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Speckled - a library for talking to SPARQL endpoints

  • network code for talking to SPARQL endpoint

Status as of June 2016: under active (if slow) development, pre-pre-Alpha, APIs will change probably without notice. Hopefully there is enough here to illustrate the direction in which we think we're going, but there are significant gaps which I will probably only get to when I actually need the functionality.

As of June 2017: still nominally being developed, but free time is scarce.


It's on clojars. Depending on whichever your favourite build tool is, you should just be able to add it to your project dependencies in project.clj/build.boot/pom.xml/Gemfile (OK, perhaps not that last one so much)

Clojars Project CircleCI

Build from source

It's on github and it requires Leiningen. Clone it and run lein jar or whatever.

To run the tests, do lein test src/speckled/*.clj. I like to put unit tests alongside the code that they're testing: it reminds me to keep them up to date and provides (perhaps) useful documentation for anyone reading the code.


Most of Speckled is a DSL for creating SPARQL queries. Here's a fairly simple example to show it off a bit

(ns my-namespace
  (:require [speckled.dsl :refer :all]
            [speckled.rdf :refer [u]]))

;; (speckled.dsl is written with some care about preserving its
;; public/private interface and the intention is that it should be
;; safe to :refer :all without spamming your application
;; namespaces with incidental crud.  Please flag if/where you find
;; this not to be the case)

  (project [(? :a)]
            (group [(? :a)
                    "Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation"]
                   [(? :a) :rdf:type :dct:Agent] )))))
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdau: <>
[... more prefix declarations omitted for brevity ...]
  ?a <> \"Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation\" .
  ?a <> <>}

Language structure

The structure of the language was designed by looking at the SPARQL specification through half-closed eyes: it's inspired by the official SPARQL grammar but takes some liberties in the interests of pragmatism/conciseness/convenience. From the inside out:

Terms: literals, IRIs, variables

Conversions to and from literals are controlled by the multimethods

  • speckled.rdf/serialize-term which converts a Clojure value to an RDF literal, and

  • speckled.rdf/make-literal which converts an RDF literal into a Clojure value. You can add methods for your own XSD datatype

Out of the box, Speckled knows how to convert

  • Strings, Numbers and Booleans, to simple literals

  • java.util.Date, to xsd:dateTime

  • URL and URI objects are converted to IRI refs. You can say (u "foo") to easily create a URL relative to speckled.rdf/rdf-base-uri

  • a keyword of the form :prefix:word is converted into an IRI ref by splitting into prefix and word and then checking prefix against the declared prefixes in speckled.rdf/prefixes

  • Variables are represented as Variable objects. You can create them with the ? function


A triple is a vector of three terms: [subject relation object]

Graph patterns: pattern-matching the dataset

A group graph pattern is an array of triples containing zero or more variables. A solution for the pattern comprises a value for each of those variables chosen so that the graph pattern matches some subset of the triples in the data store. A solution sequence is a collection of all the possible solutions for the graph pattern.

Inline literal data block

An inline data block specifies one or more variable names and some literal values for each of them, to specify a solution sequence which does not depend on the data store being queried. This solution sequence can be (is, usually) combined with solution sequences from graph patterns.

 (values [(? :foo) (? :bar)]
   [["black"  "white"]
    ["bark" "bite"]
    ["shark" "hey man jaws was never my scene"]]))

Combining query patterns

Graph patterns (and data blocks) may be combined and augmented in various ways. If you need SPARQL composition operations which are not in this list, the most likely reason they aren't implemented is that I haven't got to them yet. Patches, as they say, welcome.

  • (union g1 g2 ... ) - "a means of combining graph patterns so that one of several alternative graph patterns may match. If more than one of the alternatives matches, all the possible pattern solutions are found." See SPARQL UNION keyword

  • with-graph - require that a group pattern be matched by triples in a named graph instead of in the default graph. See SPARQL GRAPH keyword

  • (optional g0 g1 ) is a bit like a left join: it defines a graph pattern in which the pattern g0 must match and g1 may or may not match. See SPARQL OPTIONAL keyword.
    For each possible solution to g0, if g1 matches then it will add its bindings to the solution, and if it doesn't then it creates no additional bindings but does not cause the solution to be rejected. Note that g1 must match in its entirety or not at all: if you have two or more optional patterns that may match independently of each other, you cannot just mush them together in g1.

