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WHALE: A management tool for Tier-2 LCG Sites

The LCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) is a grid-based hierarchical computing distributed facility, composed of more than 140 computing centers, organized in 4 tiers, by size and offer of services. Every site, although indipendent for many technical choices, has to provide services with a well-defined set of interfaces. For this reason, different LCG sites need frequently to manage very similar situations, like jobs behaviour on the batch system, dataset transfers between sites, operating system and experiment software installation and configuration, monitoring of services.

WHALE is a generic, site indipendent tool written in python: it allows administrator to interact in a uniform and coherent way with several subsystems using a high level syntax which hides specific commands.

The architecture of WHALE is based on the plugin concept and on the possibility of connecting the output of a plugin to the input of the next one, in a pipe-like system, giving the administrator the possibility of making complex functions by combining the simpler ones. The core of WHALE just handles the plugin orchestrations, while even the basic functions (eg. the WHALE activity logging) are performed by plugins, giving the capability to tune and possibly modify every component of the system. WHALE already provides many plugins (making use of other APIs when avaiable) useful for a LCG site and some more for a Tier-2 of the CMS experiment, expecially in the field of job management, dataset transfer and analysis of performance results and availability tests. Thanks to its architecture and the provided plugins WHALE makes easy to perform tasks that, even if logically simple, are technically complex or tedious, like eg. closing all the worker nodes with a job-failure rate greater than a given threshold.

Finally, thanks to the centralization of the activities on a single point and to its logging functionalities, WHALES acts as a knowledge-base of the site and a handful tool to keep track of the activities at a given site. For this reason it also provides a tailored plugin to perform advanced searches in the activity log.

Use cases is a shell-like tool, with special features that address typical CMS Tier-2 administrator needs.

getting the status (up/down) of a host

Host cmsrm-cream02 Status

generate a list of Hosts


filter it

Host cmsrm-cream

get the status of a set of hosts obtained from a generator

Host cmsrm-cream | Host Status

list of datasets at a site

PhedexNode T2_IT_Rome Dataset

Logical Filenames in a dataset

Dataset /sdfs/sdsd#sdsdv/fg Lfn

list of all pools


Physical Filenames of files on pool cmsrm-st14_1

Pool cmsrm-st14_1 Pfn

list of hosts hosting a given file

Pfn /pnfs/ Host

close a host in lsf

Host cmsrm-wn123 CloseHost

close hosts where LSF service is in critical state

Status LSF,critical Host | Host CloseHost

close hosts where user cms014 are running

User cms014 Jobs | Jobs CloseHost

get the output of a command on a given host

Host cmsrm-cream01,uptime SSHCommand

Host cmsrm-wn


From command line: --help

From python shell: [root@cmsrm-ui02 ~]# python2.6 Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Feb 28 2011, 21:55:45) [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

from tools.lcgwhale import * host='cmsrm-dcache' dbname='chimera' user='whale' host='cmsrm-dcache' dbname='dcache' user='whale' Adding <whale.plugins.wlcg.cms.transfersystem.PhEDEx.PhEDEx object at 0x17900250> Adding <whale.plugins.storagesystem.dcache.DCache.DCache object at 0x179002d0> Adding <whale.plugins.wlcg.cms.datacatalogue.DAS.DAS object at 0x17900590> Adding <whale.plugins.wlcg.cms.dashboard.Dashboard.Dashboard object at 0x1790c090> Adding <whale.plugins.batchsystem.lsf.LSF.LSF object at 0x179005d0> Adding <whale.plugins.wlcg.GridMapDir.GridMapDir object at 0x17900790> Adding <whale.plugins.monitor.nagios.Nagios.Nagios object at 0x17900950> Adding <whale.plugins.monitor.nagios.Nagios.Nagios object at 0x17900b10> Adding <whale.plugins.monitor.nagios.Nagios.Nagios object at 0x17900cd0>


WHALE: A management tool for Tier-2 LCG Sites






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