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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

This plugin provides a simple file browser. It is not a full blown 
explorer but can be nevertheless be useful for quickly selecting a few 
files or renaming them. If you set |g:tlib_inputlist_match| to "fuzzy", 
it behaves similar to the FuzzyFinder, command-t, or CtrlP plugins.

As the plugin does some caching in the background, the filelist is only 
generated once for each path or when called with [!]. In conjuncture 
with the use of the [wbg]:tselectfile_filter_rx variable, this provides 
for use as a simple ad-hoc project manager.

When opening a file under "~/vimfiles", I set b:tselectfiles_dir 
to all the relevant directories under "~/vimfiles" and then set 
b:tselectfile_filter_rx = expand('%:t:r'). Thus, when I open 
"~/vimfiles/plugin/foo.vim", b:tselectfile_filter_rx is "foo", and 
:TSelectFiles shows all the files under "~/vimfiles" matching "foo".

    - list files (recursively or the in the current directory only), 
      dynamically select files matching a pattern
    - open files
    - preview files
    - rename/move files
    - batch rename/move files (using a regular expression)
    - copy files
    - delete files
    - show file info

Advanced uses:

Related files: If you set |g:tselectfiles#filter_rx| to some appropriate 
value, only files matching that regexp will be shown initially. This can 
be used to restrict the list to "related" files. (The initial filter can 
be removed by pressing <c-bs>.) See also |tselectfiles#BaseFilter()| and 

Rolodex: If a filename matches an entry in 
|g:tselectfiles#filedescription_rx| (a dictionnary: pattern => 
function_format_string with one place-holder %s), funcref(filename) will be 
called to retrieve the file's description. This function could be used to 
extract metadata or selected lines from the file etc. By mapping one record 
onto one file, you would get some sort of rolodex-like database. See 
|tselectfiles#FormatVikiMetaDataOrFirstLine()| for an example for viki/deplate 
(vimscript #861) formatted files.


Status:  Works for me (there may be some minor quirks)
  tlib ::
      > git clone git://
Install: See
See for related plugins.


A quick file selector/browser/explorer (sort of) for vim






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