The documentation included here refers to the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime v2 (code from the main branch). If you're developing for the runtime v1.x, check this readme instead.
The Swift AWS Runtime v2 is work in progress. We will add more documentation and code examples over time.
Ensure you have the Swift 6.x toolchain installed. You can install Swift toolchains from
When developing on macOS, be sure you use macOS 15 (Sequoia) or a more recent macOS version.
To build and archive your Lambda function, you need to install docker.
To deploy the Lambda function and invoke it, you must have an AWS account and install and configure the
command line. -
Some examples are using AWS SAM. Install the SAM CLI before deploying these examples.
- Create a new Swift executable project
mkdir MyLambda && cd MyLambda
swift package init --type executable
Prepare your
file2.1 Add the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime as a dependency
swift package add-dependency --branch main swift package add-target-dependency AWSLambdaRuntime MyLambda --package swift-aws-lambda-runtime
2.2 (Optional - only on macOS) Add
platforms: [.macOS(.v15)],
2.3 Your
file must look like this// swift-tools-version: 6.0 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "MyLambda", platforms: [.macOS(.v15)], dependencies: [ .package(url: "", branch: "main"), ], targets: [ .executableTarget( name: "MyLambda", dependencies: [ .product(name: "AWSLambdaRuntime", package: "swift-aws-lambda-runtime"), ] ), ] )
file and replace the content with this code
import AWSLambdaRuntime
// in this example we are receiving and responding with strings
let runtime = LambdaRuntime {
(event: String, context: LambdaContext) in
return String(event.reversed())
try await
- Build & archive the package
swift build
swift package archive --allow-network-connections docker
If there is no error, there is a ZIP file ready to deploy.
The ZIP file is located at .build/plugins/AWSLambdaPackager/outputs/AWSLambdaPackager/MyLambda/
- Deploy to AWS
There are multiple ways to deploy to AWS (SAM, Terraform, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), AWS Console) that are covered later in this doc.
Here is how to deploy using the aws
command line.
aws lambda create-function \
--function-name MyLambda \
--zip-file fileb://.build/plugins/AWSLambdaPackager/outputs/AWSLambdaPackager/MyLambda/ \
--runtime provided.al2 \
--handler provided \
--architectures arm64 \
--role arn:aws:iam::<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/lambda_basic_execution
The --architectures
flag is only required when you build the binary on an Apple Silicon machine (Apple M1 or more recent). It defaults to x64
Be sure to replace <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> with your actual AWS account ID (for example: 012345678901).
- Invoke your Lambda function
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name MyLambda \
--payload $(echo \"Hello World\" | base64) \
out.txt && cat out.txt && rm out.txt
This should print
"StatusCode": 200,
"ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
"dlroW olleH"
Many modern systems have client components like iOS, macOS or watchOS applications as well as server components that those clients interact with. Serverless functions are often the easiest and most efficient way for client application developers to extend their applications into the cloud.
Serverless functions are increasingly becoming a popular choice for running event-driven or otherwise ad-hoc compute tasks in the cloud. They power mission critical microservices and data intensive workloads. In many cases, serverless functions allow developers to more easily scale and control compute costs given their on-demand nature.
When using serverless functions, attention must be given to resource utilization as it directly impacts the costs of the system. This is where Swift shines! With its low memory footprint, deterministic performance, and quick start time, Swift is a fantastic match for the serverless functions architecture.
Combine this with Swift's developer friendliness, expressiveness, and emphasis on safety, and we have a solution that is great for developers at all skill levels, scalable, and cost effective.
Swift AWS Lambda Runtime was designed to make building Lambda functions in Swift simple and safe. The library is an implementation of the AWS Lambda Runtime API and uses an embedded asynchronous HTTP Client based on SwiftNIO that is fine-tuned for performance in the AWS Runtime context. The library provides a multi-tier API that allows building a range of Lambda functions: From quick and simple closures to complex, performance-sensitive event handlers.
tbd + reference to the
design doc.
link to updated docc tutorial
tbd + link to docc
tbd + link to docc
tbd + link to docc