SwiftypeMonitoring is a collection of helpers for monitoring services used at Swiftype. It can be used to build application-level monitoring using Nagios or your tool of choice. The type of monitoring checks you could write with it include "is this Resque queue too large?", "Are records in table X too told?", and "is my Elasticsearch cluster healthy?"
This library was extracted from the internal Swiftype monitoring framework, however the code is presented as-is.
To use, define a subclass of SwiftypeMonitoring::Check and override
the run
class FoobarCheck < SwiftypeMonitoring::Check
# Check thresholds
warning_option('Warning threshold for Foobar', 3600)
critical_option('Critical threshold for Foobar', 7200)
def run
foobar = get_some_metric
if foobar > config[:critical]
critical("Foobar is too large (#{foobar}). " +
"Limit is #{config[:critical]}")
if foobar > config[:warning]
warning("Foobar is too large (#{foobar}). " +
"Limit is #{config[:critical]}")
ok("Foobar (#{foobar}) is within acceptable limits")