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File metadata and controls

20 lines (13 loc) · 1.16 KB


A rebuild of the Epyx Fast Load cartridge for the Commodore C64 in the same format like the Versa64Cart, The dimensions are the same and the location of the reset switch is the same.

The software and the user manual can be obtained from this website: Epyx FastLoad (pokefinder)

Epyx FastLoad

BOM value

The bom value is 8€, which includes the M27C512 EPROM. It was calculated with domestic prices.

Rev. 1

There is a jumper for selecting the software versions (there is obviously more than one version).

Rev. 2

Rev. 2 is only a mechanical revision. Notches for Stumpy cartridge case were added.

Epyx FastLoad v2

There is a version of the Gerber files and the eagle file without a documentation frame, since some PCB manufacturer's websites have a problem with it.