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Reworked A_VileChase() and A_VileCheck() cleaning them up and passing
the state variables directly to A_VileCheck() (we no longer need to
use globals for this).
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danij-deng committed Aug 12, 2012
1 parent fcf144d commit 4263233
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Showing 3 changed files with 69 additions and 70 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions doomsday/engine/api/doomsday.def
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
; Doomsday Engine API (Routines exported from Doomsday.exe).
; Highest ordinal is currently: --> 856 <--
; Other free ordinals: 57
; Highest ordinal is currently: --> 857 <--
; Other free ordinals: None


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -890,12 +890,14 @@ EXPORTS

; Vectors.
V2d_Sum @54 NONAME
V2d_Scale @57 NONAME
V2d_Subtract @341 NONAME
V2d_Rotate @344 NONAME
V2d_PointOnLineSide @376 NONAME
V2d_PointLineDistance @442 NONAME
V2d_ProjectOnLine @443 NONAME
V2d_Intersection @349 NONAME
V2d_Copy @857 NONAME

; Utilities.
M_ApproxDistance @58 NONAME
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doomsday/engine/api/doomsday.h
Expand Up @@ -749,6 +749,8 @@ angle_t M_PointXYToAngle(double x, double y);
angle_t M_PointToAngle2(double const a[2], double const b[2]);
angle_t M_PointXYToAngle2(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);

void V2d_Copy(double dest[2], double const src[2]);
void V2d_Scale(double vector[2], double scalar);
void V2d_Sum(double dest[2], double const a[2], double const b[2]);
void V2d_Subtract(double dest[2], double const a[2], double const b[2]);
void V2d_Rotate(double vec[2], double radians);
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131 changes: 63 additions & 68 deletions doomsday/plugins/jdoom/src/p_enemy.c
Expand Up @@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ braindata_t brain; // Global state of boss brain.
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------

static mobj_t* corpseHit;
static mobj_t* vileObj;
static coord_t vileTry[3];

static coord_t dropoffDelta[2], floorZ;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1004,114 +1002,111 @@ void C_DECL A_SkelFist(mobj_t* actor)
* Detect a corpse that could be raised.
int PIT_VileCheck(mobj_t* thing, void* data)
coord_t maxdist;
boolean check;
typedef struct {
mobj_t* resurrector;
coord_t raisePoint[2];
} pit_vilecheckparams_t;

if(!(thing->flags & MF_CORPSE))
return false; // Not a monster.
int PIT_VileCheck(mobj_t* corpse, void* parameters)
pit_vilecheckparams_t* parm = (pit_vilecheckparams_t*)parameters;
boolean raisePointOpen;
coord_t maxDist;

if(thing->tics != -1)
return false; // Not lying still yet.
// Not actually a monster corpse?
if(!(corpse->flags & MF_CORPSE)) return false;

if(P_GetState(thing->type, SN_RAISE) == S_NULL)
return false; // Monster doesn't have a raise state.
// Not lying still yet?
if(corpse->tics != -1) return false;

maxdist = thing->info->radius + MOBJINFO[MT_VILE].radius;
// Does this mobj type have a raise state?
if(P_GetState(corpse->type, SN_RAISE) == S_NULL) return false;

if(fabs(thing->origin[VX] - vileTry[VX]) > maxdist ||
fabs(thing->origin[VY] - vileTry[VY]) > maxdist)
return false; // Not actually touching.
// Don't raise if its too close to the resurrector.
maxDist = corpse->info->radius + MOBJINFO[ MT_VILE ].radius;
if(fabs(corpse->origin[VX] - parm->raisePoint[VX]) > maxDist ||
fabs(corpse->origin[VY] - parm->raisePoint[VY]) > maxDist) return false;

corpseHit = thing;
corpseHit = corpse;
corpseHit->mom[MX] = corpseHit->mom[MY] = 0;

