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Rework image_cache_task to avoid using url as key during the loadin…
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…g of an image.

A `url` can be very large, in particular if it is a data: url, so using it as a key for lookups whenever we load a few bytes is not a very good idea. This patch introduces an intermediate `LoadKey` (internally, an u64) that makes hashmap lookups faster. Somewhere along the way, we also get rid of a few calls to `url.clone()`.
  • Loading branch information
Yoric committed Oct 14, 2015
1 parent 9fca41c commit b7f5969
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 41 deletions.
192 changes: 151 additions & 41 deletions components/net/
Expand Up @@ -24,25 +24,34 @@ use util::taskpool::TaskPool;
/// TODO(gw): Remaining work on image cache:
/// * Make use of the prefetch support in various parts of the code.
/// * Experiment with changing the image 'key' from being a url to a resource id
/// This might be a decent performance win and/or memory saving in some cases (esp. data urls)
/// * Profile time in GetImageIfAvailable - might be worth caching these results per paint / layout task.
/// MAYBE(Yoric):
/// * For faster lookups, it might be useful to store the LoadKey in the DOM once we have performed a first load.

/// Represents an image that is either being loaded
/// by the resource task, or decoded by a worker thread.
struct PendingLoad {
// The bytes loaded so far. Reset to an empty vector once loading
// is complete and the buffer has been transmitted to the decoder.
bytes: Vec<u8>,

// Once loading is complete, the result of the operation.
result: Option<Result<(), String>>,
listeners: Vec<ImageListener>,

// The url being loaded. Do not forget that this may be several Mb
// if we are loading a data: url.
url: Arc<Url>

impl PendingLoad {
fn new() -> PendingLoad {
fn new(url: Arc<Url>) -> PendingLoad {
PendingLoad {
bytes: vec!(),
result: None,
listeners: vec!(),
url: url,

Expand All @@ -51,6 +60,88 @@ impl PendingLoad {

// Represents all the currently pending loads/decodings. For
// performance reasons, loads are indexed by a dedicated load key.
struct AllPendingLoads {
// The loads, indexed by a load key. Used during most operations,
// for performance reasons.
loads: HashMap<LoadKey, PendingLoad>,

// Get a load key from its url. Used ony when starting and
// finishing a load or when adding a new listener.
url_to_load_key: HashMap<Arc<Url>, LoadKey>,

// A counter used to generate instances of LoadKey
keygen: LoadKeyGenerator,

// Result of accessing a cache.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
enum CacheResult {
Hit, // The value was in the cache.
Miss, // The value was not in the cache and needed to be regenerated.

impl AllPendingLoads {
fn new() -> AllPendingLoads {
AllPendingLoads {
loads: HashMap::new(),
url_to_load_key: HashMap::new(),
keygen: LoadKeyGenerator::new(),

// `true` if there is no currently pending load, `false` otherwise.
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
assert!(self.loads.is_empty() == self.url_to_load_key.is_empty());

// get a PendingLoad from its LoadKey. Prefer this to `get_by_url`,
// for performance reasons.
fn get_by_key_mut(&mut self, key: &LoadKey) -> Option<&mut PendingLoad> {

// get a PendingLoad from its url. When possible, prefer `get_by_key_mut`.
fn get_by_url(&self, url: &Url) -> Option<&PendingLoad> {

fn remove(&mut self, key: &LoadKey) -> Option<PendingLoad> {
and_then(|pending_load| {

fn get_cached(&mut self, url: Arc<Url>) -> (CacheResult, LoadKey, &mut PendingLoad) {
match self.url_to_load_key.entry(url.clone()) {
Occupied(url_entry) => {
let load_key = url_entry.get();
(CacheResult::Hit, *load_key, self.loads.get_mut(load_key).unwrap())
Vacant(url_entry) => {
let load_key =;

let pending_load = PendingLoad::new(url);
match self.loads.entry(load_key) {
Occupied(_) => unreachable!(),
Vacant(load_entry) => {
let mut_load = load_entry.insert(pending_load);
(CacheResult::Miss, load_key, mut_load)

/// Represents an image that has completed loading.
/// Images that fail to load (due to network or decode
/// failure) are still stored here, so that they aren't
Expand All @@ -74,6 +165,26 @@ struct ImageListener {
responder: Option<ImageResponder>,

// A key used to communicate during loading.
#[derive(Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
struct LoadKey(u64);

struct LoadKeyGenerator {
counter: u64

impl LoadKeyGenerator {
fn new() -> LoadKeyGenerator {
LoadKeyGenerator {
counter: 0
fn next(&mut self) -> LoadKey {
self.counter += 1;

impl ImageListener {
fn new(sender: ImageCacheChan, responder: Option<ImageResponder>) -> ImageListener {
ImageListener {
Expand All @@ -94,7 +205,7 @@ impl ImageListener {

struct ResourceLoadInfo {
action: ResponseAction,
url: Url,
key: LoadKey,

/// Implementation of the image cache
Expand All @@ -117,18 +228,18 @@ struct ImageCache {
resource_task: ResourceTask,

// Images that are loading over network, or decoding.
pending_loads: HashMap<Url, PendingLoad>,
pending_loads: AllPendingLoads,

