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It's not very easy to test your gem in many different environments. Take for example Rails: how can you know that your gem, tested in a Rails 3.2 app, will work in Rails 4.0, without regenerating the entire app? And after doing so, how will you ensure backward compatibility to 3.2 going forward?

Those are the sorts of problems this gem is meant to help with.

1. Pull in the gem (duh)

First, add this gem to your project's list of development dependencies:

# in my-gem.gemspec
gem.add_development_dependency 'testbeds'

Then install it, of course.

2. Create Gemfiles (yes, more than one)

Add a Gemfile for each testbed you intend to implement. For example, you might have a file in gemfiles/rails-3.2 describing your dependencies for testing within Rails 3.2, and another in gemfiles/rails-4.0 which could have a completely different set of dependencies.

3. The Bedfile

Then, create a Bedfile and use the handy-dandy DSL to build up your testbeds. Here's an example Bedfile:

# store testbeds in spec/testbeds/*
store_in "spec/testbeds"

testbeds do
  # create 2 testbeds, one for Rails 3.2 and the other for Rails 4.0
  gemfiles 'gemfiles/rails-3.2',

  init do
    # when generating each testbed, first generate a Rails app...
    run "rails", "new", name, "--skip-bundle", "--skip-gemfile"
    chdir name

    # ...and then run the rspec-rails installer.
    run "rails", "g", "rspec:install"

  # Load this Rakefile. More on this later.
  rakefile '<%= name %>/Rakefile'

  # Load this file as a dependency whenever code is executed in
  # the context of this testbed. More on this later.
  depend_on '<%= name %>/config/application.rb'

There are only a few methods to be aware of:

  • store_in - sets the destination directory which will serve as the root of all of your testbeds. This is where the projects will be generated.

  • testbeds do ... end - Sets up one or more testbeds. You can call this method more than once, with different setup code for each invocation, or you can just call this method once.

  • gemfiles - Takes a list of paths to Gemfiles, relative to the Bedfile. Each Gemfile represents a testbed. All of the other set-up in this testbeds do ... end block will be duplicated once for each Gemfile.

  • init do ... end - Runs the given block when a testbed is being generated. This allows you to take whatever steps would be normally taken by a user of your gem within the target environment. In the above example, we generate a Rails application and then run the rspec-rails installer, but this is only an example.

  • rakefile - Takes a path relative to store_in for loading Rake tasks. In your main Rakefile, you can just require 'testbeds/rake'. See the Rake section, below.

  • depend_on - Specifies the files within the testbed(s) which must be loaded whenever the testbed is being used. See the Rake section, below.

4. Generating Testbeds

When you're ready to build your testbeds, run the generate-testbeds script that ships with this gem. It will remove everything in the store_in directory (so watch out!) and then start generating testbeds from scratch. We purposely wipe out the previous state here, because we want to be able to build up each testbed from a clean slate. In fact, you could opt not to even commit the store_in directory to Git. (I haven't decided yet whether to consider adding store_in to .gitignore a best practice, so consider it a matter of opinion.)

At each stage of testbed generation, the command that is about to be executed is printed to the screen for your reference. This way, if it fails, you will know exactly at what point the failure occurred.

Here's an example of what testbed generation looks like:

colin in testbeds  $ generate-testbeds 

rm -rf /Users/colin/projects/gems/testbeds/spec/testbeds
mkdir -p /Users/colin/projects/gems/testbeds/spec/testbeds
export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="/Users/colin/projects/gems/testbeds/gemfiles/rails-3.2"
bundle install
bundle exec rails new rails-3.2 --skip-bundle --skip-gemfile
bundle exec rails g rspec:install

export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="/Users/colin/projects/gems/testbeds/gemfiles/rails-4.0"
bundle install
bundle exec rails new rails-4.0 --skip-bundle --skip-gemfile
bundle exec rails g rspec:install


As you can see, BUNDLE_GEMFILE is exported at each stage. This gem relies heavily on Bundler in this way. I think it's probably a bad idea to execute bundle execute generate-testbeds, as this will create an environment that conflicts with the testbed environments. I'm not sure what to expect in such a state. You have been warned -- but I'll still accept pull requests if it leads to fixable bugs.

