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Client: Improved console output of various commands/subsystems
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Applied rich formatting and generally improved the console message

Note that the monospace formatter doesn't handle tab stops presently…
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skyjake committed Jun 8, 2013
1 parent 4fcf0b6 commit ff47d82
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Showing 12 changed files with 227 additions and 186 deletions.
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions doomsday/client/src/audio/audiodriver.cpp
Expand Up @@ -415,22 +415,27 @@ static void selectInterfaces(audiodriverid_t defaultDriverId)

void AudioDriver_PrintInterfaces(void)
int i;
LOG_INFO(_E("b") "Audio configuration" _E(".") " (by decreasing priority):");

Con_Message("Audio configuration (by decreasing priority):");
for(i = MAX_AUDIO_INTERFACES - 1; i >= 0; --i)
de::String str;
QTextStream os(&str);

for(int i = MAX_AUDIO_INTERFACES - 1; i >= 0; --i)
audiointerface_t* a = &activeInterfaces[i];
if(a->type == AUDIO_IMUSIC || a->type == AUDIO_ICD)
Con_Message(" %-5s: %s", a->type == AUDIO_IMUSIC? "Music" : "CD",
os << _E("Ta") " " << (a->type == AUDIO_IMUSIC? "Music" : "CD") << ": "
<< _E("Tb") << Str_Text(AudioDriver_InterfaceName(a->i.any)) << "\n";
else if(a->type == AUDIO_ISFX)
Con_Message(" SFX : %s", Str_Text(AudioDriver_InterfaceName(a->i.sfx)));
os << _E("Ta") << " SFX: " << _E("Tb")
<< Str_Text(AudioDriver_InterfaceName(a->i.sfx)) << "\n";

LOG_MSG("%s") << str.rightStrip();

Expand Down
105 changes: 45 additions & 60 deletions doomsday/client/src/con_data.cpp
Expand Up @@ -803,36 +803,40 @@ cvartype_t Con_GetVariableType(char const* path)
return var->type;

void Con_PrintCVar(cvar_t* var, const char* prefix)
void Con_PrintCVar(cvar_t* var, char const *prefix)

char equals = '=';
AutoStr* path;

if(!var) return;

char equals = '=';
if((var->flags & CVF_PROTECTED) || (var->flags & CVF_READ_ONLY))
equals = ':';

Con_Printf("%s", prefix);
de::String str;
QTextStream os(&str);

if(prefix) os << prefix;

AutoStr* path = CVar_ComposePath(var);

os << _E("b") << Str_Text(path) << _E(".") << " " << equals << " " << _E(">");

path = CVar_ComposePath(var);
case CVT_BYTE: Con_Printf("%s %c %d", Str_Text(path), equals, CV_BYTE(var)); break;
case CVT_INT: Con_Printf("%s %c %d", Str_Text(path), equals, CV_INT(var)); break;
case CVT_FLOAT: Con_Printf("%s %c %g", Str_Text(path), equals, CV_FLOAT(var)); break;
case CVT_CHARPTR: Con_Printf("%s %c \"%s\"", Str_Text(path), equals, CV_CHARPTR(var)); break;
case CVT_BYTE: os << CV_BYTE(var); break;
case CVT_INT: os << CV_INT(var); break;
case CVT_FLOAT: os << CV_FLOAT(var); break;
case CVT_CHARPTR: os << "\"" << CV_CHARPTR(var) << "\""; break;
case CVT_URIPTR: {
AutoStr* valPath = (CV_URIPTR(var)? Uri_ToString(CV_URIPTR(var)) : NULL);
Con_Printf("%s %c \"%s\"", Str_Text(path), equals, (CV_URIPTR(var)? Str_Text(valPath) : ""));
os << "\"" << (CV_URIPTR(var)? Str_Text(valPath) : "") << "\"";
break; }

default: Con_Printf("%s (bad type!)", Str_Text(path)); break;
LOG_MSG("%s") << str;

void Con_AddCommand(ccmdtemplate_t const* ccmd)
Expand All @@ -845,13 +849,7 @@ void Con_AddCommand(ccmdtemplate_t const* ccmd)

if(!ccmd) return;

