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[doc] Add guideline for contributors.
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Signed-off-by: Stéphane Galland <>
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gallandarakhneorg committed Nov 14, 2016
1 parent a34c7f9 commit 70f3ac1
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 11 deletions.
58 changes: 47 additions & 11 deletions README.adoc
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== 5. Contributions

Any contribution to the SARL is welcome.
For setting up the development environment of SARL, please follow our recommendations in the following sections.

=== 5.1. Installing the Development Environment
=== 5.1. Obtaining the SARL Source Code

For setting up the development environment, you should follow the steps:
We recommend to fork the SARL project into your own Github account, in order to make easier the pull request that is needed for sending your contribution.
Forking the SARL project must be done through the Github web interface: click on the `Fork` button on the SARL project page.

For obtaining the code of SARL, you must clone your fork from Github to your local harddisk:
git clone<your_github_login>/sarl

We recommend to use the git tool on command-line until you're becoming expert with the git tools that is embedded in Eclipse.

=== 5.2. First Compilation the SARL Source Code

CAUTION: Coming soon.
Maven is the standard tool for compiling SARL.

=== 5.2. Obtaining the SARL Source Code
We recommended to launch the Maven compilation process on the command line before importing the code in the Eclipse environment.
The command line to use (see below) compiles the SARL project and install the Maven modules into your local `.m2` repository.
This step is mandatory for compiling the embedded SARL run-time environment (Janus). Indeed, it needs the current SARL tools
to be installed for being compiled.

For obtaining the code of SARL, you must clone it from the Git:
The command line is:
git clone
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true

CAUTION: Due to an issue in the Eclipse Checkstyle plugin, it is mandatory to install the `build-tools` module in the your `.m2` repository prior to the first launch of the Eclipse IDE: `mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip=true`
=== 5.3. Installing the Eclipse Development Environment

=== 5.3. Compiling the SARL Source Code
For setting up the development environment, you should follow the steps:

* Download the *Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers* from This version of Eclipse includes the Java tools *and* the Xtext tools.
* Launch the *Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers*, and configure it (look&feel, etc.)
* Import the SARL project: `Menu File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Project`
** Select the folder in which you have cloned the SARL project (see Section 5.1);
** Click on `Finish`.
* Set the Eclipse target platform, i.e. the definition of the Eclipse plugins to be imported by the project.
** Open the target platform file `` in the project ``;
** Wait for all the entries in the target file to be refreshed, i.e each location must contains the list of the features to be imported;
** Click on `Set as Target Platform` at the upper right corner of the file editor.
* Sometimes, the Maven Eclipse Plugin (a.k.a. m2e) does not have its connector installed by default. In this case, errors should appears in the `pom.xml` files. After displaying the popup window of the error, click on `Discover m2e connector` and follow the instructions.
* The Checkstyle plugin may need to install specific connectors. Do an action that is similar as the one in the previous step.
* Clean and compile the project: `Menu Project > Clean`.

=== 5.4. Compilation of SARL before Contributing

Maven is the standard tool for compiling SARL. It is recommended to launch the Maven compilation process on the command at least before submitting a pull request. The command line is:
Prior to any sending of your contribution (see Section 5.5), you must ensure that your local copy of SARL compiles without error.

The best and "sure" way to proceed is to use Maven on the command line, because it is the tool used by our compilation server for validating your contribution.

Type on the command-line:
mvn clean install

=== 5.4. Sending the Contribution
This command line will launch the compilation, checkstyle and unit tests. It must be successfull.

=== 5.5. Sending the Contribution

For sending your contribution to the SARL master repositoty, you must request a pull (PR) to the link:[GitHub repository].
For sending your contribution to the SARL master repository, you must request a pull (PR) to the link:[GitHub repository].

For being merged, your must ensure the following points:

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