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IntelliJ products instructions

Kerry Shetline edited this page Jul 31, 2020 · 19 revisions

Version 2019.3 and later

Version 2018.2

  • Enable in SettingsEditorFontEnable Font Ligatures
  • Select Fira Code as "Primary font" under SettingsEditorFont

Additionally, if a Color Scheme is selected:

  • Enable in SettingsEditorColor SchemeColor Scheme FontEnable Font Ligatures
  • Select Fira Code as "Primary font" under SettingsEditorColor SchemeColor Scheme Font

Version 2018.1

  • Enable in SettingsEditorColor SchemeColor Scheme FontEnable Font Ligatures
  • Select Fira Code as "Primary font" under SettingsEditorColor SchemeColor Scheme FontFont

Version 2016.2 and prior to 2018.1

Proper support for ligatures was added in 2016.2 (incl. font compatibility & better performance).

  • Enable in SettingsEditorColors & FontsFontEnable Font Ligatures
  • Select Fira Code as "Primary font" under SettingsEditorColors & FontsFontEditor Font

NOTE: Since 2016.3 IntelliJ products come with Fira Code bundled with the editor itself. If you want the latest version of Fira Code, install it separately & restart your editor.

Corrupted text on Windows

If you see something like that


Open cmd.exe, cd C:\Windows\Fonts and then del every file that looks like FiraCode-Regular_**.ttf. NB these files are invisible if you open Fonts in Explorer

If the files are locked you can use Unlocker. In details you should:

  • Install unlocker
  • Open cmd.exe as admin (press the Windows key, type cmd and right click on the result to run it as admin)
  • subst q: c:\windows\fonts, replace q with any other letter if you already have a unit with that name
  • Open unlocker from the start menu, Start Unlocker
  • Select any file named FiraCode-Regular_**.ttf from the q unit, select Delete and press Unlock all (you could also try simply closing the applications if you can)
  • type subst /D q: inside the command prompt to remove the new unit


Prior to 2016.2

This should work for Fira Code 1.102 and IntelliJ products v. 15 and later (IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, WebStorm, AppCode, CLion, DataGrip):

  • Restart your IDE

NOTE: IDEA support of ligatures is considered experimental. E.g. scroll performance may be very slow. It has been reported here

NOTE: There’s an issue on OS X when Fira Code Light is used instead of Regular weight by default (discussion). To work around that, do not install Light weight at all. (this is fixed in latest 16 EAP) Also, installing TTF as opposed to OTF renders better with IntelliJ on the Mac.

NOTE: For latest EAPs of JetBrains products, that file doesn’t matter without setting preference: EditorFontEnable Font Ligatures