Con_Error("Con_AddCommand: CCmd missing a name.");

/*#if _DEBUG
Con_Message("Con_AddCommand: '%s' \"%s\" (%i).", ccmd->name,
ccmd->argTemplate, ccmd->flags);
DENG_ASSERT(ccmd->name != 0);

// Decode the usage string if present.
if(ccmd->argTemplate != 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1440,48 +1438,34 @@ static int aproposPrinter(knownword_t const* word, void* matching)
// See if 'matching' is anywhere in the known word.
if(strcasestr(Str_Text(text), (const char*)matching))
int const maxLen = 80; //CBuffer_MaxLineLength(Con_HistoryBuffer());
int avail;
ddstring_t buf;
char const* wType[KNOWNWORDTYPE_COUNT] = {
"[cmd]", "[var]", "[alias]", "[game]"
"cmd ", "var ", "alias ", "game "

Str_Appendf(&buf, "%7s ", wType[word->type]);
Str_Appendf(&buf, "%-25s", Str_Text(text));
de::String str;
QTextStream os(&str);

avail = maxLen - Str_Length(&buf) - 4;
if(avail > 0)
ddstring_t tmp; Str_Init(&tmp);

// Look for a short description.
if(word->type == WT_CCMD || word->type == WT_CVAR)
char const* desc = DH_GetString(DH_Find(Str_Text(text)), HST_DESCRIPTION);
Str_Set(&tmp, desc);
else if(word->type == WT_GAME)
Str_Set(&tmp, Str_Text(reinterpret_cast<de::Game*>(word->data)->title()));
os << _E("l") << wType[word->type]
<< _E("0") << _E("b") << Str_Text(text) << " " << _E("2") << _E(">");

// Truncate.
if(Str_Length(&tmp) > avail - 3)
// Look for a short description.
de::String tmp;
if(word->type == WT_CCMD || word->type == WT_CVAR)
char const* desc = DH_GetString(DH_Find(Str_Text(text)), HST_DESCRIPTION);
Str_Truncate(&tmp, avail);
Str_Append(&tmp, "...");
tmp = desc;
Str_Appendf(&buf, " %s", Str_Text(&tmp));
else if(word->type == WT_GAME)
tmp = Str_Text(reinterpret_cast<de::Game*>(word->data)->title());

os << tmp;

Con_Printf("%s\n", Str_Text(&buf));
LOG_MSG("%s") << str;

return 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1608,9 +1592,10 @@ static int printKnownWordWorker(knownword_t const* word, void* parameters)
return 0; // Skip overloaded variants.

if((str = DH_GetString(DH_Find(ccmd->name), HST_DESCRIPTION)))
Con_FPrintf(CPF_LIGHT|CPF_YELLOW, " %s (%s)\n", ccmd->name, str);
LOG_MSG(_E("b") "%s " _E(">") _E("2") "%s")
<< ccmd->name << str;
Con_FPrintf(CPF_LIGHT|CPF_YELLOW, " %s\n", ccmd->name);
LOG_MSG(_E("b") "%s") << ccmd->name;
break; }

case WT_CVAR: {
Expand All @@ -1619,17 +1604,17 @@ static int printKnownWordWorker(knownword_t const* word, void* parameters)
if(cvar->flags & CVF_HIDE)
return 0; // Skip hidden variables.

