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{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.17134}\viewkind4\uc1 
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\b\f0\fs22\lang9 How to install the extension\b0 :\par
Go to: chrome://extensions/\par
Click on: Load unpacked (button on the top left of the screen)\par
Navigate to the folder where you have unzipped this zip and hit\b : Select folder\b0 .\par
The feed should be available on the extension popup. Give it some time to load.\par
\b Feature of grabbing the some URL\b0 :\par
Every 6 minutes, the extension makes a call to this router:\par
{{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK }}{\fldrslt{\ul0\cf0}}}}\f0\fs22\par
which has the info for which website it should open. From that dashboard, the URL is set.\par
In this case, the API call is made to this:\par
{{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK }}{\fldrslt{\ul0\cf0}}}}\f0\fs22\par
Which serves us the message of what URL it will open, and that in our current case is:\par
{{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK }}{\fldrslt{\ul0\cf0}}}}\f0\fs22\par
That website will open every 6 min in \b new tab\b0 . Reason for putting it into the new tab is because if it opens in the current one, the user might get frustrated and interupted in what he/she is doing, so new tab is a good choice. \par
NOTE: This mockable account is under demo and will expire within 24h. \par
\b Feature of RSS feed:\par
\b0 How this works is that I have entered your website into the google feed engine which can be located at:\par
{{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK }}{\fldrslt{\ul0\cf0}}}}\f0\fs22\par
listens from that place the changes \b every 1 min \b0 (defaulted) and appends the new article into the browser popup. Along with the alert bar with the red background, shows the amount of articles that user has not read.\par
Once he clicks on the article, the number is reduced. Or he can select\b : Mark all as Read \b0 button, and the alert will be cleared.\b\par


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