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Tuya Environment Monitor Demo Through IoTOS Embedded Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy SDK

English | 中文


This demo describes how to develop an environment monitor by using the Tuya IoT Platform, Tuya Smart app, and IoTOS Embedded Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy SDK. It uses Tuya Wi-Fi modules and Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Low Energy modules to provide smart functions such as remote data monitoring and remote automatic control.

The following features have been implemented:

  • Flame detection

  • Smoke detection

  • Combustible gas detection

  • PM2.5 detection

  • Formaldehyde detection

  • Auto power off

Get started

Build and flash

  • Download Tuya IoTOS Embedded Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Low Energy SDK.

  • Download the demo to the apps directory of the SDK directory.

    $ cd apps
    $ git clone
  • Execute the following command in the SDK root directory to start building.

    sh ./apps/tuya-iotos-embeded-demo-wifi-ble-environment-monitor tuya-iotos-embeded-demo-wifi-ble-environment-monitor 1.0.0 
  • For more information about firmware flashing and authorization, see Wi-Fi + BLE Modules.


├── include
│ ├── common
│ │ ├── device_config_load.h
│ │ ├── light_printf.h
│ │ ├── light_types.h
│ ├── soc
│ │ ├── soc_adc.h
│ │ ├── soc_pwm.h
│ │ ├── soc_timer.h
│ ├── tuya_environment_monitor.h
│ ├── tuya_device.h
│ └── tuya_dp_process.h
└── src
    ├── soc 					// Tuya SDK SoC layer API file
    │ ├── soc_adc.c
    │ ├── soc_pwm.c
    │ └── soc_timer.c
    ├── tuya_environment_monitor.c	// Main function implementation of the environment monitor
    ├── tuya_device.c 		// Application entry file
    └── tuya_dp_process.c 	// Data point (DP) processing file

Demo entry

Entry file: tuya_device.c

Important functions: device_init()

  • Call the tuya_iot_wf_soc_dev_init_param() interface to initialize the SDK, configure the operating mode and pairing mode, register various callback functions, and store the firmware key and PID.

  • Call the tuya_iot_reg_get_wf_nw_stat_cb() interface to register the callback function of the device network status.

  • Call the application layer initialization function air_box_device_init().

Data point related interface

  • Report the DP through dev_report_dp_json_async().
Function name OPERATE_RET dev_report_dp_json_async(IN CONST CHAR_T *dev_id,IN CONST TY_OBJ_DP_S *dp_data,IN CONST UINT_T cnt)
devid The device ID (if the device is a gateway, MCU, SOC device, then devid = NULL. If it is a sub-device, then devid = sub-device_id)
dp_data The DP struct array name
cnt The number of elements of the DP struct array
return OPRT_OK: success, other: failure

I/O List

RS2255 Smoke sensor Combustible gas sensor Flame sensor PM2.5 sensor Formaldehyde sensor Power off
A P6 A1 A2 P8 UART1 UART2 P24
B P7 RS2255_A:0, RS2255_B:1 RS2255_A:1, RS2255_B:0 Baud Rate: 9600 Baud Rate: 9600


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