Con_PrintCVar(cvar, " ");
Con_PrintCVar(cvar, "");
break; }

case WT_CALIAS: {
calias_t* cal = (calias_t*) word->data;
Con_FPrintf(CPF_LIGHT|CPF_YELLOW, " %s == %s\n", cal->name, cal->command);
LOG_MSG(_E("b") "%s" _E(".") " == " _E(">") "%s") << cal->name << cal->command;
break; }

case WT_GAME: {
de::Game* game = (de::Game*) word->data;
Con_FPrintf(CPF_LIGHT|CPF_BLUE, " %s\n", Str_Text(game->identityKey()));
LOG_MSG(_E("1") "%s") << Str_Text(game->identityKey());
break; }

Expand Down
50 changes: 25 additions & 25 deletions doomsday/client/src/con_main.cpp
Expand Up @@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@ void Con_PrintRuler(void)

LogBuffer_Msg(DENG2_ESC("R") "\n");
LogBuffer_Msg(_E("R") "\n");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2221,30 +2221,28 @@ D_CMD(Help)



#define COLUMN(A, B) "\n" _E("Ta") _E("b") " " << A << " " _E(".") _E("Tb") << B

#ifdef __CLIENT__
//Con_Printf("%-14s Open/close the console.\n", actKeyName);
//Con_Printf("Alt-%-10s Switch between half and full screen mode.\n", actKeyName);
Con_Printf("F5 Clear the buffer.\n");
Con_Printf("Alt-C Clear the command line.\n");
Con_Printf("Insert Switch between replace and insert modes.\n");
Con_Printf("Shift-Left Move cursor to the start of the command line.\n");
Con_Printf("Shift-Right Move cursor to the end of the command line.\n");
Con_Printf("Shift-PgUp/Dn Move console window up/down.\n");
Con_Printf("Home Jump to the beginning of the buffer.\n");
Con_Printf("End Jump to the end of the buffer.\n");
Con_Printf("PageUp/Down Scroll up/down a couple of lines.\n");
LOG_MSG(_E("D") "Keys:" _E("."))
<< COLUMN("Esc", "Open/close the taskbar")
<< COLUMN("Shift-Esc", "Open the console")
<< COLUMN("F5", "Clear the console message history")
<< COLUMN("Home", "Jump to beginning of line")
<< COLUMN("End", "Jump to end of line")
<< COLUMN("PageUp/Down", "Scroll up/down in the history, or expand the history to full height")
<< COLUMN("Shift-PgUp/Dn", "Jump to the top/bottom of the history");
Con_Printf("Getting started:\n");
Con_Printf("Enter \"help (what)\" for information about (what).\n");
Con_Printf("Enter \"listcmds\" to list available commands.\n");
Con_Printf("Enter \"listgames\" to list installed games and their status.\n");
Con_Printf("Enter \"listvars\" to list available variables.\n");
LOG_MSG(_E("D") "Getting started:");
LOG_MSG(" " _E(">") "Enter " _E("b") "help (what)" _E(".") " for information about " _E("l") "(what)");
LOG_MSG(" " _E(">") "Enter " _E("b") "listcmds" _E(".") " to list available commands");
LOG_MSG(" " _E(">") "Enter " _E("b") "listgames" _E(".") " to list installed games and their status");
LOG_MSG(" " _E(">") "Enter " _E("b") "listvars" _E(".") " to list available variables");
return true;

Expand All @@ -2270,9 +2268,11 @@ D_CMD(Version)
//Con_Printf("Homepage: %s\n", DOOMSDAY_HOMEURL);
//Con_Printf("Project homepage: %s\n", DENGPROJECT_HOMEURL);

DENG2_ESC("0") "\nHomepage: " DENG2_ESC("i") DOOMSDAY_HOMEURL
DENG2_ESC(".") "\nProject homepage: " DENG2_ESC("i") DENGPROJECT_HOMEURL);
LOG_MSG("Homepage: "
_E(".") _E(".") "\nProject homepage: "

// Print the version info of the current game if loaded.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doomsday/client/src/dd_main.cpp
Expand Up @@ -2828,7 +2828,7 @@ static de::File1* tryLoadFile(de::Uri const& search, size_t baseOffset)
// Must already be loaded.
LOG_VERBOSE("\"%s\" already loaded.") << NativePath(search.asText()).pretty();
LOG_DEBUG("\"%s\" already loaded.") << NativePath(search.asText()).pretty();
return 0;
Expand Down
57 changes: 31 additions & 26 deletions doomsday/client/src/def_main.cpp
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <ctype.h>