// DJS - Used the PRBoom method to fix archvile raising ghosts
// If !raiseghosts then ressurect a "normal" MF_SOLID one.
if(!cfg.raiseGhosts) // Compat option.
corpseHit->height *= 2*2;
check = P_CheckPositionXY(corpseHit, corpseHit->origin[VX], corpseHit->origin[VY]);
corpseHit->height /= 2*2;
coord_t radius, height;
const coord_t oldHeight = corpseHit->height;
const coord_t oldRadius = corpseHit->radius;

height = corpseHit->height; // Save temporarily.
radius = corpseHit->radius; // Save temporarily.
corpseHit->height = corpseHit->info->height;
corpseHit->radius = corpseHit->info->radius;
corpseHit->flags |= MF_SOLID;

check = P_CheckPositionXY(corpseHit, corpseHit->origin[VX], corpseHit->origin[VY]);
raisePointOpen = P_CheckPositionXY(corpseHit, corpseHit->origin[VX], corpseHit->origin[VY]);

corpseHit->height = height; // Restore.
corpseHit->radius = radius; // Restore.
corpseHit->height = oldHeight;
corpseHit->radius = oldRadius;
corpseHit->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
// End raiseghosts.

return false; // Doesn't fit here.
// Use the original more buggy approach, which may result in
// non-solid "ghost" monsters.
corpseHit->height = (coord_t)(((fixed_t)corpseHit->height) << 2);
raisePointOpen = P_CheckPositionXY(corpseHit, corpseHit->origin[VX], corpseHit->origin[VY]);
corpseHit->height = (coord_t)(((fixed_t)corpseHit->height) >> 2);

return true; // Got one, so stop checking.
// Stop iteration as soon as a suitable corpse is found.
return raisePointOpen;

* Check for ressurecting a body.
void C_DECL A_VileChase(mobj_t *actor)
void C_DECL A_VileChase(mobj_t* actor)
mobjinfo_t* info;
mobj_t* temp;
AABoxd box;

if(actor->moveDir != DI_NODIR)
// Check for corpses to raise.
vileTry[VX] = actor->origin[VX] + actor->info->speed * dirSpeed[actor->moveDir][VX];
vileTry[VY] = actor->origin[VY] + actor->info->speed * dirSpeed[actor->moveDir][VY];
// Search for a monster corpse that can be raised.
pit_vilecheckparams_t parm;
AABoxd aaBB;

box.minX = vileTry[VX] - MAXRADIUS * 2;
box.minY = vileTry[VY] - MAXRADIUS * 2;
box.maxX = vileTry[VX] + MAXRADIUS * 2;
box.maxY = vileTry[VY] + MAXRADIUS * 2;
parm.resurrector = actor;
V2d_Copy(parm.raisePoint, dirSpeed[actor->moveDir]);
V2d_Scale(parm.raisePoint, actor->info->speed);
V2d_Sum(parm.raisePoint, parm.raisePoint, actor->origin);

vileObj = actor;
aaBB.minX = parm.raisePoint[VX] - MAXRADIUS * 2;
aaBB.minY = parm.raisePoint[VY] - MAXRADIUS * 2;
aaBB.maxX = parm.raisePoint[VX] + MAXRADIUS * 2;
aaBB.maxY = parm.raisePoint[VY] + MAXRADIUS * 2;

// Call PIT_VileCheck to check whether object is a corpse
// that can be raised.
if(P_MobjsBoxIterator(&box, PIT_VileCheck, 0))
if(P_MobjsBoxIterator(&aaBB, PIT_VileCheck, &parm))
// Got one!
temp = actor->target;
mobj_t* oldTarget = actor->target;

// Rotate the corpse to face it's new master.
actor->target = corpseHit;
actor->target = temp;
actor->target = oldTarget;

// Posture a little while we work our magic.
P_MobjChangeState(actor, S_VILE_HEAL1);
S_StartSound(SFX_SLOP, corpseHit);
info = corpseHit->info;

// Re-animate the corpse (mostly initial state):
P_MobjChangeState(corpseHit, P_GetState(corpseHit->type, SN_RAISE));

corpseHit->height *= 2*2;
corpseHit->height = corpseHit->info->height;
corpseHit->radius = corpseHit->info->radius;
corpseHit->height = info->height;
corpseHit->radius = info->radius;
// The original more buggy approach.
corpseHit->height = (coord_t)(((fixed_t)corpseHit->height) << 2);

corpseHit->flags = info->flags;
corpseHit->health = info->spawnHealth;
corpseHit->flags = corpseHit->info->flags;
corpseHit->health = corpseHit->info->spawnHealth;
corpseHit->target = NULL;
corpseHit->corpseTics = 0;

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