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commits-to-changelog script.
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
This script converts git commit messages to ChangeLog entries.  That
will hopefully allow us to forego adding ChangeLog entries in our
commits, which always leads to merge conflicts.
  • Loading branch information
schani committed Jul 29, 2010
1 parent e5638be commit 6033d1d
Showing 1 changed file with 254 additions and 0 deletions.
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@

from optparse import OptionParser
import subprocess
import re
import os.path
import fnmatch
import os

# subtract 8 for the leading tabstop
fill_column = 74 - 8

path_to_root = None

all_changelogs = {}

def git (command, *args):
return subprocess.Popen (["git", command] + list (args), stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate () [0]

def changelog_path (changelog):
global path_to_root
if not path_to_root:
path_to_root = git ("rev-parse", "--show-cdup").strip ()
(pathname, filename) = changelog
return path_to_root + "./" + pathname + "/" + filename

def changelog_for_file (filename):
while filename != "":
dirname = os.path.dirname (filename)
if dirname in all_changelogs:
return (dirname, all_changelogs [dirname])
filename = dirname
assert False

def changelogs_for_file_pattern (pattern, changed_files):
changelogs = set ()
for filename in changed_files:
suffix = filename
while suffix != "":
# FIXME: fnmatch doesn't support the {x,y} pattern
if fnmatch.fnmatch (suffix, pattern):
changelogs.add (changelog_for_file (filename))
(_, _, suffix) = suffix.partition ("/")
return changelogs

def format_paragraph (paragraph):
lines = []
words = paragraph.split ()
current = words [0]
for word in words [1:]:
if len (current) + 1 + len (word) <= fill_column:
current += " " + word
lines.append ("\t" + current)
current = word
lines.append ("\t" + current)
return lines

def format_changelog_paragraph (files, paragraph):
files_string = ""
for (filename, entity) in files:
if len (files_string) > 0:
files_string += ", "
files_string += filename
if entity:
files_string += " (" + entity + ")"
return format_paragraph ("* " + files_string + ": " + paragraph)

def append_paragraph (lines, paragraph):
if len (lines):
lines.append ("")
lines += paragraph

def format_changelog_entries (commit, changed_files, prefix, file_entries):
changelogs = set ()
for f in changed_files:
changelogs.add (changelog_for_file (f))
marked_changelogs = set ()

author_line = git ("log", "-n1", "--date=short", "--format=%ad %an <%ae>", commit).strip ()

paragraphs = {}
for changelog in changelogs:
paragraphs [changelog] = [author_line]

for (files, comments) in file_entries:
changelog_entries = {}
for (filename, entity) in files:
entry_changelogs = changelogs_for_file_pattern (filename, changed_files)
if len (entry_changelogs) == 0:
print "Warning: could not match file %s in commit %s" % (filename, commit)
for changelog in entry_changelogs:
if changelog not in changelog_entries:
changelog_entries [changelog] = []
changelog_entries [changelog].append ((filename, entity))
marked_changelogs.add (changelog)

for (changelog, files) in changelog_entries.items ():
append_paragraph (paragraphs [changelog], format_changelog_paragraph (files, comments [0]))
for paragraph in comments [1:]:
append_paragraph (paragraphs [changelog], format_paragraph (paragraph))

unmarked_changelogs = changelogs - marked_changelogs
for changelog in unmarked_changelogs:
if len (prefix) == 0:
print "Warning: empty entry in %s for commit %s" % (changelog_path (changelog), commit)
append_paragraph (paragraphs [changelog], format_paragraph ("FIXME: empty entry!"))
for paragraph in prefix:
append_paragraph (paragraphs [changelog], format_paragraph (paragraph))

return paragraphs

def debug_print_commit (commit, raw_message, prefix, file_entries, changed_files, changelog_entries):
print "===================== Commit"
print commit
print "--------------------- RAW"
print raw_message
print "--------------------- Prefix"
for line in prefix:
print line
print "--------------------- File entries"
for (files, comments) in file_entries:
files_str = ""
for (filename, entity) in files:
if len (files_str):
files_str = files_str + ", "
files_str = files_str + filename
if entity:
files_str = files_str + " (" + entity + ")"
print files_str
for line in comments:
print " " + line
print "--------------------- Files touched"
for f in changed_files:
print f
print "--------------------- ChangeLog entries"
for ((dirname, filename), lines) in changelog_entries.items ():
print "%s/%s:" % (dirname, filename)
for line in lines:
print line

