This is a .NET library for interfacing with the Sugestio recommendation service. Data is submitted as XML. The library uses DevDefined.OAuth to create the OAuth-signed requests. Written in C# for .NET Framework 3.5.
Sugestio is a scalable and fault tolerant service that now brings the power of web personalisation to all developers. The RESTful web service provides an easy to use interface and a set of developer libraries that enable you to enrich your content portals, e-commerce sites and other content based websites.
To access the Sugestio service, you need an account name and a secret key. To run the examples from the tutorial, you can use the following credentials:
- account name:
- secret key:
The Sandbox is a read-only account. You can use these credentials to experiment with the service. The Sandbox can give personal recommendations for users 1 through 5, and similar items for items 1 through 5.
When you are ready to work with real data, you may apply for a developer account through the Sugestio website.
The following API features are implemented:
- get personalized recommendations for a given user
- get items that are similar to a given item
- (bulk) submit user activity (consumptions): clicks, purchases, ratings, ...
- (bulk) submit item metadata: description, location, tags, categories, ...
- (bulk) submit user metadata: location, gender, birthday, ...
- .NET Framework 3.5 or newer
- foretagsplatsen's fork of DevDefined.OAuth until their changes get merged
contains more sample code that illustrates how you can use the library.
The following example gets personal recommendations for user 1:
using Sugestio;
static void GetRecommendations()
Client client = new Client("sandbox", "demo"); // account, secret
List<Recommendation> recommendations = client.GetRecommendations("1");
Console.WriteLine("Call complete, " + recommendations.Count + " recommendations.");
static void Print(Recommendation r)
Console.WriteLine("Item " + r.ItemId);
Call complete, 5 recommendations.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
This example submits a consumption to the debug endpoint. We also set the consumption id to a specific value rather than having Sugestio auto-generate a UUID identifier for us.
using Sugestio;
static void AddConsumption()
Client client = new Client("sandbox", "demo", true); // account, secret, use debug endpoint
Consumption consumption = new Consumption("123", "ABCD"); // userid and itemid are required
consumption.Id = "X"; // optional, a UUID will be assigned if not set manually
int response = client.Add(consumption);
Console.WriteLine("Call complete, status code: " + response);
Call complete, status code: 202
This next example submits multiple consumptions in bulk.
using Sugestio;
static BulkAddConsumptions()
Client client = new Client("sandbox", "demo", true);
List<Consumption> consumptions = new List<Consumption>();
Consumption c1 = new Consumption("1", "A");
Consumption c2 = new Consumption("2", "B");
int response = client.Add(consumptions);
Console.WriteLine("Call complete, status code: " + response);
Call complete, status code: 202
This example illustrates how to submit item metadata. Values are assigned to both scalar (title) and non-scalar (category, creator) attributes.
using Sugestio;
static void AddItem()
Client client = new Client("sandbox", "demo", true); // account, secret, use debug endpoint
Item item = new Item("X"); // itemid is required
item.Title = "Item X";
item.Categories.Add("Category A");
item.Categories.Add("Category B");
item.Creators.Add("Artist A");
int response = client.Add(item);
Console.WriteLine("Call complete, status code: " + response);
Call complete, status code: 202
This example illustrates how to submit user metadata.
static void AddUser()
Client client = new Client("sandbox", "demo", true);
User user = new User("X");
user.Gender = "M";
user.Birthday = "1960-07-26";
int response = client.Add(user);
Console.WriteLine("Call complete, status code: " + response);
Call complete, status code: 202