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Jeopardy Board

Jeopardy! The great American quiz show has been a staple of network television since the 60s. In this project we will be creating our own Jeopardy board which we will build the functionality for in later weeks. For now we're going to focus on site design and navigation.

This site will consist of 4 pages; a landing page, round 1 page, double jeopardy, and final jeopardy.


Landing Page

Round 1

Double Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy

Stories - Week 3

The Landing Page

Given LiveServer is running

When the user visits http://localhost:5500

Then they should see the landing page

And there should be a centered title at the top of the page

And A centered image that represents your Jeopardy game (feel free to just use the Jeopardy logo)

And a "Start Game" button centered below the image

Navigation Round 1

Given the user is on the landing page

When they click the Start Game button

Then they should be routed to the Round 1 page

Round 1

Given the user is on the round 1 page

Then they should see a title, that indicates it's round 1

And a place to notify whose turn it is to turn a question

And a 6X6 grid with category names across the top row, and points from 100 - 500 below each category

And the grid should be centered on the page

And a text field, and two buttons, "Guess", and "Pass" centered below the grid

And a place to represent at least two scores

And a link in the lower right corner of the page

Double Jeopardy Navigation

Given the user is on the round one page

When they click the link in the lower right corner

Then they should be taken to the double Jeopardy page

Double Jeopardy

Given the user is on the Double Jeopardy page

Then they should see a title, that indicates it's Double Jeopardy

And a 6X6 grid with category names across the top row, and points from 200 - 1000 below each category

And the grid should be centered on the page

And a text field, and two buttons, "Guess", and "Pass" centered below the grid

And a place to represent at least two scores

And a link in the lower right corner of the page

Final Jeopardy Navigation

Given the user is on the Double Jeopardy page

When they click the link in the lower right corner

Then they should be taken to the Final Jeopardy page

Final Jeopardy

Given the user is on the Final Jeopardy page

Then they should see a title indicating it's Final Jeopardy

And a single section with a topic in it

And two forms

  • one with a field for the amount you want to bet.
  • one for the final answer, the button for which should be disabled


  • When you first visit the homepage, it should play the Jeopardy theme
  • The site should have animated elements
  • Make the site fully mobile responsive

Jeopardy Game

Jeopardy! The great American quiz show has been a staple of network television since the 60s. In this project we will be creating our own Jeopardy games that will run in the browser using the awesome powers of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!

The game of Jeopardy consists of several players that compete to earn points by selecting questions of varying points values from a board. The board is a 6 X 6 square with each column representing a category, and the first row containing the titles of each category, and every row after being increasingly difficult questions (with correspondingly higher point values) for their categories

If you don't want to have to come up with 61 individual questions you can use a site like this one to generate questions for you

Stories - Week 4

Ready, Set, Go!

Given the user is on the landing page

When the user clicks the 'Start Game' button

Then the user is redirected to the Round 1 page

And a URL fragment is added to the path to let the program know it's the multiplayer game

Start the Game

Given the user has just been redirected to the Round 1 page

When the page loads

Then there is a notification that it is player 1's turn to choose

And the "Guess", and "Pass" question buttons are disabled

And a round timer begins counting down from 5 minutes

Select a Question

Given an empty board, and player 1 is currently up

When the user selects a card

Then the score on the card is replaced by a question

And the "Submit Answer" button is enabled

And the "Pass Question" button is enabled

And a question timer begins counting down from 5 seconds

Pass a Question

Given a question has been chosen

When the user clicks on the "Pass Question" button

Then player 2 gets an opportunity to answer the question

And the notification area changes to player 2's turn

And the question timer resets*

*You should assume from here on out that any time a new question is chosen, or the player changes the question timer should reset

Answer a Question Correctly

Given a question has been chosen

When the user submits an answer

And the answer is correct

Then the game awards the player the amount of points that were on the card

And the card is removed from the board

And the current player does not change

Answer a Question Incorrectly

Given a question has been chosen

When the user submits an answer

And the answer is incorrect

Then the game subtracts the point total from the player's score

And the other player gets a chance to answer the question

And if no one guesses correctly the original player gets to choose a new question

Score Board

Given the game has been started

When the score changes

Then the game should display each player's current score on the page

Only Allow One Question

Given a card has been selected

When the user tries to pick a new card

Then the question does not change

And the game alerts the player that they must answer, or pass the question

End Round 1

Given the Round timer has run out

Or the board has been cleared

Then the game automatically routes you to the Double Jeopardy page

And the game scores, and game logic remain the same

Hint: You can use query parameters in the URL to pass score information between pages

Final Jeopardy

Given Double Jeopardy has ended (either through clearing the board or time running out)

When the user is redirected to the Final Jeopardy page

Then they should be presented with a category

And prompted to make a wager up to their maximum point total

Let's Make a Wager!

Given we're on the Final Jeopardy page

When all players have made a wager

Then the question is revealed

And all players get a chance to answer the question before the answer is revealed

Winning the Game

Given all players have answered the final question

When the last answer is submitted

Then the amount wagered is added or subtracted from the total score

And the game should notify the users who won based on the final score


More players

Given the user is on the landing page

When the user clicks "Start Game"

Then the game should ask how many players are playing

And create that number of players for score tracking

Say my Name!

Given the the user is on the landing page

When the user clicks "Start Game"

Then the game should allow the user(s) to set their player names

And should use those names throughout the game

Random Questions

Given a game has been started

When the board is generated

Then generate a random set of questions, and/or categories to be used for the game

Daily Double

Given a game is started

When the board is generated

Then two random questions should be set as the "Daily Double" and are worth twice the amount of points on their cards


jeopardy-benjaminragland created by GitHub Classroom






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