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! routing: remove superfluous RequestContext::complete overloads
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Even though formally a breaking change most code shouldn't be affected by it since the implicit constructors for `ToResponseMarshaller` should cover all the removed methods.
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sirthias committed Oct 21, 2013
1 parent e2a5817 commit 4d787dc
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ trait BasicToResponseMarshallers {

// No implicit conversion to StatusCode allowed here: in `complete(i: Int)`, `i` shouldn't be marshalled
// as a StatusCode
implicit def fromStatusCode: ToResponseMarshaller[StatusCode] = fromResponse.compose(s HttpResponse(status = s))
implicit def fromStatusCode: ToResponseMarshaller[StatusCode] =
fromResponse.compose(s HttpResponse(status = s, entity = s.defaultMessage))

implicit def fromStatusCodeAndT[S, T](implicit sConv: S StatusCode, tMarshaller: Marshaller[T]): ToResponseMarshaller[(S, T)] =
fromStatusCodeAndHeadersAndT[T].compose { case (s, t) (sConv(s), Nil, t) }

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51 changes: 1 addition & 50 deletions spray-routing/src/main/scala/spray/routing/RequestContext.scala
Expand Up @@ -215,12 +215,6 @@ case class RequestContext(request: HttpRequest, responder: ActorRef, unmatchedPa

* Completes the request with the given status code and its default message as the response entity.
def complete(status: StatusCode): Unit =
complete(HttpResponse(status, entity = status.defaultMessage))

* Completes the request with status "200 Ok" and the response entity created by marshalling the given object using
* the in-scope marshaller for the type.
Expand All @@ -229,7 +223,7 @@ case class RequestContext(request: HttpRequest, responder: ActorRef, unmatchedPa
val ctx = new ToResponseMarshallingContext {
def tryAccept(contentTypes: Seq[ContentType]) = request.acceptableContentType(contentTypes)
def rejectMarshalling(onlyTo: Seq[ContentType]): Unit = reject(UnacceptedResponseContentTypeRejection(onlyTo))
def marshalTo(response: HttpResponse): Unit = complete(response)
def marshalTo(response: HttpResponse): Unit = responder ! response
def handleError(error: Throwable): Unit = failWith(error)
def startChunkedMessage(response: HttpResponse, sentAck: Option[Any])(implicit sender: ActorRef) = {
val chunkStart = ChunkedResponseStart(response)
Expand All @@ -241,49 +235,6 @@ case class RequestContext(request: HttpRequest, responder: ActorRef, unmatchedPa
marshaller(obj, ctx)

* Completes the request with the given status and the response entity created by marshalling the given object using
* the in-scope marshaller for the type.
def complete[T: Marshaller](status: StatusCode, obj: T): Unit =
complete(status, Nil, obj)

* Completes the request with the given status, headers and the response entity created by marshalling the
* given object using the in-scope marshaller for the type.
def complete[T](status: StatusCode, headers: List[HttpHeader], obj: T)(implicit marshaller: Marshaller[T]): Unit = {
val ctx = new MarshallingContext {
def tryAccept(contentTypes: Seq[ContentType]) = request.acceptableContentType(contentTypes)
def rejectMarshalling(onlyTo: Seq[ContentType]): Unit = reject(UnacceptedResponseContentTypeRejection(onlyTo))
def marshalTo(entity: HttpEntity, headers: HttpHeader*): Unit = complete(response(entity, headers))
def handleError(error: Throwable): Unit = failWith(error)
def startChunkedMessage(entity: HttpEntity, sentAck: Option[Any], headers: Seq[HttpHeader])(implicit sender: ActorRef) = {
val chunkStart = ChunkedResponseStart(response(entity, headers))
val wrapper = if (sentAck.isEmpty) chunkStart else Confirmed(chunkStart, sentAck.get)
responder.tell(wrapper, sender)
def response(entity: HttpEntity, h: Seq[HttpHeader]) = HttpResponse(status, entity, headers ++ h)
marshaller(obj, ctx)

* Completes the request with the given [[spray.http.HttpResponse]].
def complete(response: HttpResponse): Unit =
responder ! response

* Schedules the completion of the request with result of the given future.
def complete(future: Future[HttpResponse])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Unit =
future.onComplete {
case Success(response) complete(response)
case Failure(error) failWith(error)

* Bubbles the given error up the response chain where it is dealt with by the closest `handleExceptions`
* directive and its ``ExceptionHandler``, unless the error is a ``RejectionError``. In this case the
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