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Americano is a parser and evaluator for a restricted subset of JavaScript, written in Python.

>>> from americano import parse
>>> p = parse('var == 4')
>>> p.eval({'var': 4})
>>> p.eval({'var': 5})

The language accepted is a restricted subset of javascript. The input must be an expression, not a statement. The following operators are supported:

  • ternary operator (?:)
  • logical operators (||, &&)
  • comparison operators (===, ==, !===, !=, <. <=, >, >=)
  • addition/subtraction (+, -)
  • multiplication/division (*, /)
  • unary logical not (!)
  • unary negation/plus (-, +)
  • function invocation('(')
  • computed member access ('[')

In addition, the following syntax constructs are supported:

  • array literal
  • null
  • true
  • false
  • single quoted string
  • double quoted string
  • floating point literal (no exponential notation)
  • integer literal

It is implemented using a variation of a Crockford TDOP style Pratt parser modified to support creation of an evaluable node tree on parse.

See these links for algorithm details:


Check out the issues to see what needs to be done. Consider opening an issue if you'd like to get feedback on your changes before you write them.



Follow [](this guide) for forking the repository. Or, this guide if you're comfortable with the command line.

Opening a Pull Request

Your code must be up-to-date with master. If you get a warning about that, follow one of the guides above to pull in the upstream changes.

When your code is pulled in, your commits will be squashed into one. This is so every commit is a runnable state of the code.

When you open a pull request, your code is automatically loaded onto a Continuous Integration (CI) server. This server:

  • Runs the tests
  • Checks test coverage didn't go down
  • Analysis the python files for errors

Your PR will have warnings if any of these checks fail. You can save yourself time by doing these checks yourself before you open a pull request.

Making a Virtual Environment

You should make a virtual environment to create an isolated install of Python. You can use virtualenv, but your life will be easier if you use virtualenvwrapper or autoenv.

Once your virtual environment is active, install the requirements.

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Running the CI Checks Locally

The CI server for Americano uses tox to test against all supported versions. To install multiple versions of Python, use pyenv. Then, you can call tox and it will handle the testing just like the CI server.


Try running this before you make any changes so you can see what a proper output looks like.

Running Individual Components

You can develop faster if you can do individual checks instead of doing every check against every version of Python every time. Running these commands will only test them against the version of Python in your virtual environment. Checking against one version of Python and letting the CI server handle the rest is usually enough.

Running Tests

Americano uses pytest. The configuration is in pytest.ini, so you only need to run the test command. This will also run the doctests.

Checking Coverage

To run the tests and see a coverage report:

pytest --cov=americano

This uses coverage and pytest-cov.


Linting is doing an analysis of the code file to check for mistakes. Americano uses, which calls a variety of other linting tools and passes in reasonable defaults.



Pull requests must be up-to-date with master, and only squash merges are allowed.

The CI server checks:

  • The tests pass on the supported versions of Python using tox
  • Code coverage did not go down
  • Linting with prospector

To duplicate locally:

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

You can probably get by with just running on one version of Python and letting the CI server handle the rest:

pip install -r requirements/test.txt
pytest --cov=americano


A parser and evaluator for a little bit of JavaScript, written in Python







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