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Releases: thomasWeise/figureSeries

BugFix for `Float(s) lost.` Error

13 Jul 11:07
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In release 0.9.3, I tried to fix the nasty Float(s) lost errors. Unfortunately, my fix in that release worked well on the minimal examples I had at that time, but failed on other documents (and made some documents which compiled well before to now exhibit Float(s) lost...) So I had to delete release 0.9.3.

We now use the cool cuted package for laying out our figure series, which turned out to be quite robust. I can no longer find a way to make the package throw Figure(s) lost. Thus, I think we are getting closer to have good solution for automatic page-breaking of series of figures. This new release marks this point of our work.

The only errors left that I can generate are some

! Dimension too large.
\addboxcontents ...ance \skip \tw@ \ifdim -\skip@ 
                                                  <\lineskiplimit \lineskip ...

errors, which are probably rooted in too-large sub-figures or too-long series.

Version 0.9.2

14 Feb 10:54
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A First Working Release of the figureSeries Package

This is a first working release of the figureSeries package. It works
well with IEEEtran.cls, llncs.cls, and sig-alternate.cls. It should
basically work with most off-the-shelf single- and double-column
document classes. However, it still is very raw. It contains some
arbitrarily set spacing, which should probably better be based on
commands and LaTeX settings. However, it works, it contains several
proof-of-concept examples, and is more or less sufficiently