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Sledgehammer Framework is the meta repository of the Sledgehammer Framework.
It's used as a reference installation with popular modules installed.

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Sledgehammer Framework is a modular framework, with sledgehammer/core as its foundation. Allowing you to build your application with reusable modules.


Is recommended to install sledgehammer with composer

$ composer.phar require sledgehammer/core:*

After include('vendor/autoload.php'); the sledgehammer framework (and the other composer libraries) can be used.


Lean and mean

By keeping the number of classes to a minimum (Core currently has 29) it is easier to learn and remember. For example: It doesn't use multiple Exception clasess that behave exacly the same as \Exception.


Sledgehammer provides excellent error reporting and debugging facilities.

// Generate a notice with addition information to solve the problem.
notice('Failure X', 'You might want to try Y');

// Show the contents of $myVar

// Show parsetime, memory usage, database queries and other logs.

Uses DebugR for advanced debugging ajax requests.


Sledgehammer modules don't follow the rules of PSR-0 standard, because it has an Autoloader that will work with any folderlayout.
It also plugs some holes in PHP's namespace implementation and is generally more forgiving than other Autoloaders.

Plays well with others

Sledgehammer can be used as a framework, as a library or to augment an existing framework.


Sledgehammer is a "Convension over configuration" framework. It's goal is to reduce and simplify your code.

Error emails

The email address in $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] is used by the ErrorHandler to send error reports in non-development environments.


Like other frameworks it uses the $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ENV'] to determine the environment or assumes a "production" enviromnent. The detected value is stored in the Sledgehammer\ENVIROMENT constant.