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Section article preview fixed
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Sven Fuchs committed Jul 9, 2008
1 parent fc33afa commit 9b6f8ee
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Showing 3 changed files with 101 additions and 92 deletions.
122 changes: 40 additions & 82 deletions TODO
@@ -1,38 +1,5 @@
[fix] preview of section articles is not displaying article
[fix] section on front end goes to home and not to the correct section
[fix] tags inside double quotes does not show correctly on article edit view

[fix] comments_controller does not guard permissions
[fix] users_controller does not guard permissions
[fix] admin/wikipages_controller does not guard permissions
[fix] topics_controller does not guard permissions

[fix] routes for pagination are missing
[fix] separate login and admin/login pages (same thing, different layout)
[fix] currently broken: belongs_to_author: with_deleted => true
[fix] js'ify all dates and use js date format
[fix] adapt has_counter for approved_comments

[feature] [content] pipe all filtered column results (*_html) through whitelist sanitizer
[feature] [wiki] implement wikipage admin area (analog to articles area)
[feature] [wiki] add various filters to admin wikipage list (like on admin articles list)
[feature] [wiki] make the 'home' wikipage permalink configurable per wiki?
[feature] [comments] add various filters to admin comments list (like on admin articles list)
[feature] [blog] miss tricky says that xml_rpc is a must

[plugin] pingback plugin
[plugin] comment email notification
[plugin] reverse captcha plugin

[major] add spam protection for comments and wikipages (look at viking + multiengine branch)
[major] implement search

[feature] add before_move and after_move hooks to better_nested_set
[feature] make cacheable_flash behave transparent (do not clear flash after writing it to the cookie)
rational: controller specs should work and controllers behave correctly
not matter if the plugin is installed or not

[fix] separate login and admin/login pages (same thing, different layout) ?
[feature] admin section: have an activity center/dashboard where engines can register their
widgets (partials) to. e.g.: "x comments are awaiting your approval",
"Please change your administrator password!" etc.
Expand All @@ -41,23 +8,16 @@
possible solution: have a section setting "manage categories for this section"? that would
even allow to manage categories per Section, but requires to explicitely turn it on.

[theme] microformat everything: hcard, hatom

# broken + missing specs
# missing specs

[specs] spec widgets
[specs] spec and implement admin/wikipage section
[specs] implement themes + theme_file specs
[specs] implement assets specs
[specs] spec registration, login, authentication
[specs] controllers: spec various error conditions like record not found
[specs] spec usage of xss_terminate in one place (so that one can easily
see which attributes get filtered and which don't)
[specs] controllers: spec various error conditions like record not found
[specs] controllers: simplify specs by circumventing the routing filters
(i.e. use paths like they would be recognized when no filters are
being used)
[specs] spec assets
[specs] spec widgets

# resources
Expand All @@ -69,7 +29,6 @@ apache multisite config

# users

[feature] ajax users online feature?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,66 +85,65 @@ apache multisite config

# themes

[feature] make ActionMailer themeable
[enhance] decouple admin interface through using a themeable instead of site
[feature] add drop-in erb- and haml-safemode support, make public controllers use safemode
[feature] use caches_page_with_references or just expire the whole cache dir
[feature] clone pre-installed themes
[enhance] make theme.files.find work without globbing all files
[major] add liquid layer (drops + helpers) (?) » add an ActionView Liquid template handler?
[major] port a simple liquid theme and test it with drops (?)

# content

[major] add attachments for wikipages (are they also in beast?)

# CacheableFlash
# Rails

after_filter won't be called when the filter chain is halted. maybe an
around_filter is a better choice?

after_filter :write_flash_to_cookie
got bitten by this for the second time now:

# Rails
def caches_page(*actions)
# return unless perform_caching

got bitten by this for the second time now:
page caching is turned off globally
test_1 requires class MyModel caches_page :foo end
no after_filter is added
test_2 turns page caching on and requires class MyModel (which was already loaded, so requiring is skipped)
still no after_filter added so page caching does not kick in

def caches_page(*actions)
# return unless perform_caching
Asset Helpers: apparently they need a server restart to rebuild a cached file when it got deleted

page caching is turned off globally
test_1 requires class MyModel caches_page :foo end
no after_filter is added
test_2 turns page caching on and requires class MyModel (which was already loaded, so requiring is skipped)
still no after_filter added so page caching does not kick in
Currently there's no method to expire compiled templates.
Lifo says Rails edge makes it easier :object => nil seems to run into SystemStackError with:
class Role belongs_to :object, :polymorphic => true
class Role::Admin < Role

force certain after_filters to be run even if the filter chain has been halted:
:after_filter => :bla, :force => true

section.articles.maximum(:position) returns nil when table is empty. shouldn't that be 0?

