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What is this ?

covme is a code coverage tool for C/C++ application.

version 0.1.0 (2022/3/15), It's able to measure C1 coverage.

covme demo

Supported platform

version 0.1.0 (2022/3/15), X86_64 GNU/Linux is supported.

Tested on

  • Ubuntu20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu20.04(WSL2)

Tools and library dependency

covme use gdb for code trace, so gdb must be installed. And target program must contains DWARF format debug infomation.

How to use

Download this repository.

In the downloded directory, there is a file named covme, it's an executable module.

you can run covme as follows, specify your target program path as argument that you want to measure coverage.

./covme ./a.out

If target program takes command line args, specify them after module path.

./covme ./a.out 1 2

If the target program finished, covme generate HTML a coverage result report in report directory.

Note: Each time run covme, file in report directory is overwritten, please carefully

Build target modules

covme use DWARF format for get code coverage, so please, make sure of target program contains debug infomation.

build command example).

gcc -g main.c

And once you build your source code, dont' move your source code another directory. Because covme found your source code path from your target modules. If you want to move your source code of target modules, you need to rebuild program before execute covme.

Examples and sample scripts

This repository contains target program code exsamples and sample scripts to help your understanding about covme behavior.


There are some sample target program source files in the examples directory.

  1. function_call

    call function implemented in another file(calc.c), from main function(main.c).

  2. with_sharedobject

    same as function_call,but build calc.c as shared object file(.so).

  3. with_stdin

    sample for user input from stdin(scanf).

  4. exit_target

    sample for code has infinite loop and long periods of no response from library functions.

Build examples and try them

Build examples

run, it will build source files in examples directroy. Note: assumed that gcc is installed.

run sample scripts and measure coverage are sample sript of covme,try them after run completed.

each sample script detail are following


    Measure examples/c/function_call program coverage with covme.


    Sample for program with shared object file. uses sudo option to copy shared library file to /usr/local/lib and to run ldconfig.


    Sample for user input from stdin(scanf).

    You need to input from stdin while running covme.


    Measure examples/cpp/function_call program coverage with covme. It's simple C++ application code coverage example.


    Measure examples/c/exit_target program coverage with covme. This is an example of coverage measurement when there is an infinite loop in the program and the library function does not return a response for a long time. You can stop trace and generate a coverage report by input ctrl-c.

Known Bugs and Issues

Known Bugs and Issues are listed below

  • some multi thread application will fail to measure correctly.
  • some application that require I/O input(like network program) will fail to measure correctly.
  • C++ applications are not tested sufficiently.


functions covme will support are listed below

  • Fix Known bugs
  • support multi thread program coverage
  • C2 code coverage
  • generate rich report
  • detect memory leak of target program
  • support ARM achitecture(ARMv7,AArch64)
  • support embedded CPU achitecture(RX,RL78...etc)
  • trace without gdb
  • support PDB format

About source code

I'm developing covme with golang, currently my source code is not clean and readble. I will open my code when it has been a readble and graceful.

About oss dependencies



Bugs reports, feature requests are welcome. Please submit by Github Issues. In some cace, I can't respond your Issue, sorry about that in advance. For debugging covme, I might ask you submit your source code, modules, please cooperate if possible.