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Deh Read|Fixed: Disallow changing Texts which define the user interface
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Text strings like "Quicksave over your game named <name>?" should not
be modified by .deh patches. Such texts define the user interface and
it is actually deterimental to the end user experience when they are
changed by some mod they happen to decide to load.
  • Loading branch information
danij-deng committed Feb 15, 2012
1 parent 18cdc1a commit c1b02da
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 27 deletions.
58 changes: 31 additions & 27 deletions doomsday/plugins/dehread/src/dehmain.c
Expand Up @@ -431,6 +431,10 @@ static const char* MusicMap[] = {

* @note Replacing of texts which define strings used for the user
* interface is disallowed.
static const struct {
const char* id;
const char* str;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,24 +478,24 @@ static const struct {
{ "CC_HERO", "OUR HERO" },
{ "D_DEVSTR", "Development mode ON.\n" },
{ "D_CDROM", "CD-ROM Version: default.cfg from c:\\doomdata\n" },
{ "LOADNET", "you can't do load while in a net game!\n\npress a key." },
{ "SAVEDEAD", "you can't save if you aren't playing!\n\npress a key." },
{ "QSPROMPT", "quicksave over your game named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n." },
{ "QLOADNET", "you can't quickload during a netgame!\n\npress a key." },
{ "QSAVESPOT", "you haven't picked a quicksave slot yet!\n\npress a key." },
{ "QLPROMPT", "do you want to quickload the game named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n." },
{ "NEWGAME", "you can't start a new game\nwhile in a network game.\n\npress a key." },
{ "NIGHTMARE", "are you sure? this skill level\nisn't even remotely fair.\n\npress y or n." },
{ "SWSTRING", "this is the shareware version of doom.\n\nyou need to order the entire trilogy.\n\npress a key." },
{ "MSGOFF", "Messages OFF" },
{ "MSGON", "Messages ON" },
{ "NETEND", "you can't end a netgame!\n\npress a key." },
{ "ENDGAME", "are you sure you want to end the game?\n\npress y or n." },
{ "DOSY", "%s\n\n(press y to quit to dos.)" },
{ "DETAILHI", "High detail" },
{ "DETAILLO", "Low detail" },
//{ "D_DEVSTR", "Development mode ON.\n" },
//{ "D_CDROM", "CD-ROM Version: default.cfg from c:\\doomdata\n" },
//{ "LOADNET", "you can't do load while in a net game!\n\npress a key." },
//{ "SAVEDEAD", "you can't save if you aren't playing!\n\npress a key." },
//{ "QSPROMPT", "quicksave over your game named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n." },
//{ "QLOADNET", "you can't quickload during a netgame!\n\npress a key." },
//{ "QSAVESPOT", "you haven't picked a quicksave slot yet!\n\npress a key." },
//{ "QLPROMPT", "do you want to quickload the game named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n." },
//{ "NEWGAME", "you can't start a new game\nwhile in a network game.\n\npress a key." },
//{ "NIGHTMARE", "are you sure? this skill level\nisn't even remotely fair.\n\npress y or n." },
//{ "SWSTRING", "this is the shareware version of doom.\n\nyou need to order the entire trilogy.\n\npress a key." },
//{ "MSGOFF", "Messages OFF" },
//{ "MSGON", "Messages ON" },
//{ "NETEND", "you can't end a netgame!\n\npress a key." },
//{ "ENDGAME", "are you sure you want to end the game?\n\npress y or n." },
//{ "DOSY", "%s\n\n(press y to quit to dos.)" },
//{ "DETAILHI", "High detail" },
//{ "DETAILLO", "Low detail" },
{ "HUSTR_CHATMACRO1", "I'm ready to kick butt!" },
{ "HUSTR_CHATMACRO2", "I'm OK." },
Expand All @@ -502,20 +506,20 @@ static const struct {
{ "HUSTR_CHATMACRO7", "Come here!" },
{ "HUSTR_CHATMACRO8", "I'll take care of it." },
{ "HUSTR_CHATMACRO9", "Yes" },
{ "AMSTR_FOLLOWON", "Follow Mode ON" },
{ "AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF", "Follow Mode OFF" },
{ "AMSTR_GRIDON", "Grid ON" },
{ "AMSTR_GRIDOFF", "Grid OFF" },
{ "AMSTR_MARKEDSPOT", "Marked Spot" },
{ "AMSTR_MARKSCLEARED", "All Marks Cleared" },
//{ "AMSTR_FOLLOWON", "Follow Mode ON" },
//{ "AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF", "Follow Mode OFF" },
//{ "AMSTR_GRIDON", "Grid ON" },
//{ "AMSTR_GRIDOFF", "Grid OFF" },
//{ "AMSTR_MARKEDSPOT", "Marked Spot" },
//{ "AMSTR_MARKSCLEARED", "All Marks Cleared" },
{ "PD_BLUEO", "You need a blue key to activate this object" },
{ "PD_REDO", "You need a red key to activate this object" },
{ "PD_YELLOWO", "You need a yellow key to activate this object" },
{ "PD_BLUEK", "You need a blue key to open this door" },
{ "PD_REDK", "You need a yellow key to open this door" },
{ "PD_YELLOWK", "You need a red key to open this door" },
{ "EMPTYSTRING", "empty slot" },
{ "GGSAVED", "game saved." },
//{ "EMPTYSTRING", "empty slot" },
//{ "GGSAVED", "game saved." },
{ "GOTARMOR", "Picked up the armor." },
{ "GOTMEGA", "Picked up the MegaArmor!" },
{ "GOTHTHBONUS", "Picked up a health bonus." },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -707,7 +711,7 @@ static const struct {
{ "THUSTR_30", "Level 30: Last Call" },
{ "THUSTR_31", "Level 31: Pharaoh" },
{ "THUSTR_32", "Level 32: Caribbean" },
{ NULL }

boolean BackedUpData = false;
Expand Down

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