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Resources: Perform legacy savegame conversion in the background
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Improved conversion mechanism using a background TaskPool. Each
savegame conversion is handled using a separate concurrent task,
scheduled via Doomsday Script in

A resource system ConvertSavegameTask delegates the conversion to
a Doomsday savegame converter plugin.

The Savegame Converter plugin now executes Savegame Tool using a
subprocess which blocks until conversion is completed.

ResourceSystem observes the conversion task pool, repopulating the
file system automatically whenever the pool is empty.

Todo: There is presently an active plugin id conflict, caused by
the concurrently running conversion tasks, which results in game
registration failures during startup.
  • Loading branch information
danij-deng committed Apr 7, 2014
1 parent 31598c9 commit 06971a4
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Showing 5 changed files with 185 additions and 92 deletions.
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions doomsday/client/include/resource/resourcesystem.h
Expand Up @@ -870,14 +870,18 @@ class ResourceSystem : public de::System
de::NativePath nativeSavePath();

* Utility for initiating a legacy savegame conversion.
* Utility for scheduling legacy savegame conversion(s) (delegated to background Tasks).
* @param sourcePath Path to the legacy savegame file to be converted.
* @param gameId Identity key of the game and corresponding subfolder name within
* save repository to output the converted savegame to. Also used for
* resolving ambiguous savegame formats.
* @param sourcePath If a zero-length string then @em all legacy savegames located for
* this game will be considered. Otherwise use the path of a single
* legacy savegame file to schedule a single conversion.
* @return @c true if one or more conversion tasks were scheduled.
bool convertLegacySavegame(de::String const &sourcePath, de::String const &gameId);
bool convertLegacySavegames(de::String const &gameId, de::String const &sourcePath = "");

public: /// @todo Should be private:
void initCompositeTextures();
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14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions doomsday/client/modules/
Expand Up @@ -6,14 +6,21 @@
# The window is not yet visible -- no GL operations can be performed.
# Config has already been loaded from persistent storage.

import Version, App, Config
import Version, App, Config, SavedSession

def bindDefaultConsoleTildeKey()
import Input
Input.bindEvent("global:key-tilde-down+key-shift-up", "taskbar")
Input.bindEvent("console:key-tilde-down+key-shift-up", "taskbar")

def runLegacySavegameConversion(newGame)
if newGame == 'null-game': return
# Schedule conversion of all legacy savegames located.
# TODO: Improve this logic so that conversion tasks are done only when necessary.

def runPluginLoadHooks(newGame)
if newGame == 'null-game': return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,5 +55,8 @@ end
# During launch we will perform any necessary maintenance tasks.

# Whenever a game is added, we'll schedule legacy savegame conversion tasks.
App.audienceForGameAddition += [runLegacySavegameConversion]

# Whenever a game is loaded, we'll run pending hooks.
App.audienceForGameChange += [runPluginLoadHooks]
App.audienceForGameChange += [runPluginLoadHooks]
229 changes: 152 additions & 77 deletions doomsday/client/src/resource/resourcesystem.cpp
Expand Up @@ -61,16 +61,17 @@

#include <de/App>
#include <de/ArrayValue>
#include <de/ByteRefArray>
#include <de/DirectoryFeed>
#include <de/game/SavedSession>
#include <de/game/Session>
#include <de/Log>
#include <de/Loop>
#include <de/Module>
#include <de/NativeFile>
#include <de/NumberValue>
#include <de/Reader>
#include <de/Task>
#include <de/TaskPool>
#include <de/Time>
#ifdef __CLIENT__
# include <de/ByteOrder>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,19 +167,28 @@ static detailvariantspecification_t &configureDetailTextureSpec(
#endif // __CLIENT__

* Native Doomsday Script utility for executing a legacy savegame conversion.
* Native Doomsday Script utility for scheduling conversion of a single legacy savegame.
Value *Function_SavedSession_Convert(Context &, Function::ArgumentValues const &args)
String sourcePath = args[0]->asText();
String gameId = args[1]->asText();
return new NumberValue(App_ResourceSystem().convertLegacySavegame(sourcePath, gameId));
String gameId = args[0]->asText();
String sourcePath = args[1]->asText();
return new NumberValue(App_ResourceSystem().convertLegacySavegames(gameId, sourcePath));

