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Tarantool Sharded Queue Application

This module provides roles for the Tarantool 3 and for the Tarantool Cartridge implementing of a distributed queue compatible with Tarantool queue (fifiottl driver)

flowchart TB
    customers <--> router1
    customers <--> router2

    subgraph Queue

        subgraph shard1
        storage11[("Storage\n master")]
        storage12[("Storage\n replica")]
        storage13[("Storage\n replica")]

        subgraph shard2
        storage21[("Storage\n master")]
        storage22[("Storage\n replica")]
        storage23[("Storage\n replica")]

        subgraph shard3
        storage31[("Storage\n master")]
        storage32[("Storage\n replica")]
        storage33[("Storage\n replica")]

        router1 <--> shard1
        router1 <--> shard2
        router1 <--> shard3
        router2 <--> shard1
        router2 <--> shard2
        router2 <--> shard3


Usage in a Tarantool 3 application

You need to install the Tarantool 3.0.2+ or 3.1+.

  1. Add a dependency to your application rockspec.
  2. Enable roles.sharded-queue-router role on all sharding router instances.
  3. Enable roles.sharded-queue-storage role on all sharding storage instances.
  4. Configure tubes for the roles.sharded-queue-storage role the same for all storage instances.
  5. Do not forget to bootstrap the vshard in your application. See init.lua as an example.

You could see a full example of the configuration in the config.yaml.

Be careful, it is impossible to create or drop tubes dynamically by API calls with Tarantool 3. You need to update the role configuration instead.

Usage in a Tarantool Cartridge application

  1. Add a dependency to your application rockspec. You need to make sure that the dependency of the Tarantool Cartridge 2.9.0 is enabled because the sharded-queue does not have it by default.
  2. Add roles to your application:
    roles = {        
  1. Enable the role on all storage nodes. Be careful, there should be no replicasets with cartridge.roles.vshard-storage role, but without the role.
  2. Queue API will be available on all nodes where the sharded_queue.api role is enabled.

Usage as a ready-to-deploy service

Prepare tt environment:

tt init
git clone instances.enabled/sharded-queue


tt pack --app-list sharded-queue rpm --version 1.0.0

Now you could install resulting package on your target servers.

For more details refer to tt

Usage from client perspective

The good old queue api is located on all instances of the router masters that we launched. For a test configuration, this is one router on localhost:3301

tarantool@user:~/sharded_queue$ tarantool
Tarantool 1.10.3-6-gfbf53b9
type 'help' for interactive help
tarantool> netbox = require('')
tarantool> queue_conn = netbox.connect('localhost:3301', {user = 'admin',password = 'secret-cluster-cookie'})
tarantool> queue_conn:call('queue.create_tube', { 'test_tube' })   
tarantool> queue_conn:call('', { 'task_1' })
- [3653, 'r', 'task_1']
tarantool> queue_conn:call('')
- [3653, 't', 1]

You may also set up tubes using Cartridge cluster-wide config:

        temporary: true
        ttl: 60
        driver: my_app.my_driver
        metrics: false

Be careful, cfg field in a cluster-wide config acts as a configuration value for api.cfg() call. These configuration options are currently supported:

  • metrics - enable or disable stats collection by metrics. metrics >= 0.11.0 is required. It is enabled by default.

Running locally with Tarantool 3 (as an example)

Prepare tt environment:

tt init
git clone instances.enabled/sharded-queue

Install dependencies:

tt build sharded-queue

Start default configuration:

tt start sharded-queue

To stop, say:

tt stop sharded-queue

Launching tests


make deps
make deps-cartridge # For Tarantool < 3.
make deps-metrics # For Tarantool < 3.
make test


The module exports several metrics if the module metrics >= 0.11 is installed and the feature is not disabled by the configuration.

Router (roles.sharded-queue-router or sharded_queue.api for the Cartridge)

  • Metric tnt_sharded_queue_router_statistics_calls_total is a counter with the number of requests broken down by the type of request. The metric has labels in the following format:

    {name = "tube_name", state = "request_type"}

    A list of possible request types: done, take, kick, bury, put, delete, touch, ack, release. The metric on the sharded_queue.api role accumulates values from all buckets.

  • Metric tnt_sharded_queue_router_statistics_tasks is a gauge with the number of tasks in a queue broken down by a task state. The metric has labels in the following format:

    {name = "tube_name", state = "task_state"}

    A list of possible task states: taken, buried, ready, done, delayed, total. The metric on the sharded_queue.api role accumulates values from all buckets.

  • Metric tnt_sharded_queue_router_role_stats is a summary with quantiles of sharded_queue.api role API calls. The metric includes a counter of API calls and errors and has labels in the following format:

    {name = "tube_name", method = "api_call_method", status = "ok" or "error"}

    A list of possible call methods: put, take, delete, release, touch, ack, bury, kick, peek, drop.

Storage (roles.sharded-queue-storage or for the Cartridge)

  • Metric tnt_sharded_queue_storage_statistics_calls_total is a counter with the number of requests broken down by the type of request. The metric has labels in the following format:

    {name = "tube_name", state = "request_type"}

    A list of possible request types: done, take, kick, bury, put, delete, touch, ack, release. The metric on the role shows actual values on the instance.

  • Metric tnt_sharded_queue_storage_statistics_tasks is a gauge with the number of tasks in a queue broken down by a task state. The metric has labels in the following format:

    {name = "tube_name", state = "task_state"}

    A list of possible task states: taken, buried, ready, done, delayed, total. The metric on the role shows actual values on the instance.

  • Metric tnt_sharded_queue_storage_role_stats is a summary with quantiles of sharded_queue.api role API calls. The metric includes a counter of API calls and errors and has labels in the following format:

    {name = "tube_name", method = "api_call_method", status = "ok" or "error"}

    A list of possible call methods: statistic, put, take, delete, release, touch, ack, bury, kick, peek, drop.

API extensions (compared to tarantool/queue)

  • tube:take method has additional table argument options. It may be used to provide additional logic in some drivers.


      tube:take(3, {cumstom_driver_option='test'})
  • Logging: There are 2 ways to log your api method calls:

    1. with the parameter log_request during tube creation;

    2. with the exact same parameter on each operation (each of methods (take, put, ack, release, delete, touch, bury, peek) has additional table argument options). In this case log_request will override the tube's log parameter for only 1 operation.


    conn:call('queue.create_tube', { mytube, {
        log_request = true, -- log all operations
    conn:call("", { data, {
        log_request = false, -- this PUT will not be logged
    conn:call("", { anoter_data }) -- and this PUT will be logged

    If you use fifottl driver (default), you can log driver's method calls with log_request (log router's and storage's operations).

  • You can not create or drop tubes by API calls with Tarantool 3. You need to update the role configuration instead.