  • (optional g0 g1 g2 gn)

    As a syntactic convenience, multiple optional graphs can be supplied to the optional clause. This is treated as though it were written

    (optional (optional (optional g0 g1) g2) gn)

  • (filter-solns g expr ) acccepts a group pattern g and filters the solutions it produces such that the result is only the solutions for which the expr is true. See SPARQL FILTER, but note that the filter expression in Speckled is outside the group (i.e. where it logically ought to be) not inside it where SPARQL syntax expects it.

  • (bind [(? :v) expr (? :v2) expr2 ...] g1) to define new variable names v, v2 etc and give them values derived from the variables in g1. See SPARQL BIND

  • (grouping [(? :v1) (? :v2) ...] [(? :v3) '(min x) (? :v4) '(count y) ...] g0)

    Group the solutions of g0 into subsequences such that in each subsequence, every solution has the same values of ?v1 ?v2 etc. Then apply the aggregating functions (min x), (count y) etc across each subsequence, to create a new solution sequence which has variables ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 and as many solutions as there were subsequences.


The bind and grouping operations allow you to call functions which take literals and variable references as parameters. Write them as quoted lists: for example,

     (bind [(? :evid)
            '(iri (concat "" (struuid)))]
           (group ...))

This is converted to the SPARQL iri(concat("", struuid())). A small selection of arithmetic functions are recognised and converted to infix.

Solution sequence modifiers

You can apply solution sequence modifiers to your query, in order to filter, narrow or re-order the solution sequence computed by that query.

  • project : allows you to name the specific variables you want from from each solution (instead of getting all of them)
  • distinct : remove identical solutions from the sequence
  • order-by : change the order that solutions are returned in: e.g. (order-by soln-seq '?date) or (order soln-seq '(desc ?date))
  • limit : 'top and tail' the solution sequence

A short digression about project

The SELECT clause in a SPARQL query serves dual duty

  • first as a solution sequence modifier which narrows the result sequence by removing some of the variables from it (in relational algebra we would describe this as a "projection" or "restriction"),

  • and second to indicate the desired form of the result to the SPARQL processor - specifically, that we want to know the values of the variables (as opposed to, e.g. whether a solution exists (ASK) or a new set of triples that use them (CONSTRUCT)).

In Speckled we separate these two roles: we use project for the "Projection" operator that narrows the solution sequence, and then we use select to indicate the result format.

Speckled is not dogmatic about making you write project and select explicitly in your queries if it can figure out that it needed either or both of them (see "Convenience shortcuts" below), but you will probably have an easier ride if your mental model embraces this distinction instead of treating it as magic :-)

Top level forms

These say what we want done with the solution sequence.

  • select is SPARQL SELECT - tell me the values
  • construct is SPARQL CONSTRUCT - make up some new triples
  • (insert graph soln-seq) is SPARQL INSERT - make up some new triples and add them to the data store. If soln-seq is omitted we use INSERT DATA
  • delete is SPARQL DELETE (as per INSERT)
  • (substitute deletions insertions soln-seq) is the least worst name we can think of for SPARQL DELETE-INSERT

Convenience shortcuts

  1. you can omit project if you don't want to restrict the variables returned, and if you omit the operator to specify the top level form type (select, construct, ask, insert ...) then it will assume that you wanted a SELECT. So you can write simple queries much more concisely: e.g.
        (group [(? :a)
                "Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation"]
               [(? :a) :rdf:type :dct:Agent] )))))

to get

   ?a <> "Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation" .
   ?a <> <>

or something, modulo whitespace changes, very much like it.

Talking to SPARQL servers

(def post-http (comp http/post :body))

( post-http "http://localhost:3030/ds/"
                    "SELECT  ?p ?o WHERE { </foo/2> ?p ?o }")

Presently there are separate functions for different top level forms

  • for SELECT use query
  • for INSERT use insert-store
  • for CONSTRUCT use query-graph

This is ugly and I will look at unifying these interfaces just as soon as I have a good idea how to

Choose your own HTTP library

(If you don't have your own HTTP library you can always choose to use somebody else's ;-)

The first argument to query is the function that your preferred HTTP client uses to do a POST request. It should accept the same arguments as clj-http.client/post _and return the response body as a string. For example, to use the client from HTTP-Kit you might say

(def post-http (comp deref org.httpkit.client/post))

or to use Aleph (which returns a Manifold deferred instead of giving you a response directly, and as of 0.4.1 doesn't support {:as :text}) you could do

(def post-http (comp slurp :body deref http/post))


Copyright © 2015,2016 Daniel Barlow

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


SPARQL DSL and network code for Clojure (WIP)







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