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Creating an Installation Package

Mat Kelly edited this page Mar 19, 2019 · 5 revisions

Play! provides a mechanism to create an 'installation package' for an application (see the official documentation here, refer to the 'Using the stage task' section).

To create an installation package, you need Play! installed on your machine; and Monitrix needs to be installed as documented in 'Installing Monitrix from the Git Repository'. Change into the monitrix folder and create the package using the command

$ play clean compile stage

This cleans and compiles your application, retrieves the required dependencies and copies them to the target/staged directory. You can ZIP the entire monitrix folder, move to another machine, and start Monitrix using the target/start script:

$ target/start

Note: the only requirement on the machine to host Monitrix is that it needs to have the Java 6 JDK installed (not just the JRE!)