#include <de/NativePath>
#include <QTextStream>

#include "de_base.h"
#include "de_system.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -728,12 +729,12 @@ void Def_ReadProcessDED(char const* path)
* Prints a count with a 2-space indentation.
void Def_CountMsg(int count, const char* label)
static de::String defCountMsg(int count, de::String const &label)
if(!verbose && !count)
return; // Don't print zeros if not verbose.
return ""; // Don't print zeros if not verbose.

Con_Message("%5i %s", count, label);
return de::String(_E("Ta") " %1 " _E("Tb") "%2\n").arg(count).arg(label);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1771,36 +1772,40 @@ void Def_Read()

// Log a summary of the definition database.
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.groups.num, "animation groups");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.compositeFonts.num, "composite fonts");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.details.num, "detail textures");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.finales.num, "finales");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.lights.num, "lights");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.lineTypes.num, "line types");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.mapInfo.num, "map infos");
LOG_MSG(_E("b") "Definitions:");
de::String str;
QTextStream os(&str);
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.groups.num, "animation groups");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.compositeFonts.num, "composite fonts");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.details.num, "detail textures");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.finales.num, "finales");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.lights.num, "lights");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.lineTypes.num, "line types");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.mapInfo.num, "map infos");

int nonAutoGeneratedCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < defs.count.materials.num; ++i)
Def_CountMsg(nonAutoGeneratedCount, "materials");

Def_CountMsg(defs.models.size(), "models");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.ptcGens.num, "particle generators");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.skies.num, "skies");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.sectorTypes.num, "sector types");
Def_CountMsg(, "songs");
Def_CountMsg(countSounds.num, "sound effects");
Def_CountMsg(countSprNames.num, "sprite names");
Def_CountMsg(countStates.num, "states");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.decorations.num, "surface decorations");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.reflections.num, "surface reflections");
Def_CountMsg(countTexts.num, "text strings");
Def_CountMsg(defs.count.textureEnv.num, "texture environments");
Def_CountMsg(countMobjInfo.num, "things");
os << defCountMsg(nonAutoGeneratedCount, "materials");

os << defCountMsg(defs.models.size(), "models");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.ptcGens.num, "particle generators");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.skies.num, "skies");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.sectorTypes.num, "sector types");
os << defCountMsg(, "songs");
os << defCountMsg(countSounds.num, "sound effects");
os << defCountMsg(countSprNames.num, "sprite names");
os << defCountMsg(countStates.num, "states");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.decorations.num, "surface decorations");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.reflections.num, "surface reflections");
os << defCountMsg(countTexts.num, "text strings");
os << defCountMsg(defs.count.textureEnv.num, "texture environments");
os << defCountMsg(countMobjInfo.num, "things");

LOG_MSG("%s") << str.rightStrip();

defsInited = true;
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions doomsday/client/src/filesys/filehandle.cpp
Expand Up @@ -136,10 +136,9 @@ FileHandle* FileHandleBuilder::fromLump(File1& lump, bool dontBuffer)
hndl->d->pos = hndl->d->data = (uint8_t*) M_Malloc(hndl->d->size);
if(!hndl->d->data) Con_Error("FileHandleBuilder::fromFileLump: Failed on allocation of %lu bytes for data buffer.", (unsigned long) hndl->d->size);

#if _DEBUG
LOG_VERBOSE("[%p] Buffering \"%s:%s\"...")
<< dintptr(hndl) << NativePath(lump.container().composePath()).pretty() << NativePath(lump.composePath()).pretty();
LOG_DEV_TRACE("[%p] Buffering \"%s:%s\"...",
dintptr(hndl) << NativePath(lump.container().composePath()).pretty() << NativePath(lump.composePath()).pretty());*)hndl->d->data, 0, lump.size());
return hndl;
Expand Down

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