHost/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/jsfontApp.dll


'libgdiplus' must be installed to run on Linux. See the topic 'Install libgdiplus on Linux' below.ㅍ

dotnet run --project ./JSSoft.Fonts/JSSoft.Fonts.ConsoleHost --framework netcoreapp3.1 --configuration Release


dotnet ./JSSoft.Fonts/JSSoft.Fonts.ConsoleHost/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/jsfont.dll

Build using script

PowerShell 5.0 or later must be installed.

You can build by running build.bat in Windows and in macOS or Linux.

When built using a script, it is output to the bin path.

If there are modifications to that repository, it will not be built. Use the -Force option when this happens.

Install libgdiplus on Linux

macOS (HomeBrew)

brew install mono-libgdiplus


sudo apt-get install libgdiplus

Other linux

  • Visit Mono download site for Linux

  • Run the '(1) Add the Mono repository to your system' entry on the appropriate Linux tab.

  • Then install 'libgdiplus' using each Linux installation command.

Export Font Data and Textures


dotnet jsfont.dll <font-path> <output-path>



Indicates the font path.


Indicates the output path.
If no output path is specified, the font information is output.

If the output path is a directory, the file is automatically named based on the font name.


--characters 'value'

Indicates the Unicode of the character you want to export.
expressed in decimal or hexadecimal form, each character is separated by ','
You can use '-' to specify multiple characters.
e.g. "65, 0x41, 66-90, 0x61-0x7A"

If no value is specified, export all characters.

--dpi 'value'

Indicates the DPI of the font. The default value is 72.

--size 'value'

Indicates the size of the font. The default value is 26.

--face 'value'

Indicates the type of font. The default value is 0.

--texture-width 'value'

Indicates the width of the texture to be printed. The default value is 512.

--texture-height 'value'

Indicates the height of the texture to be output. The default value is 512.

--padding 'value'

Indicates the padding of the character. 
You can set the value for both sides. The default value is 1.
    e.g. 1) --padding 1 sets all padding to 1.
    e.g. 2) --padding "1, 2" sets the left and right padding to 1 and the top and bottom padding to 2.
    e.g. 3) --padding "1 1 0 0" sets left to 1, top to right to 0 and bottom to 0.

--spacing 'value'

Indicates the gap between the character and characters.
You can set horizontal and vertical values. The default value is 1.
    e.g. 1) --spacing 1 sets the horizontal and vertical spacing to 1.
    e.g. 2) --spacing "1 0" sets only the horizontal interval to 1.