5. Rake

Instead of trying to guess at a once-size-fits-all set of Rake tasks, I decided after some deliberation that this gem should instead focus on augmenting tasks written by you. So it's not a one-line drop-in sort of thing. Instead it provides you the tools you need to run a Rake task in one or more testbeds of your choosing.

Here's a typical Rakefile that makes use of this gem:

# in Rakefile
require 'testbeds/rake'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'

# each_testbed yields a testbed itself, and also creates the corresponding
# Rake namespace for the testbed.
each_testbed do |testbed| # namespace 'testbed:rails-3.2'

  # create a namespaced rspec task for each testbed
  desc "run rspec tests in #{}"
  task :rspec do
    ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = testbed.gemfile

    # so here we'll create an RSpec task at runtime, and then invoke
    # it right away. You don't have to do it this way, but I chose to,
    # in order to silence some RSpec cruft at the command line."_rspec") do |t|
      opts = testbed.dependencies.collect { |dep| ['-r', dep] }.flatten
      t.rspec_opts = opts



desc 'run rspec tests in each testbed consecutively'
task :rspec do
  each_testbed do |testbed|
    raise unless system "rake #{testbed.namespace}:rspec"

When you have a Rakefile like this, running rake --tasks will show about what you'd expect:

rake build                     # Build testbeds-0.0.1.gem into the pkg directory.
rake install                   # Build and install testbeds-0.0.1.gem into system gems.
rake release                   # Create tag v0.0.1 and build and push testbeds-0.0.1.gem to Rubygems
rake rspec                     # run rspec tests in each testbed consecutively
rake testbed:rails-3.2:rspec   # run rspec tests in rails-3.2
rake testbed:rails-4.0:rspec   # run rspec tests in rails-4.0

As you can see, we've namespaced each rspec task into its own testbed namespace. This allows us to run the specs under, say, just the rails-3.2 testbed, ignoring for the moment the same specs under rails-4.0. We also have the no-namespace rake rspec task, which will iterate through each testbed and execute its specs consecutively. If any one of these fails, the whole process will be aborted.

Testbed Rake Tasks

There's one more thing you can do that is really cool, but not so obvious. If you export the environment variable BUNDLE_GEMFILE pointing to one of your testbed Gemfiles, then you get:

$ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=gemfiles/rails-3.2 rake -T

rake build                              # Build testbeds-0.0.1.gem into the pkg directory.
rake install                            # Build and install testbeds-0.0.1.gem into system gems.
rake release                            # Create tag v0.0.1 and build and push testbeds-0.0.1.gem to Rubygems
rake rspec                              # run rspec tests in each testbed consecutively
rake testbed:current:about              # List versions of all Rails frameworks and the environment
rake testbed:current:assets:clean       # Remove compiled assets
rake testbed:current:assets:precompile  # Compile all the assets named in config.assets.precompile
rake testbed:current:db:create          # Create the database from config/database.yml for the current Rails.env (use db:create:a...
rake testbed:current:db:drop            # Drops the database for the current Rails.env (use db:drop:all to drop all databases)
rake testbed:current:db:fixtures:load   # Load fixtures into the current environment's database.
rake testbed:current:db:migrate         # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false).
  < snip, long list >
rake testbed:current:tmp:create         # Creates tmp directories for sessions, cache, sockets, and pids
rake testbed:rails-3.2:rspec            # run rspec tests in rails-3.2
rake testbed:rails-4.0:rspec            # run rspec tests in rails-4.0

As you can see, this syntax creates another namespace, testbed:current, which contains the Rake tasks loaded for this testbed. This gives you a convenient handle for e.g. running migrations and the like without having to move from testbed to testbed.

6. Travis

You test on, right? Yes, of course you do, and you want to run your tests on each testbed, every time you commit. Here's how:

# in .travis.yml
  # only if you don't commit the testbeds to git
  - generate-testbeds

script: "rake testbeds:current:rspec"

  - path/to/gemfiles/rails-3.2
  - path/to/gemfiles/rails-4.0


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Manages multiple testbeds within which to test your gems (or other code)







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