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Fluent adjective

  1. able to express oneself easily and articulately.


FluentCSS is a methodology to help write CSS smoothly, gracefuly and effortless. This is a result of my experience with CSS. This repo is essentially a notepad of thoughts, tests and ideas.

I hope this repository will generate discussion, exploration and ideas on how to create a consistent unified approach to CSS development. The Best CSS framework is one that works for the entire team, not just the individual.

Noteworthy frameworks & Reading Material


There are far too many to list. I have used, played with, studied, loved, hated & found inspiration, from using the following frameworks. They are all worthy of your time to study and trial in atleast one project, you will learn a great deal from actually using each one in an application.

My preferred framework is SuitCSS, FluentCSS follows a naming convention similar to Bulma with the exception of modifer classes, responsive classes, utility classes and the addition of pipes in the markup to seperate classes.

Reading Material

1. Naming Convention


<!-- Component -->
<div class="parentName">
  <div class="parentName-childName repsonive@lg isModified hasEventModifier"></div>
  <div class="parentName-childName"></div>
  <div class="parentName-childName"></div>
  <div class="parentName-childName"></div>

<!-- Grid -->
<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid-item 12of12 6of12@sm 3of12@md"></div>
  <div class="grid-item 12of12 6of12@sm 3of12@md"></div>





As much as we love a beautifully magical complex stylus/sass nest/mixin/function, the Sass Snake is less than desirable. For readability, consider explicit selectors, instead of nesting.

.parentName {
  ul { }
  ul li { }
  ul li a { 
    &:hover { }

.parentName {
  ul { 
    li { 
      a { 
        &:hover { }

Responsive classes

We can make us of the @ symbol to denote any class that is a media query. This visual indication allows devlopers to quickly and confidently identify which breakpoints the class effect. It naturally provides a clean way to write the class, with the syntax of .className@breakpoint. Which literally translates to className at breakpoint.

When we write these classes in css we must escape the ampersand character as shown below.

@media screen and (min-width: $sm) {
  .class\@sm {}
@media screen and (min-width: $md) {
  .class\@md {}
@media screen and (min-width: $lg){ 
  .class\@lg {}


   * Documentation of styles and notes should use the single or multi-line syntax 
   * // Forward slash commenting should be reserved for code.
  /* Parent to all the things. */
  .parent {
    display: block;
    // color: pink;

2. Folder Structure

Note: Consider prefixing folders & files that rely on a specific inheritance order as this may help force the developer to consider what order the files will be imported in.

├── index.scss
├── core
│   ├── functions
│       ├── _*.scss
│   ├── mixins
│       ├── _*.scss
│   ├── _01.variables.scss
│   ├── _02.functions.scss
│   ├── _03.mixins.scss
│   ├── _04.normalize.scss
│   ├── _05.typography.scss
├── components
│   ├── _grid.scss
│   ├── _*.scss

3. index.scss

Located in the root directory this file imports all of our _.scss files. The files must be imported in the correct order to maintain the correct inheritance of styles. This will be the only file in the application that does not begin with _.

Note: It is very important to import the files in the correct order.

@charset "UTF-8";

/* 1. External Libraries */
@import '../../node_modules/modularscale-sass/stylesheets/modular-scale';

/* 2. Base */
@import 'base/_01.variables';
@import 'base/_02.functions';
@import 'base/_03.mixins';
@import 'base/_04.grid';
@import 'base/_05.normalize';
@import 'base/';

/* 4. Components ... */
@import 'components/_form';
@import 'components/_*';

/* 5. Utilities ... */
@import 'utilities/_*';

/* 5. Pages ... */
@import 'pages/_*';

4. Resets

Section coming soon ... maybe 😅


  • Reset guidlines.
  • Refactor. Simplify. Flatten.
  • Move grid better place for the grid import. component/structure? @import 'base/04.grid'; is a grid nessercary, hasn't been used at all in the previous 2 projects.
  • Consider renaming init.scss to fluent.css or index.scss.
  • Implement .wysiwyg class/component/mixin for CMS based inputs.
  • Media Query function needs to be implemented.
  • Clean up _variables.scss
  • Create guidlines for reserved classnames. eg.
    • .header, .body, .footer, .page-x, .content-x, .container, .wrapper, .contents
  • Provide more of a description on how to abstract names for better modularity, eg. brand-logo is better than apple-logo in terms of allowing the file to be re-used in future projects.

Explore naming conventions for types of UI objects

  • elements
    • buttons
    • form inputs
  • components
    • cards
    • navbar
  • compositions/ui/layout
    • grids

Elements noun

  1. a component or constituent of a whole or one of the parts into which a whole may be resolved by analysis:

Components noun

  1. a constituent part; element; ingredient.

composition noun

  1. The act of combining parts or elements to form a whole.


This repo was created as a way to help get my thoughts out onto paper and to explain my process when meeting developers/sharing ideas.

I've since spent more time in react and less time in css, therefore it hasn't got the love it once did.

In time I may explore it again, and hopefuly end up with a Simple, Natural & Intuitive Guideline.