Asset Helpers: apparently they need a server restart to rebuild a cached file when it got deleted
ActionController::Base#layout can't be restricted to certain formats, can it? (see BlogController + feeds)

There's no method to expire compiled templates.
section.radio_button :type, type (and other helpers) should create an id="section_type_blog"
even when the section is a blog (i.e. that's an STI related bug) :object => nil seems to run into SystemStackError with:
class Role belongs_to :object, :polymorphic => true
class Role::Admin < Role
wikipage routing/controller: change :id to :permalink ... doesn't seem to work with resources => wontfix => seems to break url_helpers
def to_param
"#{username.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/i, '-')}" if self.username

force certain after_filters to be run even if the filter chain has been halted:
:after_filter => :bla, :force => true
# better_nested_set

section.articles.maximum(:position) returns nil when table is empty. shouldn't that be 0?
add before_move and after_move hooks to better_nested_set

ActionController::Base#layout can't be restricted to certain formats, can it? (see BlogController + feeds)
# cacheable_flash

section.radio_button :type, type (and other helpers) should create an id="section_type_blog"
even when the section is a blog (i.e. that's an STI related bug)
make cacheable_flash behave transparent (do not clear flash after writing it to the cookie)
rational: controller specs should work and controllers behave correctly
not matter if the plugin is installed or not

wikipage routing/controller: change :id to :permalink ... doesn't seem to work with resources => wontfix => seems to break url_helpers
def to_param
"#{username.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/i, '-')}" if self.username
after_filter won't be called when the filter chain is halted. maybe an around_filter is a better choice?

# rspec

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48 changes: 42 additions & 6 deletions spec/controllers/sections_controller_spec.rb
Expand Up @@ -12,24 +12,60 @@

describe "GET to :show" do
before :each do
@article.stub!(:published?).and_return true
act! { request_to :get, '/sections/1' }
it_assigns :section, :article
it_renders_template :show

describe "with no article permalink present" do

describe "with no article permalink given" do
it_renders_template :show

it "should find the section's primary article" do
@section.articles.should_receive(:primary).any_number_of_times.and_return @article

describe "with an article permalink present" do
describe "with an article permalink given" do
act! { request_to :get, '/sections/1/articles/an-article' }

it "should find the section's primary article" do
@section.articles.should_receive(:find_published_by_permalink).any_number_of_times.and_return @article
@section.articles.should_receive(:find_by_permalink).any_number_of_times.and_return @article

describe "when the article is published" do
it_renders_template :show

describe "when the article is not published" do
before :each do
@article.stub!(:published?).and_return false

describe "and the user has :update permissions" do
before :each do
controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return stub_model(User, :has_role? => true)

it_renders_template :show
it "skips caching for the rendered page" do
controller.instance_variable_get(:@skip_caching).should be_true

describe "and the user does not have :update permissions" do
before :each do
controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return stub_model(User, :has_role? => false)
it_redirects_to { '' }
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23 changes: 19 additions & 4 deletions vendor/engines/adva_cms/app/controllers/sections_controller.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
class SectionsController < BaseController
include ActionController::GuardsPermissions::InstanceMethods

before_filter :set_article
before_filter :guard_view_permissions, :only => :show

caches_page_with_references :show, :track => ['@article']

Expand All @@ -13,18 +16,30 @@ def show

def set_section
@section = params[:id].blank? ? @site.sections.root : @site.sections.find(params[:id])
@section = params[:section_id].blank? ? @site.sections.root : @site.sections.find(params[:section_id])
raise"Section must be a Section: #{@section.inspect}") unless @section.is_a? Section

def set_article
@article = if params[:permalink].blank?
if params[:permalink].blank?
@article = @section.articles.primary
@section.articles.find_published_by_permalink params[:permalink]
@article = @section.articles.find_by_permalink params[:permalink], :include => :author
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @article

def guard_view_permissions
unless @article.published?
guard_permission(:update, :article)
@skip_caching = true

def current_role_context
@article || @section

# experimental ... not sure if that's a good idea, but it would reduce quite
# some routes, i.e. even increase performance
# def process(*args)
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