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You are annoyed by the long compilation time when you use fmt lib. Now your code will take even longer to compile, and programs will run even faster.


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You are annoyed by the long compilation time when you use fmt lib. Now your code will take even longer to compile, and programs will run even faster.

Getting started

Hello world

#include <format.h> // include full library 

namespace fmt = constexpr_format; // short namespace alias 
using namespace fmt::literals; // for use ""_fmt literal

int main()
    std::cout << fmt::format("Hello {}!"_fmt, "world") << std::endl;
    fmt::print("Hello {}!\n"_fmt, "world");
    fmt::println("Hello {}!"_fmt, "world");
    // also can use
    // fmt::print("Hello world!\n"_fmt);

Is this true at compile time?


#include <format.h> // include full library 

namespace fmt = constexpr_format; // short namespace alias 
using namespace fmt::literals; // for use ""_fmt literal

int main()
    fmt::println("Hello {}!"_fmt, "world", "lol"); // static assertion failed
    fmt::println("Hello {}!"_fmt); // static assertion failed
    fmt::println("Hello { }!"_fmt, "world"); // static assertion failed
    fmt::println("Hello {!"_fmt, "world"); // static assertion failed

    fmt::println("Hello {1}!"_fmt, "hello world");
    fmt::println("{0} {0}!"_fmt, "Hello", "world");
    // and others

Convert custom types to string

std::string operator

#include <format.h>

namespace fmt = constexpr_format;
using namespace fmt::literals;

struct string_wrapper
    std::string str;
    explicit operator std::string() const noexcept
        return str;

int main()
    // it's javascript?
    fmt::print(R"("{}" + "{}" == "{}")"_fmt, string_wrapper{"1"}, string_wrapper{"2"}, string_wrapper{"12"});

operator<< for ostream

#include <format.h>

template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct pair
    T1 first;
    T2 second;

    friend auto& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, pair<T1, T2> pair) {
        stream << "(" << pair.first << ", " << pair.second << ")";
        return stream;

template<typename T1, typename T2>
pair(T1, T2) -> pair<T1, T2>;

int main()
    namespace fmt = constexpr_format;
    using namespace fmt::literals;

    fmt::print("{0} + {1} == {1} + {0} == {2}"_fmt, 
    /* #0 */   pair{1, 2}, 
    /* #1 */   pair{2, 1}, 
    /* #2 */   pair{3, 3});

temporary built in converting

#include <format.h>

namespace fmt = constexpr_format;
using namespace fmt::literals;

template<fmt::formatable T1, fmt::formatable T2>
struct fmt::string_converter<std::pair<T1, T2>>
    std::string operator()(const std::pair<T1, T2> pair) const noexcept ( /* after creating noexcept integral conversion in new version */ )
        return fmt::format("({}, {})"_fmt, pair.first, pair.second);        



You are annoyed by the long compilation time when you use fmt lib. Now your code will take even longer to compile, and programs will run even faster.






