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Queuel is a 'kewl', lite wrapper around Queue interfaces. Currently it implements:

  • IronMQ
  • Amazon SQS
  • Null pattern

Each of these should reliably implement:

  • push
  • pop
  • receive

Along with some further conveniences.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile as well as the proper Gem for your queuing:

gem 'iron_mq' # if using IronMQ
gem 'aws-sdk' # if using Amazon SQS
gem 'aws-sdk-v1' # if using Amazon SQS but you are already using AWS and need to continue using v2
# IronMQ recommends `gem "typhoeus"` as well for some speed benefits
gem 'queuel'

And then execute:

$ bundle

You will then want to configure:

Queuel.configure do
  # Optional, but a queue must be selected before running put/pop/receive
  default_queue :venues

  # requirement depends on your Queue
  credentials token: 'asdufasdf8a7sd8fa7sdf', project_id: 'project_id'

  # currently [:iron_mq, :sqs, :null] available
  engine :iron_mq

  # For Queuel.recevier {} you can configure more than one thread to
  # handle incoming messages
  receiver_threads 3 # default: 1

  # Logging: Default is MonoLogger, because its a non-blocking log-extension
  # To the standard lib Logger. Any Log4r solution should work.
  logger Logger # default:

  log_level MonoLogger::DEBUG # default: MonoLogger::ERROR # => 3

  # Incoming messages can be automatically encoded/decoded
  decode_by_default false # default: true
  decoder ->(body) { MultiJson.load body } # default: Queuel::Serialization::Json::Decoder

  encode_by_default false # default: true
  encoder ->(body) { body.to_s } # default: Queuel::Serialization::Json::Encoder


General Queue API

# Using default Queue from config
Queuel.push "My message to you"
Queuel.receive do |message|
  puts "I received #{message.body}" # NOTE the message interface may change, this is currently not wrapped by the gem

# With the non-default queue
Queuel.with("officials").push "My message to you"
Queuel.with("officials").receive do |message|
  puts "I received #{message.body}" # NOTE the message interface may change, this is currently not wrapped by the gem

# Break on nil
Queuel.receive break_if_nil: true do |message|
  puts "I received #{message.body}" # NOTE the message interface may change, this is currently not wrapped by the gem

Caveats of the receiver

  • Your block must return true in order to not replace the message to the Queue

SQS s3 fallback

Currently the SQS engine is the only engine with the s3 fallback support and takes the following keys:

  • s3_access_key_id
  • s3_secret_access_key
  • s3_bucket_name
  • max_bytesize (optional)

With these in place, messages over the max_bytesize (defaults to 64kb) will be sent to the designated bucket. Without this in place, messages over SQS's limit be dropped from the queue.

The message        # => ID of the message
message.raw_body  # => Raw Message body
message.body      # => Message body (parsed, if configured to do so)
message.delete    # => Delete the message


Queuel uses MultiJson to provide some auto-message decoding/encoding features. With MultiJson you may install your own engine (like Oj).

Because of the parsing given, you will default to encoding and decoding JSON:

Queuel.push username: "jon"
Queuel.pop # => { username: "jon" }

You can configure your decoder/encoder on the fly:

Queuel.push { username: "jon" }, encoder: ->(body) {  }
Queuel.pop decoder: ->(raw) { }
Queuel.receive decoder: ->(raw) { }

You can turn of encoding/decoding at calltime with:

Queuel.push { username: "jon" }, encode: false
Queuel.pop decode: false
Queuel.receive decode: false


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request