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This is an experimental project.

A Clojure library designed to ease the setup and configuration of an onyx and kafka based application.

travis status

A component system-map is provided so that all the required components can be started with one function.

Also, some (one currently; command-job) build functions are provided to make it as simple as possible to get your functions into the system and executing.

The command-job will build a topic->function->topic sandwich. The topics will have "-input" and "-output" append respectively.

The configuration file need not actually exist (you'll get a warning). It is a required argument though, in order to enforce the idea that this is meant to be the single entry point to starting the application. Eventually, this could be used in production with this form: (boot-system "production.edn") in a "main" function. Support for that will be in a future release.


From the repl:

(require '[])
( "test.edn")
( ( :some.path-to/a-function))

(with-open [p (]
  (.produce p "some.path-to..a-function-input" key data))

;;not included
(require '[ :as ms])
(let [conf (:conf]
  (with-open [c (zkc/consumer {"zookeeper.connect" (:zookeeper-addr conf)
                             "" "test"
                             "auto.offset.reset" "smallest"})
              source (-> c
                        (zkc/messages "some.path-to..a-function-output")
    (ms/consume println source))


Copyright © 2016 Chris Thompson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.