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Interfacing Ghost with Emails: Sending out emails when new posts are published and creating new posts by sending emails.

Note Currently only one direction is implemented: By sending emails you can create blog posts.

How to run it


  • Node js installed

Get the code, install the dependencies and start it:

git clone
cd mail2ghost2mail
npm i
npm start

Of course it will need some configuration 😀 ...see below...


mail2ghost2mail has a couple of confguration areas and options:


In order to read/write emails and ghost posts it needs access to those 2 systems. This information is held in the .env file. You can create and edit it like so:

cd src
cp sample.env .env

Then edit the file .env and enter your configuration for accessing the email account as well as the Ghost API.

Email addresses <==> ghost author

When creating a new blog post based on an incoming email we need to set the author. This is based on a mapping between email senders and ghost authors. This way a blog author can send from multiple email addresses (i.e. his office and private email account).

This mapping is described in the config/default.json file. The file structure is like so:

	"postAuthors": {
		"": {
			"emailAddresses": ["", "", ""]
		"": {
			"emailAddresses": [""]

To do

Things that need to be done:

  • Test the blog creation by email with more diverse content. I.e. sending an email with inline pics, youtube links etc.
  • Have more tests...
  • Sending out emails when new blog posts are created


Interfacing Ghost with Emails: Sending out emails when new posts are published and creating new posts by sending emails.






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