// Images that have finished loading (successful or not)
completed_loads: HashMap<Url, CompletedLoad>,
completed_loads: HashMap<Arc<Url>, CompletedLoad>,

// The placeholder image used when an image fails to load
placeholder_image: Option<Arc<Image>>,

/// Message that the decoder worker threads send to main image cache task.
struct DecoderMsg {
url: Url,
key: LoadKey,
image: Option<Image>,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,8 +325,8 @@ impl ImageCache {
None => {
let pending_load = self.pending_loads.get(&url);
Err(pending_load.map_or(ImageState::NotRequested, |_| ImageState::Pending))
map_or(Err(ImageState::NotRequested), |_| Err(ImageState::Pending))
Expand All @@ -227,26 +338,25 @@ impl ImageCache {

// Handle progress messages from the resource task
fn handle_progress(&mut self, msg: ResourceLoadInfo) {
match msg.action {
ResponseAction::HeadersAvailable(_) => {}
ResponseAction::DataAvailable(data) => {
let pending_load = self.pending_loads.get_mut(&msg.url).unwrap();
match (msg.action, msg.key) {
(ResponseAction::HeadersAvailable(_), _) => {}
(ResponseAction::DataAvailable(data), _) => {
let pending_load = self.pending_loads.get_by_key_mut(&msg.key).unwrap();
ResponseAction::ResponseComplete(result) => {
(ResponseAction::ResponseComplete(result), key) => {
match result {
Ok(()) => {
let pending_load = self.pending_loads.get_mut(&msg.url).unwrap();
let pending_load = self.pending_loads.get_by_key_mut(&msg.key).unwrap();
pending_load.result = Some(result);

let bytes = mem::replace(&mut pending_load.bytes, vec!());
let url = msg.url.clone();
let sender = self.decoder_sender.clone();

self.task_pool.execute(move || {
let image = load_from_memory(&bytes);
let msg = DecoderMsg {
url: url,
key: key,
image: image
Expand All @@ -255,10 +365,10 @@ impl ImageCache {
Err(_) => {
match self.placeholder_image.clone() {
Some(placeholder_image) => {
self.complete_load(msg.url, ImageResponse::PlaceholderLoaded(
self.complete_load(msg.key, ImageResponse::PlaceholderLoaded(
None => self.complete_load(msg.url, ImageResponse::None),
None => self.complete_load(msg.key, ImageResponse::None),
Expand All @@ -272,50 +382,47 @@ impl ImageCache {
None => ImageResponse::None,
Some(image) => ImageResponse::Loaded(Arc::new(image)),
self.complete_load(msg.url, image);
self.complete_load(msg.key, image);

// Change state of a url from pending -> loaded.
fn complete_load(&mut self, url: Url, image_response: ImageResponse) {
let pending_load = self.pending_loads.remove(&url).unwrap();
fn complete_load(&mut self, key: LoadKey, image_response: ImageResponse) {
let pending_load = self.pending_loads.remove(&key).unwrap();

let completed_load = CompletedLoad::new(image_response.clone());
self.completed_loads.insert(url, completed_load);
self.completed_loads.insert(pending_load.url, completed_load);

for listener in pending_load.listeners {

// Request an image from the cache
// Request an image from the cache. If the image hasn't been
// loaded/decoded yet, it will be loaded/decoded in the
// background.
fn request_image(&mut self,
url: Url,
result_chan: ImageCacheChan,
responder: Option<ImageResponder>) {
let image_listener = ImageListener::new(result_chan, responder);
// Let's avoid copying url everywhere.
let ref_url = Arc::new(url);

// Check if already completed
match self.completed_loads.get(&url) {
match self.completed_loads.get(&ref_url) {
Some(completed_load) => {
// It's already completed, return a notify straight away
None => {
// Check if the load is already pending
match self.pending_loads.entry(url.clone()) {
Occupied(mut e) => {
// It's pending, so add the listener for state changes
let pending_load = e.get_mut();
Vacant(e) => {
// A new load request! Add the pending load and request
// it from the resource task.
let mut pending_load = PendingLoad::new();

let load_data = LoadData::new(url.clone(), None);
let (cache_result, load_key, mut pending_load) = self.pending_loads.get_cached(ref_url.clone());
match cache_result {
CacheResult::Miss => {
// A new load request! Request the load from
// the resource task.
let load_data = LoadData::new((*ref_url).clone(), None);
let (action_sender, action_receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
let response_target = AsyncResponseTarget {
sender: action_sender,
Expand All @@ -327,11 +434,14 @@ impl ImageCache {
let action: ResponseAction =;
progress_sender.send(ResourceLoadInfo {
action: action,
url: url.clone(),
key: load_key,
CacheResult::Hit => {
// Request is already on its way.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,7 +487,7 @@ pub fn new_image_cache_task(resource_task: ResourceTask) -> ImageCacheTask {
decoder_sender: decoder_sender,
decoder_receiver: decoder_receiver,
task_pool: TaskPool::new(4),
pending_loads: HashMap::new(),
pending_loads: AllPendingLoads::new(),
completed_loads: HashMap::new(),
resource_task: resource_task,
placeholder_image: placeholder_image,
Expand Down

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