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Treasure Data JDBC Driver

NOTE: We no longer maintain td-jdbc driver for Presto now that we support native trino-jdbc drivers

JDBC Driver for accessing Treasure Data. This works with Java 1.6 or higher.

td-jdbc internally uses td-client-java, a Java client for Treasure Data.

For Maven Users

Maven Central Javadoc


Quick Start

Create a java.sql.Connection object using JDBC address jdbc:td:// name).

Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("user", "(your account e-mail)");
props.setProperty("password", "(your password)");

// Alternatively, you can use API key instead of user and password
// props.setProperty("apikey", "(your API key)")

// Set the other options

// Use SSL (default) or not
// props.setProperty("useSSL", "true");

// Run Hive jobs. The default is "presto"
// props.setProperty("type", "hive");

// proxy configurarion (optional)
// props.setProperty("httpproxyhost", "(proxy host)");
// props.setProperty("httpproxyport", "(proxy port)");
// props.setProperty("httpproxyuser", "(proxy username)");
// props.setProperty("httpproxypassword", "(proxy password)");

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:td://", props);
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
try {
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT count(1) FROM www_access");
    // You can see the job ID of the query
    TDResultSetMetaData rsmd = (TDResultSetMetaData) rs.getResultSetMetaData();
    System.out.println("job id: " + rsmd.getJobId());

    // Getting the result rows
    while ( {
        int count = rs.getInt(1);
        System.out.println("result = " + count);
finally {

To configure td-jdbc connection parameters, use URL parameters, Properties object or System properties. The precedence of these properties is:

  1. Environment variable (only for TD_API_KEY parameter)
  2. System properties
  3. Properties object passed by DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc_url, Properties)
  4. JDBC URL parameters (e.g., jdbc:td://;type=hive;useSSL=true), separated by semi-colon ;

If your environment defines TD_API_KEY variable, td-jdbc uses it. For the other properties, System properties have the highest priority.

A list of JDBC Configurations

You must provide apikey property or both user (your account e-mail) and password for the authentication:

key default value description
apikey API key to access Treasure Data. You can also set this via TD_API_KEY environment variable.
user Account e-mail address (unnecessary if apikey is set)
password Account password (unnecessary if apikey is set)
type presto Query engine. hive, preto or pig
useSSL false Use SSL encryption for accessing Treasure Data
useapikey false Use API key to access Treasure Data even if user or password is set
httpproxyhost Proxy host (optional) e.g., ""
httpproxyport Proxy port (optional) e.g., "80"
httpproxyuser Proxy user (optional)
httpproxypassword Proxy password (optional)

If both user and password are given, td-jdbc uses this pair instead of apikey.

You can also use td-client-java specific options.


When running a query (e.g. SELECT), the driver submits a job request to Treasure Data. td-jdbc periodically monitors the job progress and fetches the result after the job completion.

For INSERT statement, td-jdbc buffers the data into local memory, then flushes it to Treasure Data every 5 minutes, so there will be a delay until your data becomes accessible in Treasure Data.

Implementation Status

Following methods have been implemented.


  • createStatement() and createStatement(..)
  • getMetaData()
  • prepareStatement(..)


  • execute(..)
  • executeQuery(..)
  • setResultSet()


  • addBatch()
  • clearParameters()
  • execute()
  • executeQuery()
  • getMetaData()
  • setBoolean(..)
  • setByte(..)
  • setDouble(..)
  • setFloat(..)
  • setInt(..)
  • setLong(..)
  • setShort(..)
  • setString(..)


  • findColumn(String)
  • getBoolean(..)
  • getByte(..)
  • getDate(int) and getDate(String)
  • getDouble(int)
  • getFloat(int)
  • getInt(int)
  • getLong(int)
  • getMetaData()
  • next()
  • getObject(int) and getObject(String)
  • getShort(..)


  • getColumnCount()
  • getColumnDisplaySize(int)
  • getColumnLabel(int)
  • getColumnName(int)
  • getColumnType(int)
  • getColumnTypeName(int)


  • getCatalogs()
  • getColumns(..)
  • getSchemas(..)
  • getTableTypes()
  • getTables(..)


Apache License, Version 2.0

For developers


You can get latest source code using git.

$ git clone
$ cd td-jdbc
$ mvn package

You will get the td-jdbc jar file in td-jdbc/target folder The file name will be td-jdbc-${jdbc.version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar. See the pom.xml file for more details.

To run production tests, write your apikey to $HOME/.td/td.conf:

  user = (e-mail address)
  apikey = (apikey)
  password = (password)

Buidling td-jdbc with JDK7 or higher

jdbc-api-4.1.jar, which is contained in mvn-local, is necessary to build td-jdbc using an older version (4.1) of JDBC API.

Building jdbc-api-4.1.jar on Mac OS X

$ jar xvf jar xvf /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bundle/Classes/classes.jar java/sql javax/sql
$ jar cvf jdbc-api-4.1.jar java javax
$ mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file://(path to td-jdbc folder)/mvn-local -Dfile=jdbc-api-4.1.jar -DgroupId=com.treasuredata.thirdparty -DartifactId=jdbc-api -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=4.1

### Publish to Sonatype

The following operations basically follows [this document](

- Setup your Sonatype account and GPG key
- Prepare `~/.m2/settings.xml` like this

sonatype-nexus-staging $(your account) ********** ``` - Execute these commands
$ mvn release:clean release:prepare
$ mvn release:perform