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Stacks was originally developed very quickly, as a hack on top of Active Admin to help people do skill tree reviews.

So, it does not conform to our Rails best practices, and it is riddled with anti-patterns and hacks. I (@hhff) would like to clean it up one day (refactor to use service objects and fix the myriad of n+1 issues there are) but that day very well may never come.


OAuth2::Error (invalid_grant)

If you ever see an error like:

OAuth2::Error (invalid_grant: )

Just re-sync the production database as per instructions below. It means Quickbooks API has revoked the current OAuth token. We freshen it every 10 minutes on prod.

Feeding prod a new QBO Oauth 2.0 Token

This is tricky. You'll need access to the "QBO App" on the Intuit Developer portal first, then you can follow the steps described here:

You have been warned!

Gem installation on a Mac M1

If you ever see an error upon running bundle install along the lines of:

Results logged to

An error occurred while installing nio4r (2.5.5), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install nio4r -v '2.5.5' --source ''` succeeds before bundling.

Open up the gem_make.out log file. Search for "error" (there are lots of warnings you can ignore). You should see a line that ends in something like "[-Wincompatible-function-pointer-types]". The trick is to pass a flag in the gem install command that tells the compiler to ignore that error. For example:

gem install nio4r -v '2.5.5' --source '' -- --with-cflags="-Wno-error=incompatible-function-pointer-types"

This may happen for gems other than nio4r, but the same steps apply. Good luck!


  1. A Ruby on Rails ready dev environment (w/ PostgresQL)
  2. parity
  3. Access to the garden3d 1password


  1. Copy the Stacks master.key from 1password to config/master.key
  2. Run:
# Install dependencies

# Add the Heroku remote
git remote add production

# Login to heroku with (in 1pass)
heroku login

# Backup the production database and copy it to your local
production backup
development restore-from production

# Run the server
rails s

Navigate to localhost:3000, and you should see a local version of Stacks running a recent backup of the production database.


Heroku is configured to automatically deploy Stacks from the main branch when PR's are merged. If you need to trigger a deploy manually, you can run:

production deploy

Prod Commands

As per Parity's documentation


production console


production tail

DB Migration

production migrate