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Johannes Rudolph edited this page Aug 14, 2013 · 44 revisions

. . . Deprecation Note

This documentation is for release 0.9.0 (from 03/2012), which is built against Scala 2.9.1 and Akka 1.3.1 (see Requirements for more information). Most likely, this is not the place you want to look for information. Please turn to the main spray site at for more information about other available versions.

. . .

spray 0.9 Documentation

spray is a suite of lightweight Scala libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka. It sports the following main features:

  • Completely asynchronous, non-blocking, actor-based request and response processing for efficiently handling very high numbers of concurrent connections
  • Powerful, flexible and extensible internal Scala DSL for declaratively defining your web service behavior
  • Immutable model of the HTTP protocol, decoupled from the underlying web server / servlet container
  • Full testability of your REST services, without the need to fire up containers or actors

Currently spray consists of the following components:

  • spray-can, a low-level, low-overhead, high-performance, fully asynchronous HTTP/1.1 server and client (ScalaDoc)
  • , a high-level routing DSL for elegantly defining RESTful web services (ScalaDoc)
  • spray-client, a layer on top of the low-level spray-can HttpClient offering higher-level client functionality (ScalaDoc)
  • spray-json, a lightweight, clean and simple JSON implementation in Scala (ScalaDoc)

spray-server and spray-client share one github repository (this one), whereas spray-can and spray-json live in their own.

Very Basic spray-server Example

import cc.spray._

trait HelloService extends Directives {
  val helloService = {
    path("hello") {
      get {
        completeWith {
          <h1>Say hello to Spray</h1>

Blog Posts

The following posts have already gathered some dust, we'll resume writing about spray for the coming 1.0 milestones.

Support, Feedback, General Discussion

Please use the active mailing list for all your concerns! You should also follow us on twitter: @spraycc

Longer Sample Code

The following is a spray-server web service definition that tries to show off a few of sprays features. The resulting service does not really do anything useful but its definition should give you a pretty good idea of what is possible with spray:

val service = {
  path("orders") {
    authenticate(httpBasic(realm = "admin area")) { user =>
      get {
        cacheResults(LruCache(maxCapacity = 1000, timeToIdle = Some(30.minutes))) {
          encodeResponse(Deflate) {
            completeWith {
              // marshal custom object with in-scope marshaller
      } ~
      post {
        (decodeRequest(Gzip) | decodeRequest(NoEncoding)) {
          // unmarshal with in-scope unmarshaller
          content(as[Order]) { order =>
            // transfer to newly spawned actor
            detach {
              completeWith {
                // ... write order to DB
                "Order received"
  } ~
  // extract URI path element as Int
  pathPrefix("order" / IntNumber) { orderId =>
    path("") {
      // method tunneling via query param
      (put | parameter('method ! "put")) {
        // form extraction from multipart or www-url-encoded forms
        formFields('email, 'total as[Money]).as(Order) { order =>
          completeWith {
            // complete with serialized Future result
            (myDbActor ? Update(order)).mapTo[TransactionResult]
      } ~
      get {
        // JSONP support
        jsonpWithParameter("callback") {
          // use in-scope marshaller to create completer function
          produce(instanceOf(Order)) { complete =>
            _ => complete(getOrderFromDB(orderId))
    } ~
    path("items") {
      get {
        // parameters to case class extraction
        parameters('size as[Int], 'color ?, 'dangerous ? "no")
                .as(OrderItem) { orderItem =>
          // ... route using case class instance created from
          // required and optional query parameters
  } ~
  path("documentation") {
    // cache responses to GET requests
    cache {
      // serve up static content from a JAR resource
      encodeResponse(Gzip) {
  } ~
  path("oldApi" / Remaining) { path =>
    redirect("" + path)


spray is released under the Apache License 2.0.

Portions of the immutable HTTP model are
copyright (C) 2010-2011 by the BlueEyes Web Framework Team