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Volley is a Publish/Subscribe deployment mechanism, with some additional functionality allowing for scripting of builds. It depends on MCollective as the Publish/Subscribe mechanism.


Volley requires Fog, which requires Nokogiri. Nokogiri requires ruby 1.9.3 and libxml2 (and possibly libxslt1). To get libxml2 set up, use the following command:


brew install libxml2


sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

now back to your regularly scheduled gem install.

Gem installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'volley'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install volley

By default, volley stores it's data in /opt/volley, you'll need to create this directory and make sure it's world writable.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/volley
sudo chmod 777 /opt/volley


Generally, you will provide configuration in either a /etc/Volleyfile or ~/.Volleyfile. It should be either/or, because certain configurations (publisher) can only be specified once.


For testing, you can use a Local publisher:

publisher :local,
  :directory => "/tmp/volley/remote"

This will allow you to use all of Volley's functionality without requiring a cloud account.

Eventually, you will need to configure a cloud-based publisher, for S3, it would look like this:

publisher :amazons3,
  :aws_access_key_id => "ACCESS_KEY",
  :aws_secret_access_key => "SECRET_KEY",
  :bucket => "my-bucket-name"


Usage of Volley comes in primarily two parts: Publish and Deploy. Publishing generally involves creating an artifact and pushing it to a remote location like S3. Deploying involves pulling the artifact from the remote location and running code contained inside of it.


All of the intelligence required to build, publish and deploy a project should be contained in the project's Volleyfile If you've used Capistrano or other similar gem's, this is similar.

A project's Volleyfile contains at least a single project with publish and deploy plans.

project :myproject do
  plan :publish do
    action :build do
      # run a build command
    push do
      # push is a special action.
      # the push action will automatically create a single artifact for you
      # the last statement of the push action should be a list of files that
      # you want included in the artifact.

  plan :deploy do
    pull do |dir|
      # pull is a special action
      # this action will be called once the artifact is downloaded and unpacked
      # on the remote server.
      # 'dir' is set to the directory containing the unpacked contents of the
      # artifact.

The Volleyfile is organized such that:

  • Volleyfiles contain projects
  • Projects contain plans
  • Plans contain actions (which are run in the order that they are specified)


A project is simply a container for a given projects related work. The project method requires a name argument, either a symbol or string. Projects support a few configurations:

  • scm - specify the source code management being used. currently supports :git and :subversion


As in the above Volleyfile, plans are simply a block of code. The plan method of the project requires a name argument, as a symbol or a string.


Actions contain simple blocks of work necessary to build your artifact. The simplest form of an action looks like:

action :name do
    # work goes here

As with projects and plans, names can be specified as strings or symbols.

There are a few specialized actions which have shortcut methods:

  • default - generally used for simple plans, that contain only one action
  • push - The push action is specialized in that it's return value is the list of files which will be packaged into the remote artifact. This action is the only way to push files to publisher.
  • pull - The pull action is the only how Volley pulls artifacts from the publisher. The code block for the pull action should contain the work required to deploy the artifact on the remote server.
  • volley - the volley action allows for dependencies between projects, one project can call another.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


PubSub Deployment Tool







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