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DiskMonitor is SwiftPM Package for monitoring added/ejected/renamed disks written in Swift 5.1, working using Apple's low level Disk Arbritration framework.

Build using Swift 5.1, XCode 11.3, supports macOS only.


The framework provide its functionality through the DiskMonitor class. You should make an instance of this class using the

///  Creates a new disk monitor with an optional delegate passed.
///  `DiskMonitor` is a simple class that acts as a wrapper around the `DiskArbritation` framework from Apple that notifies
///  about changes with disk drives.
///  - Parameter  delegate: The delegate object that you want notified in the case of new discoveries.
public init(withDelegate delegate: DiskMonitorDelegate? = nil)

initialiser. You can optionally pass delegate now or set the property later. Setting delegate is the way the framework communicates back when change occurs with the disks. The delegate object should conform to:

	///  Requirements for being a delegate to a `DiskMonitor`.
	public  protocol  DiskMonitorDelegate: AnyObject {

	///  Called when a raw disk appears.
	///  - Parameters:
	///  - monitor: The monitor that found it.
	///  - diskAppeared: The raw `DADisk`.
	func rawDiskMonitor(_ monitor: DiskMonitor, diskAppeared disk: DADisk)

	///  Called when a raw disk disappears.
	///  - Parameters:
	///  - monitor: The monitor that found it.
	///  - diskAppeared: The raw `DADisk`.
	func rawDiskMonitor(_ monitor: DiskMonitor, diskDisappeared disk: DADisk)
	///  Called when a raw disk was renamed.
	///  - Parameters:
	///  - monitor: The monitor that found it.
	///  - diskAppeared: The raw `DADisk`.
	func rawDiskMonitor(_ monitor: DiskMonitor, diskRenamed disk: DADisk)

Alternatively you can receive updates in the form of Notification s in the Notification Center.default center.

// MARK: - Notifications

extension  Notification.Name {

	///  Posted by the `DiskMonitor` when a disk appears. The notification's object is the raw `DADisk`.
	public  static  let  rawDiskAppeared = Notification.Name("DiskMonitor.rawDiskAppeared")

	///  Posted by the `DiskMonitor` when a disk dissapears. The notification's object is the raw `DADisk`.
	public  static  let  rawDiskDisappeared = Notification.Name("DiskMonitor.rawDiskDisappeared")

	///  Posted by the `DiskMonitor` when a disk gets renamed. The notification's object is the raw `DADisk`.
	public  static  let  rawDiskRenamed = Notification.Name("DiskMonitor.rawDiskRenamed")

After you have chosen your callback method, you are ready to call:

///  Makes the disk monitor start monitor what disks are added/ejected/renamed.
///  It posts notifications for adding/ejecting/renaming 
/// `.rawDiskAppeared`/`.rawDiskDisappeared`/`.rawDiskRenamed`.
///  You can stop the monitoring process with `stopMonitoring()`.
public  func  startMonitoring()


///  Stops the currently launched disk monitoring.
///  You can start it again with `startMonitoring()`.
public  func  stopMonitoring()

when you want to end the monitoring process.


Swift Package Manager

  1. Go to your project settings
  2. Tap on your Project name above listed targets
  3. Open tab swift packages
  4. Add DiskMonitor's repo as a package.

Further Information

If you find DiskMonitor Package helpful, you might as well like DiskUtil.


The framework is licensed under MIT licence. For more information see file LICENCE


Simple wrapper package around Apple's DiskArbitration framework for macOS







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