* Native Doomsday Script utility for scheduling conversion of @em all legacy savegames
* for the specified gameId.
Value *Function_SavedSession_ConvertAll(Context &, Function::ArgumentValues const &args)
String gameId = args[0]->asText();
return new NumberValue(App_ResourceSystem().convertLegacySavegames(gameId));

#ifdef __CLIENT__
, DENG2_OBSERVES(Games, Addition) // Saved session repository population
, DENG2_OBSERVES(Loop, Iteration) // post savegame conversion FS population
, DENG2_OBSERVES(Games, Addition) // savegames folder setup
, DENG2_OBSERVES(MaterialScheme, ManifestDefined)
, DENG2_OBSERVES(MaterialManifest, MaterialDerived)
, DENG2_OBSERVES(MaterialManifest, Deletion)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,11 +406,10 @@ DENG2_PIMPL(ResourceSystem)
#ifdef __CLIENT__
// Setup the SavedSession module.
<< DENG2_FUNC(SavedSession_Convert, "convert", "savegamePath" << "gameId");
<< DENG2_FUNC(SavedSession_Convert, "convert", "gameId" << "savegamePath")
<< DENG2_FUNC(SavedSession_ConvertAll, "convertAll", "gameId");
App::scriptSystem().addNativeModule("SavedSession", savedSessionModule);

App_Games().audienceForAddition() += this;

// Determine the root directory of the saved session repository.
if(int arg = App::commandLine().check("-savedir", 1))
Expand All @@ -409,17 +418,24 @@ DENG2_PIMPL(ResourceSystem)
nativeSavePath = App::commandLine().at(arg + 1);
// Else use the default.

App_Games().audienceForAddition() += this;

// Create the user's saved game folder if it doesn't yet exist.
// Create the user saved session folder in the local FS if it doesn't yet exist.
// Once created, any SavedSessions in this folder will be found and indexed
// automatically into the file system.

// Create the legacy savegame folder.

#ifdef __CLIENT__

App_Games().audienceForAddition() -= this;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,6 +474,14 @@ DENG2_PIMPL(ResourceSystem)
return App_FileSystem();

void gameAdded(Game &game)
// Called from a non-UI thread.
// Make the /home/savegames/<gameId> subfolder in the local FS if it does not yet exist.
App::fileSystem().makeFolder(String("/home/savegames") /;

void clearMaterialManifests()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1937,53 +1961,97 @@ DENG2_PIMPL(ResourceSystem)
#endif // __CLIENT__

void gameAdded(Game &game)
* Asynchronous task that attempts conversion of a legacy savegame. Each converter
* plugin is tried in turn.
class ConvertSavegameTask : public Task
// Called from a non-UI thread.
String const gameId = game.identityKey();
ddhook_savegame_convert_t parm;

// Make the native savegames folder if it does not yet exist.
// Once created, any SavedSessions in this folder will be found and indexed
// automatically into the file system.
App::fileSystem().makeFolder(String("/home/savegames") / gameId);
ConvertSavegameTask(String const &sourcePath, String const &gameId)
// Ensure the game is defined (sanity check).
/*Game &game = */ App_Games().byIdentityKey(gameId);

// Perhaps there are legacy saved game sessions which need to be converted?
NativePath const oldSavePath = game.legacySavegamePath();
if(oldSavePath.exists() && oldSavePath.isReadable())
// Ensure the output folder exists if it doesn't already.
String const outputPath = String("/home/savegames") / gameId;

Str_Set(Str_InitStd(&parm.sourcePath), sourcePath.toUtf8().constData());
Str_Set(Str_InitStd(&parm.outputPath), outputPath.toUtf8().constData());
Str_Set(Str_InitStd(&parm.fallbackGameId), gameId.toUtf8().constData());

QRegExp namePattern(game.legacySavegameNameExp(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);

if(namePattern.isValid() && !namePattern.isEmpty())
Folder &sourceFolder = App::fileSystem().makeFolderWithFeed(
de::String("/legacySavegames") / gameId,
new DirectoryFeed(oldSavePath),
Folder::PopulateOnlyThisFolder /* no need to go deep */);
void runTask()
/// @todo fixme: Concurrent active plugins!!
DD_CallHooks(HOOK_SAVEGAME_CONVERT, 0, &parm);
TaskPool convertSavegameTasks;

