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Django ADJAX

Adjax lets you call Python functions from JavaScript. Adjax is a simple AJAX-based RPC mechanism for Django that provides argument type validation and an extensible JSON serializer that allows you to plug in your own types.


This project supports both Python 2 and Python 3.

Install with pip install django-adjax.


1. Update settings

Add adjax to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings file.

Add adjax.middleware.CsrfEnforceMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.

Add adjax.middleware.DispatchErrorMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.

The DispatchErrorMiddleware middleware handles adjax.views.DispatchError exceptions and returns an error message rather than throwing a 500 server error. You can replace this middleware with your own.

2. Add URLs

Add Adjax URLs to your main URL patterns.

from django.conf.urls import url, include

urlpatterns = [
    # ... your URLs ..

    url(r'^adjax/', include('adjax.urls')),

3. Add JS scripts

Adjax requires 2 JS files to be loaded. The base JS library found in static/adjax/base.js and the interface JS view. Both files can be included with the {% adjax_scripts %} template tag.

{% load adjax %}


  <!-- Include Adjax scripts -->
  {% adjax_scripts %}

4. Include CSRF token in XHR calls

You need to do this if you are using the CSRF middleware. This code has to be loaded after {% adjax_scripts %}.

ADJAX.register(function (xhr) {
    xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', adjax.utils.cookie('csrftoken'));

Views (RPC functions)

Adjax looks for RPC functions in the ajax module in each app. RPC functions have to be explicitly exposed with the @registry.register decorator. Create an file in your app and register the view with the @registry.register decorator.

from adjax.registry import registry

def func1(request, a, b, c=1):
    return {
        # ...

You can optionally add type validation to your RPC function with the @typed decorator. This feature uses PEP-3107 function annotations.

# myapp/

from adjax.registry import registry
from adjax.utils.types import typed

def do_stuff(request, a: int, b: float, c=1) -> dict:
    return {
        'a': a,
        'b': b,
        'c': c,

Since Python 2 doesn't support function annotations you can pass a dictionary of types to the typed decorator.

# myapp/

from adjax.registry import registry
from adjax.utils.types import typed

@typed({'a': int, 'b': float, 'return': dict}, strict=False)
def do_stuff(request, a, b, c=1):
    return {
        'a': a,
        'b': b,
        'c': c,

You can now call this function from JS.

ADJAX.apps.myapp.do_stuff(a, b, function (data) {

Serializer types

Custom serializer types allow you to send and receive objects that are not of a built-in type. Here is a demonstration implementing the date type.

1. Server-side serialization

Register a new ObjectType with name datetime.

from datetime import datetime

from adjax.serializer import serializer, ObjectType

class DateTime(ObjectType):
    name = 'datetime'
    cls = datetime

    DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'

    def encode(cls, value):
        return {
            'value': value.strftime(cls.DATETIME_FORMAT),

    def decode(cls, value):
        return datetime.strptime(value['value'], cls.DATETIME_FORMAT)

2. Client-side serialization

Register a new serializer with the same name as the server-side implementation which is datetime.

// Disable implicit serialization in JSON.stringify
Date.prototype.toJSON = undefined;

// For more information see

    'datetime', Date, new adjax.Type(function (value) {
        return {
            'value': value.toISOString(),
    }, function (value) {
        return new Date(value['value']);

Now you can send and receive Date objects from Python to JS and vice-versa.


This project is under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE.


Django AJAX-based RPC.







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