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Add naive implementation for ellipse()
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rust-azure's ellipse() C++ implementation copy/pasted and kind of ported
to Rust. Obviously needs refactor to turn it into idiomatic Rust.
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pylbrecht committed Sep 17, 2019
1 parent 8bc8981 commit 818b5d4
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 7 deletions.
143 changes: 136 additions & 7 deletions components/canvas/
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use canvas_traits::canvas::*;
use cssparser::RGBA;
use euclid::default::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D, Transform2D, Vector2D};
use raqote::PathOp;
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use std::marker::PhantomData;

pub struct RaqoteBackend;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,16 +484,144 @@ impl GenericPathBuilder for PathBuilder {
fn ellipse(
&mut self,
_origin: Point2D<f32>,
_radius_x: f32,
_radius_y: f32,
origin: Point2D<f32>,
radius_x: f32,
radius_y: f32,
_rotation_angle: f32,
_start_angle: f32,
_end_angle: f32,
_anticlockwise: bool,
start_angle: f32,
mut end_angle: f32,
anticlockwise: bool,
) {
* Point startPoint(aOrigin.x + cosf(aStartAngle) * aRadius.width,
* aOrigin.y + sinf(aStartAngle) * aRadius.height);
* aSink->LineTo(startPoint);
* // Clockwise we always sweep from the smaller to the larger angle, ccw
* // it's vice versa.
* if (!aAntiClockwise && (aEndAngle < aStartAngle)) {
* Float correction = Float(ceil((aStartAngle - aEndAngle) / (2.0f * M_PI)));
* aEndAngle += float(correction * 2.0f * M_PI);
* } else if (aAntiClockwise && (aStartAngle < aEndAngle)) {
* Float correction = (Float)ceil((aEndAngle - aStartAngle) / (2.0f * M_PI));
* aStartAngle += float(correction * 2.0f * M_PI);
* }
* // Sweeping more than 2 * pi is a full circle.
* if (!aAntiClockwise && (aEndAngle - aStartAngle > 2 * M_PI)) {
* aEndAngle = float(aStartAngle + 2.0f * M_PI);
* } else if (aAntiClockwise && (aStartAngle - aEndAngle > 2.0f * M_PI)) {
* aEndAngle = float(aStartAngle - 2.0f * M_PI);
* }
* // Calculate the total arc we're going to sweep.
* Float arcSweepLeft = fabs(aEndAngle - aStartAngle);
* Float sweepDirection = aAntiClockwise ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
* Float currentStartAngle = aStartAngle;
* while (arcSweepLeft > 0) {
* // We guarantee here the current point is the start point of the next
* // curve segment.
* Float currentEndAngle;
* if (arcSweepLeft > M_PI / 2.0f) {
* currentEndAngle = Float(currentStartAngle + M_PI / 2.0f * sweepDirection);
* } else {
* currentEndAngle = currentStartAngle + arcSweepLeft * sweepDirection;
* }
* Point currentStartPoint(aOrigin.x + cosf(currentStartAngle) * aRadius.width,
* aOrigin.y + sinf(currentStartAngle) * aRadius.height);
* Point currentEndPoint(aOrigin.x + cosf(currentEndAngle) * aRadius.width,
* aOrigin.y + sinf(currentEndAngle) * aRadius.height);
* // Calculate kappa constant for partial curve. The sign of angle in the
* // tangent will actually ensure this is negative for a counter clockwise
* // sweep, so changing signs later isn't needed.
* Float kappaFactor = (4.0f / 3.0f) * tan((currentEndAngle - currentStartAngle) / 4.0f);
* Float kappaX = kappaFactor * aRadius.width;
* Float kappaY = kappaFactor * aRadius.height;
* Point tangentStart(-sin(currentStartAngle), cos(currentStartAngle));
* Point cp1 = currentStartPoint;
* cp1 += Point(tangentStart.x * kappaX, tangentStart.y * kappaY);
* Point revTangentEnd(sin(currentEndAngle), -cos(currentEndAngle));
* Point cp2 = currentEndPoint;
* cp2 += Point(revTangentEnd.x * kappaX, revTangentEnd.y * kappaY);
* aSink->BezierTo(cp1, cp2, currentEndPoint);
* arcSweepLeft -= Float(M_PI / 2.0f);
* currentStartAngle = currentEndAngle;
let start_point = Point2D::new(
origin.x + start_angle.cos() * radius_x,
origin.y + end_angle.sin() * radius_y,

if !anticlockwise && (end_angle < start_angle) {
let correction = ((start_angle - end_angle) / (2.0 * PI)).ceil();
end_angle += correction * 2.0 * PI;
} else if anticlockwise && (start_angle < end_angle) {
let correction = ((end_angle - start_angle) / (2.0 * PI)).ceil();
end_angle += correction * 2.0 * PI;
// Sweeping more than 2 * pi is a full circle.
if !anticlockwise && (end_angle - start_angle > 2.0 * PI) {
end_angle = start_angle + 2.0 * PI;
} else if anticlockwise && (start_angle - end_angle > 2.0 * PI) {
end_angle = start_angle - 2.0 * PI;

// Calculate the total arc we're going to sweep.
let mut arc_sweep_left = (end_angle - start_angle).abs();
let sweep_direction = match anticlockwise {
true => -1.0,
false => 1.0,
let mut current_start_angle = start_angle;
while arc_sweep_left > 0.0 {
// We guarantee here the current point is the start point of the next
// curve segment.
let current_end_angle;
if arc_sweep_left > PI / 2.0 {
current_end_angle = current_start_angle + PI / 2.0 * sweep_direction;
} else {
current_end_angle = current_start_angle + arc_sweep_left * sweep_direction;
let current_start_point = Point2D::new(
origin.x + current_start_angle.cos() * radius_x,
origin.y + current_start_angle.sin() * radius_y,
let current_end_point = Point2D::new(
origin.x + current_end_angle.cos() * radius_x,
origin.y + current_end_angle.sin() * radius_y,
// Calculate kappa constant for partial curve. The sign of angle in the
// tangent will actually ensure this is negative for a counter clockwise
// sweep, so changing signs later isn't needed.
let kappa_factor =
(4.0 / 3.0) * ((current_end_angle - current_start_angle) / 4.0).tan();
let kappa_x = kappa_factor * radius_x;
let kappa_y = kappa_factor * radius_y;

let tangent_start =
Point2D::new(-(current_start_angle.sin()), current_start_angle.cos());
let mut cp1 = current_start_point;
cp1 += Point2D::new(tangent_start.x * kappa_x, tangent_start.y * kappa_y).to_vector();
let rev_tangent_end = Point2D::new(current_end_angle.sin(), -(current_end_angle.cos()));
let mut cp2 = current_end_point;
cp2 +=
Point2D::new(rev_tangent_end.x * kappa_x, rev_tangent_end.y * kappa_y).to_vector();

self.bezier_curve_to(&cp1, &cp2, &current_end_point);

arc_sweep_left -= PI / 2.0;
current_start_angle = current_end_angle;

fn get_current_point(&mut self) -> Point2D<f32> {
let path = self.finish();

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