//ArrayValue *pathList = 0;
DENG2_FOR_EACH_CONST(Folder::Contents, i, sourceFolder.contents())
//if(!pathList) pathList = new ArrayValue;
//(*pathList) << TextValue(i->second->path());
void loopIteration()
Loop::appLoop().audienceForIteration() -= this;
// The newly converted savegame(s) should now be somewhere in /home/savegames
catch(Folder::NotFoundError const &)
{} // Ignore.

self.convertLegacySavegame(i->second->path(), gameId);
void beginConvertLegacySavegame(String const &sourcePath, String const &gameId)
LOG_TRACE("Scheduling legacy savegame conversion for %s (gameId:%s)") << sourcePath << gameId;
Loop::appLoop().audienceForIteration() += this;
convertSavegameTasks.start(new ConvertSavegameTask(sourcePath, gameId));

void locateLegacySavegames(String const &gameId)
String const legacySavePath = String("/legacysavegames") / gameId;
if(Folder *oldSaveFolder = App::rootFolder().tryLocate<Folder>(legacySavePath))
// Add any new legacy savegames which may have appeared in this folder.
oldSaveFolder->populate(Folder::PopulateOnlyThisFolder /* no need to go deep */);
// Make and setup a feed for the /legacysavegames/<gameId> subfolder if the game
// might have legacy savegames we may need to convert later.
NativePath const oldSavePath = App_Games().byIdentityKey(gameId).legacySavegamePath();
if(oldSavePath.exists() && oldSavePath.isReadable())
savedSessionModule.addArray(gameId + ".legacySavegames", pathList);
new DirectoryFeed(oldSavePath),
Folder::PopulateOnlyThisFolder /* no need to go deep */);
catch(Games::NotFoundError const &)
{} // Ignore this error

#endif // __CLIENT__

ResourceSystem::ResourceSystem() : d(new Instance(this))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3910,41 +3978,48 @@ NativePath ResourceSystem::nativeSavePath()
return d->nativeSavePath;

bool ResourceSystem::convertLegacySavegame(String const &sourcePath, String const &gameId)
bool ResourceSystem::convertLegacySavegames(String const &gameId, String const &sourcePath)
String const outputPath = String("/home/savegames") / gameId;
// A converter plugin is required.
if(!Plug_CheckForHook(HOOK_SAVEGAME_CONVERT)) return false;

// Attempt the conversion via a plugin (each is tried in turn).
ddhook_savegame_convert_t parm;
Str_Set(Str_InitStd(&parm.sourcePath), sourcePath.toUtf8().constData());
Str_Set(Str_InitStd(&parm.outputPath), outputPath.toUtf8().constData());
Str_Set(Str_InitStd(&parm.fallbackGameId), gameId.toUtf8().constData());
// Populate /legacysavegames/<gameId> with new savegames which may have appeared.

// Try to convert the savegame via each plugin in turn.
dd_bool conversionAttempted = DD_CallHooks(HOOK_SAVEGAME_CONVERT, 0, &parm);


bool didSchedule = false;
/// @todo kludge: Give the converter a chance to complete.

// Process all legacy savegames.
if(Folder const *saveFolder = App::rootFolder().tryLocate<Folder>(String("legacysavegames") / gameId))
// Update the /home/savegames/<gameId> folder.
Folder &saveFolder = App::rootFolder().locate<Folder>(outputPath);
return true;
/// @todo File name pattern matching should not be done here. This is to prevent
/// attempting to convert Hexen's map state side car files separately when this
/// is called from Doomsday Script (in
Game const &game = App_Games().byIdentityKey(gameId);
QRegExp namePattern(game.legacySavegameNameExp(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if(namePattern.isValid() && !namePattern.isEmpty())
DENG2_FOR_EACH_CONST(Folder::Contents, i, saveFolder->contents())
// Schedule the conversion task.
d->beginConvertLegacySavegame(i->second->path(), gameId);
didSchedule = true;
catch(Folder::NotFoundError const &)
{} // Ignore.
// Just the one legacy savegame.
else if(App::rootFolder().has(sourcePath))
// Schedule the conversion task.
d->beginConvertLegacySavegame(sourcePath, gameId);
didSchedule = true;

// Seemingly no plugin was able to fulfill our request.
return false;
return didSchedule;

byte precacheMapMaterials = true;
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion doomsday/libdeng2/src/game/session.cpp
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@

#include "de/game/session.h"
#include "de/App"
#include "de/game/Game"
#include "de/game/SavedSession"
#include "de/Log"
#include "de/Writer"
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