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Releases: snhwang/Unity-Watson-STT-Assistant-TTS


18 Jul 20:49
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Updated Watson to unity-sdk-5.1.1. and unity-sdk-core-1.2.4. The Unity version is now 2019.4.28f1. All the assets for this project are moved into a single folder named Unity-Watson-Chatbot. This may make it easier to keep organized and separate from your own personal files in your projects. In Unity, go to Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package... in the menu to import this Unity package. Please make sure you have the Api Compatibility Level set to .NET 4.x in the Player settings for Unity. This can be found at Edit -> Project Settings.. in the Unity menu. You then select Player under Project Settings.

When you first import the Unity package, you may see an error message. After switching the Api Compatibility Level to .NET 4.x in Player Settings, the error should be corrected and you may see a pop-up window thanking you for installing the IBM Watson SDK for Unity. It will ask you whether you want to sign up for IBM Cloud. You can click "Yes" or "No." Indicating "Yes" will open up your web browser and take you to the IBM Cloud web page to create an account.