def process_commit (commit):
changed_files = map (lambda l: l.split () [2], git ("diff-tree", "--numstat", commit).splitlines () [1:])
if len (filter (lambda f: ("(^|/)Change[Ll]og$", f), changed_files)):
raw_message = git ("log", "-n1", "--format=%B", commit)
# filter SVN migration message
message = re.sub ("(^|\n)svn path=[^\n]+revision=\d+(?=$|\n)", "", raw_message)
# filter ChangeLog headers
message = re.sub ("(^|\n)\d+-\d+-\d+[ \t]+((\w|[.-])+[ \t]+)+<[^\n>]+>(?=$|\n)", "", message)
# filter leading whitespace
message = re.sub ("^\s+", "", message)
# filter trailing whitespace
message = re.sub ("\s+$", "", message)
# paragraphize - first remove whitespace at beginnings and ends of lines
message = re.sub ("[ \t]*\n[ \t]*", "\n", message)
# paragraphize - now replace three or more consecutive newlines with two
message = re.sub ("\n\n\n+", "\n\n", message)
# paragraphize - replace single newlines with a space
message = re.sub ("(?<!\n)\n(?!\n)", " ", message)
# paragraphize - finally, replace double newlines with single ones
message = re.sub ("\n\n", "\n", message)

# A list of paragraphs (strings without newlines) that occur
# before the first file comments
prefix = []

# A list of tuples of the form ([(filename, entity), ...], [paragraph, ...]).
# Each describes a file comment, containing multiple paragraphs.
# Those paragraphs belong to a list of files, each with an
# optional entity (usually a function name).
file_entries = []

current_files = None
current_files_comments = None

for line in message.splitlines ():
if re.match ("\*\s[^:]+:", line):
if current_files:
file_entries.append ((current_files, current_files_comments))

(files, _, comments) = line.partition (":")

current_files_comments = [comments.strip ()]

current_files = []
for f in re.split ("\s*,\s*", files [1:].strip ()):
m = ("\(([^()]+)\)$", f)
if m:
filename = f [:m.start (0)].strip ()
entity = (1).strip ()
filename = f
entity = None
current_files.append ((filename, entity))
if current_files:
current_files_comments.append (line)
prefix.append (line)
if current_files:
file_entries.append ((current_files, current_files_comments))

changelog_entries = format_changelog_entries (commit, changed_files, prefix, file_entries)

#debug_print_commit (commit, raw_message, prefix, file_entries, changed_files, changelog_entries)

return changelog_entries

def start_changelog (changelog):
full_path = changelog_path (changelog)
old_name = full_path + ".old"
os.rename (full_path, old_name)
return open (full_path, "w")

def finish_changelog (changelog, file):
old_file = open (changelog_path (changelog) + ".old")
file.write ( ())
old_file.close ()
file.close ()

def append_lines (file, lines):
for line in lines:
file.write (line + "\n")
file.write ("\n")

def main ():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <start-commit>"
parser = OptionParser (usage)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
if len (args) != 1:
parser.error ("incorrect number of arguments")
start_commit = args [0]

for filename in git ("ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "HEAD").splitlines ():
if ("(^|/)Change[Ll]og$", filename):
(path, name) = os.path.split (filename)
all_changelogs [path] = name

commits = git ("rev-list", "--no-merges", "HEAD", "^%s" % start_commit).splitlines ()

touched_changelogs = {}
for commit in commits:
entries = process_commit (commit)
for (changelog, lines) in entries.items ():
if changelog not in touched_changelogs:
touched_changelogs [changelog] = start_changelog (changelog)
append_lines (touched_changelogs [changelog], lines)
for (changelog, file) in touched_changelogs.items ():
finish_changelog (changelog, file)

if __name__ == "__main__":
main ()

0 comments on commit 6033d1d

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