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Documentation: Script for generating wiki pages for commands/variables
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Expected to be run in "doomsday/doc".
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skyjake committed Mar 30, 2013
1 parent 4dffe8a commit 0ed5329
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 0 deletions.
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions doomsday/build/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
import sys, os, subprocess

sys.path += ['/Users/jaakko/Dropbox/Scripts']
import dew

comment = 'Generated from Amethyst source by'
collections = ['engine', 'libcommon', 'libdoom', 'libheretic', 'libhexen']
modes = ['command', 'variable']

def categoryForMode(m):
return {'command': 'Console command',
'variable': 'Console variable'}[m]

def categoryForCollection(col, m):
if col == 'engine': col = 'Engine'
return categoryForMode(m) + ' (%s)' % col

def heading(col, m):
hd = {'command': 'Commands', 'variable': 'Variables'}[m]
if col == 'engine': col = 'Doomsday'
elif col == 'libcommon': col = 'all games'
hd += ' for ' + col
return hd

def colHeading(m):
hd = {'command': 'Command', 'variable': 'Variable'}[m]
return hd

def amethyst(input):
p = subprocess.Popen(['amethyst', '-dWIKI'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(output, errs) = p.communicate(input)
return output


class Page:
def __init__(self, title, content):
self.title = title
self.content = content = ''
self.summary = ''
self.mode = ''

def appendCollectionToTitle(self, col):
if ')' in self.title:
self.title = self.title.replace(')', ' in %s)' % col)
self.title += ' (%s)' % col

pagesForCollection = {}

for col in collections:
print 'Processing', col, 'documentation...'
pagesForCollection[col] = {}

for mode in modes:
print '-', mode

dirName = os.path.join(col, mode)
files = os.listdir(dirName)
for fn in files:
if not fn.endswith('.ame'): continue
name = fn[:-4]
title = name

if mode == 'command': title += " (Cmd)"

# Generate full page.
templ = '@require{amestd}\n'
templ += '@macro{summary}{== Summary == @break @arg}\n'
templ += '@macro{description}{@break == Description == @break @arg}\n'
templ += '@macro{cbr}{<br/>}\n'
templ += '@begin\n' + \
file(os.path.join(dirName, fn)).read()

templ += '\n[[Category:%s]]\n' % categoryForMode(mode)
templ += '\n[[Category:%s]]\n' % categoryForCollection(col, mode)

page = Page(title, amethyst(templ))
page.mode = mode
pagesForCollection[col][title] = page

# Just the summary for the index.
templ = '@require{amestd}\n'
templ += '@macro{summary}{@arg}\n'
templ += '@macro{description}{}\n'
templ += '@macro{cbr}{}\n'
templ += '@begin\n' + \
file(os.path.join(dirName, fn)).read() = name
page.summary = amethyst(templ).strip()

def inOtherCollection(title, excludeCol):
for col in collections:
if col == excludeCol: continue
if title in pagesForCollection[col]:
return True
return False

# Check for ambiguous pages.
ambigs = []
for col in collections:
pages = pagesForCollection[col]
for page in pages.values():
if inOtherCollection(page.title, col):
title = page.title
ambigPage = Page(title,
"'''%s''' can be one of the following:\n" % title)
# Must be more specific.
for c in collections:
if title in pagesForCollection[c]:
p = pagesForCollection[c][title]
ambigPage.content += '* [[%s]]\n' % p.title

ambigs = sorted(ambigs, key=lambda p: p.title)

# Generate the indices.
indexPage = {}
indexPage['variable'] = ''
indexPage['command'] = ''

for col in collections:
for mode in modes:
indexPage[mode] += '\n== %s ==\n\n' % heading(col, mode)
indexPage[mode] += '{| class="wikitable"\n! %s\n! Description\n' % colHeading(mode)

pages = sorted(pagesForCollection[col].values(), key=lambda p:
for page in filter(lambda p: p.mode == mode, pages):
indexPage[mode] += '|-\n| [[%s|%s]]\n| %s\n' % (page.title,, page.summary)

indexPage[mode] += '|}\n'

for m in modes:
indexPage[m] += '\n[[Category:Console]]\n[[Category:References]]\n'

dew.submitPage('Console command reference', indexPage['command'], comment)
dew.submitPage('Console variable reference', indexPage['variable'], comment)

print 'Submitting deambiguation pages...'
for amb in ambigs:
print '-', amb.title
dew.submitPage(amb.title, amb.content, comment)

print 'Submitting pages...'

for col in collections:
pages = pagesForCollection[col]
count = len(pages)
i = 0
for page in pages.values():
i += 1
print '-', col, ": %i / %i" % (i, count)
dew.submitPage(page.title, page.content, comment)


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