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Renaming directories

simonc edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

Unlike a lot of batch renaming tools, AbsoluteRenamer is able to rename directories.
This is done using the -d option.
When this option is used, only directories are renamed, files are ignored.

Given the following tree :

|-- dir_1/
|   |-- some_dir/
|   `-- some_file
|-- dir_2/
|   |-- some_dir/
|   `-- some_file
|-- file_1
`-- file_2

Calling the next command

absrenamer -d -f"Folder_###" *

will result in the following tree :

|-- Folder_001/
|   |-- some_dir/
|   `-- some_file
|-- Folder_002/
|   |-- some_dir/
|   `-- some_file
|-- file_1
`-- file_2

For informations about renaming recursively, see the Recursive renaming page.